In this seminar we will go over topics relating to Regular Transductions.
These are functions from words to words implemented by finite state machines, certain logics, and other models.
Instructions for participating in the seminar:
1. Each week a paper will be presented (by 1 or 2 students, depending on the registration).
2. A week before presenting (or earlier), you must meet with me to discuss your presentation, which parts to present and emphasize (as well as any questions you may have).
3. Scheduling the meeting above is your responsibility, and it is part of the course requirements.
4. The meeting should take place after you've read and understood the paper. I will be available to answer questions anytime.
Instructions for registering to the seminar:
1. Read the instructions for participation above.
2. Go over the list of papers in the "material" tab. Read at least the abstract of each of them, preferably more.
3. Email Shaull for further instructions. There are still a few slots left.