- Introduction; logical gates for regular and for reversible computation; waves and particles; Mach-Zehnder interferometer; Intuition via quantum candies.
- Quantum mechanics - formalism: states, measurements, transformations, qubits (two-level systems), observables and expectation values, a quantum particle in an infinite/finite well.
- Classical and quantum information theory: Entropy, information; communication channels; distinguishing two orthogonal (quantum) states; correlations between two systems; no cloning - of nonorthogonal states; density matrices and mixed states; interaction with the environment; the most famous cat!
- Entanglement: Bell states, EPR paradox, teleportation, Bell's inequalities.
- Quantum gates: Hadamard, CNOT, Pauli matrices, and set of gates for universal quantum computing; Proof of universality of the Deutsch gate.
- Quantum algorithms and computation: Deutsch-Jozsa, Simon and Grover algorithm.
- Shor's factorization algorithm.
- Quantum Cryptography: Quantum Key Distribution, BB84 protocol; Security of QKD.
- Other topics will be briefly discussed. These may include: error correction, modern cryptology, implementations of qubits, generalized operations in quantum physics.
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