Lecture 13 recording uploaded |
פורסם ב-30/1/2021, 07:39:15 Created on 30/1/2021, 07:39:15 Создано30/1/2021, 07:39:15 تم النشر ب-30/1/2021, 07:39:15 |
Lecture 12 recording uploaded |
פורסם ב-27/1/2021, 12:08:45 Created on 27/1/2021, 12:08:45 Создано27/1/2021, 12:08:45 تم النشر ب-27/1/2021, 12:08:45 |
HW3 is graded | |
Hi guys, HW 3 is graded. In general, all the submissions were great and I hope you enjoyed the exercise. There was one common issue among several groups which caused the deduction of 6 points and that was the choice of params. While I did not mention this explicitly, at this point along the course I expect you to choose parameters in an informative way. For example, groups that included a weight of 1.4 and 1.5 show good understanding because \sqrt{2}~ 1.41 is a "transition param" causes things to behave differently. A group that did not use Vanilla A* (i.e., w1 =1 ) or that chose w2 < 1 demonstrated that little thought was put into the set of params used to evaluate the algorithms. Oren |
פורסם ב-24/1/2021, 15:15:53 Created on 24/1/2021, 15:15:53 Создано24/1/2021, 15:15:53 تم النشر ب-24/1/2021, 15:15:53 |
Another 24 Hrs for HW3 | |
Added another day to submit Ex 3 |
פורסם ב-16/1/2021, 23:57:59 Created on 16/1/2021, 23:57:59 Создано16/1/2021, 23:57:59 تم النشر ب-16/1/2021, 23:57:59 |
HW 3 Submission date has been extended by 2 days |
פורסם ב-12/1/2021, 23:34:32 Created on 12/1/2021, 23:34:32 Создано12/1/2021, 23:34:32 تم النشر ب-12/1/2021, 23:34:32 |
Lecture 9 & 10 recordings uploaded | |
Hi all, Links to the recordings of L9 and L10 are under "course material". Sorry for the delay in uploading them. Oren |
פורסם ב-10/1/2021, 07:56:41 Created on 10/1/2021, 07:56:41 Создано10/1/2021, 07:56:41 تم النشر ب-10/1/2021, 07:56:41 |
HW3 Published | |
HW2 published. For any technical assistance (such as Python-related questions), please contact our TA Oren Peer (oren.peer2@gmail.com) Good luck! Oren |
פורסם ב-28/12/2020, 09:59:26 Created on 28/12/2020, 09:59:26 Создано28/12/2020, 09:59:26 تم النشر ب-28/12/2020, 09:59:26 |
HW2 Graded | |
Hi all, HW2 is graded. In general - great job! I hope you got some hands-on experience and intuition regarding how the different parameters affect the planners we learned. Some of the points that were deduced were because you did not provide what was asked of you - please make sure to read and follow the instructions carefully. Common things that caused points to be deduced: -3: Only one RRT version of RRT was used to plot the solution quality as a function of time and / or the the success rate as a function of time. -5: Sec 3.4, part (3) missing plots for RRT behavior -3: Sec 2, instead of eta_d(\eps) as a function of d for different values of \eps plotting eta_d(\eps) as a function of \eps for different values of d -3: visualizing only solution and not expanded states for A* or RRT tree for RRT / RRT* If you did not receive your HW back, either no points were deduced or one (or more) of the above were the only reasons points were taken off. Oren |
פורסם ב-28/12/2020, 09:27:08 Created on 28/12/2020, 09:27:08 Создано28/12/2020, 09:27:08 تم النشر ب-28/12/2020, 09:27:08 |
HW2 deadline postponed | |
The deadline for HW2 is pushed back to the 25th. |
פורסם ב-22/12/2020, 21:09:46 Created on 22/12/2020, 21:09:46 Создано22/12/2020, 21:09:46 تم النشر ب-22/12/2020, 21:09:46 |
HW2 Published | |
HW2 published. For any technical assistance (such as Python-related questions), please contact our TA Oren Peer (oren.peer2@gmail.com) Good luck! Oren |
פורסם ב-4/12/2020, 17:03:01 Created on 4/12/2020, 17:03:01 Создано4/12/2020, 17:03:01 تم النشر ب-4/12/2020, 17:03:01 |
HW1 graded | |
Hi all, HW1 is corrected and grades published. In general, nice work! There were multiple submissions that confused between a line and a segment which resulted in a wrong answer. One point was deduced for this case. For other mistakes, I returned the pdf with an explanation of why points were taken off. If you wish to discuss the HW - feel free to reach out. Oren |
פורסם ב-1/12/2020, 15:03:37 Created on 1/12/2020, 15:03:37 Создано1/12/2020, 15:03:37 تم النشر ب-1/12/2020, 15:03:37 |
HW1 deadline postponed | |
HW1 can be submitted until Friday 27/11 end of day. |
פורסם ב-25/11/2020, 20:35:19 Created on 25/11/2020, 20:35:19 Создано25/11/2020, 20:35:19 تم النشر ب-25/11/2020, 20:35:19 |
Size of an arrangement of lines | |
In last lecture we talked about the size of an arrangement of lines. There were several mistakes in the slide and I appologize. (1) The way we computed the number of vertices accounted for each vertex twice. We should have V = n(n-1)/2 and *not* V = n(n-1) (2) We can't use Euler's formula because we don't really have the bounding box (if you want to use it you should account for the additional edges / vertices) The real value is F = n^2/2 + n/2 + 1 The way to show this is by adding the lines one-by-one: Start with no lines and you have one face. When we add line number i we (*) add i additional edges (*) every edge splits a face in two Thus, we get 1 + sum_{i=1..n}(i) = 1 + n/2 + n^2/2 |
פורסם ב-18/11/2020, 21:06:49 Created on 18/11/2020, 21:06:49 Создано18/11/2020, 21:06:49 تم النشر ب-18/11/2020, 21:06:49 |
Size of an arrangement of lines | |
In last lecture we talked about the size of an arrangement of lines. There were several mistakes in the slide and I appologize. (1) The way we computed the number of vertices accounted for each vertex twice. We should have V = n(n-1)/2 and *not* V = n(n-1) (2) We can't use Euler's formula because we don't really have the bounding box (if you want to use it you should account for the additional edges / vertices) The real value is F = n^2/2 + n/2 + 1 The way to show this is by adding the lines one-by-one: Start with no lines and you have one face. When we add line number i we (*) add i additional edges (*) every edge splits a face in two Thus, we get 1 + sum_{i=1..n}(i) = 1 + n/2 + n^2/2 |
פורסם ב-18/11/2020, 21:06:49 Created on 18/11/2020, 21:06:49 Создано18/11/2020, 21:06:49 تم النشر ب-18/11/2020, 21:06:49 |
HW1 Notes | |
We created a Google doc that has answers to frequently asked questions and minor bug fixes. Please check it out. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18PbiimKEsHOyudksd2RVHh7T2CLGZN5r24BRtonHTho/edit?usp=sharing |
פורסם ב-18/11/2020, 11:37:09 Created on 18/11/2020, 11:37:09 Создано18/11/2020, 11:37:09 تم النشر ب-18/11/2020, 11:37:09 |
HW1 - correction1 | |
In the HW it states "square-shaped robot rotated by 90 degrees" Obviously this does not change the robot's geometry... What I meant was "an axis-aligned square-shaped robot rotated by 45 degrees" Best, Oren |
פורסם ב-16/11/2020, 08:58:19 Created on 16/11/2020, 08:58:19 Создано16/11/2020, 08:58:19 تم النشر ب-16/11/2020, 08:58:19 |
Links to recorded lectures | |
For those of you that asked for access to the video links: Once you get a notification that I added you, you can access the links through the course material (first two lectures already there. Third one will be available shortly). Best, Oren |
פורסם ב-12/11/2020, 10:16:51 Created on 12/11/2020, 10:16:51 Создано12/11/2020, 10:16:51 تم النشر ب-12/11/2020, 10:16:51 |
HW1 Published | |
HW1 published. For any technical assistance (such as Python-related questions), please contact our TA Oren Peer (oren.peer2@gmail.com) Good luck! Oren |
פורסם ב-11/11/2020, 13:22:34 Created on 11/11/2020, 13:22:34 Создано11/11/2020, 13:22:34 تم النشر ب-11/11/2020, 13:22:34 |
Lecture 2 notes available | |
I re-wrote the proofs we derived together so they would be more legible and uploaded them to the course material. Videos will be uploaded shortly. |
פורסם ב-4/11/2020, 09:10:12 Created on 4/11/2020, 09:10:12 Создано4/11/2020, 09:10:12 تم النشر ب-4/11/2020, 09:10:12 |
Zoom link | |
For those of you who could not find the zoom link it is: https://technion.zoom.us/j/96700862569?pwd=VWlJd29PQzNHWkJGZUVyMDcraDdoQT09 The passcode is the course number (236610) |
פורסם ב-27/10/2020, 16:21:40 Created on 27/10/2020, 16:21:40 Создано27/10/2020, 16:21:40 تم النشر ب-27/10/2020, 16:21:40 |
Technical instructions for class lectures | |
We are starting a challenging semester and I hope that together we will be able to learn and even enjoy our time together. Below are a few technical details for how to conduct our online lectures: (1) Please open your cameras when joining the class - online learning creates barriers to the personal interactions possible in class which in turn, can compromise the teaching quality. Turning cameras off reduces the possible interaction even more. (2) At the beginning of class you will be muted, feel free to unmute yourself to participate in a discussion or answer questions. Please mute yourself when you are done talking so we won't hear background noises. (3) I will not be able to look at the chat - feel free to use it to communicate between yourself but do not abuse it. (4) There is a link to the zoom meeting under "course material". Good luck to all of us, Oren |
פורסם ב-25/10/2020, 12:48:47 Created on 25/10/2020, 12:48:47 Создано25/10/2020, 12:48:47 تم النشر ب-25/10/2020, 12:48:47 |