Credit points: 3.0
We are going to build a computer system "from the grounds up", starting with logical gates and basic components, ending with the classical game of Snake, fully functional.
This is the coolest project.
We are going to build a computer system "from the grounds up", starting with logical gates and basic components, ending with the classical game of Snake, fully functional.
Using state-of-the art hardware and software model-checking tools for the verification of complicated systems. We will construct a verifier based on first-order logic and cutting-edge solver technology such as Z3 and Spacer.
Course requirements
- Students will work as individuals or in pairs.
- We are going to have 4 milestones interspersed throughout the semester. Each team will present their progress at these times.
- At end of term, each team will present and demo their final project.
- 30% ongoing progress and milestone presentations
- 70% quality of the final project