1. (20/11, דנה שבתי) Chasing Carbon: The Elusive Environmental Footprint of Computing, HPCA'20
2. (20/11, דניאל ברנסקי)ACT:Designing Sustainable Computer Systems With An Architectural Carbon Modeling Tool, ISCA'22
3. (27/11,דוד ניסנוב) Designing Cloud Servers for Lower Carbon,ISCA’24
4. (27/11, בר ציפורי) FOCAL: A First-Order Carbon Model to Assess Processor Sustainability, ASPLOS'24
1. (4/12, תומר בורידה) Junkyard Computing: Repurposing Discarded Smartphones to Minimize Carbon, ASPLOS'23
2. (4/12, מזל סיננייב)Transient Internet of Things: Redesigning the Lifetime of Electronics for a More Sustainable Networked Environment, HotCarbon’23 (short)
The Environmental Impact of Forever Chemicals in Computing Systems ,HotEthics'24 (short)
1. (11/12 רועי טייכמן) Yank: Enabling Green Data Centers to Pull the Plug, NSDI'13
2. (11/12 רנד סלאמה ) Carbon Explorer:A Holistic Framework for Designing Carbon Aware Datacenters, ASPLOS'23
3. (18/12 וג'דאן אסלים) Sustainable Computing –Without the Hot Air, SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review'23 (short)
Beyond PUE: Flexible Datacenters Empowering the Cloud to Decarbonize,HotCarbon'22 (short)
4. (18/12 נדב תמיר) Fairywren:A Sustainable Cache for Emerging Write-Read-Erase Flash Interfaces, OSDI’24
1. (25/12 רון צ׳רנוגוז) On the Limitations of Carbon-Aware Temporal and Spatial Workload Shifting in the Cloud, Eurosys'24
2. (25/12 יעל צ'ובר) Treehouse:A Case For Carbon-Aware Datacenter Software, SigEnergy 2023 (short)
Myths and Misconceptions Around Reducing Carbon Embedded in Cloud Platforms,HotCarbon'23 (short)
1/1 Guest Talk Dr Tamar Eilam
3. (8/1דולב ניסן Ecovisor: A Virtual Energy System for Carbon-Efficient Applications, ASPLOS'23
4. (8/1 מירה בלאן (Going Green for Less Green: Optimizing the Cost of Reducing Cloud Carbon Emissions, ASPLOS'24
5. (15/1 שחר כהן)) Carbon Containers: A System-level Facility for Managing Application-level Carbon Emissions, SoCC'23
1. (15/1 דן כליפה) Sustainable AI: Environmental Implications, Challenges and Opportunities, MLSys'22
2. (22/1 שחר פייבסקי) The Carbon Footprint of Machine Learning Training Will Plateau, Then Shrink, IEEE Computer’22 (short)
Beyond Efficiency: Scaling AI Sustainably, IEEE MICRO’24 (short)
3. Making AI Less"Thirsty": Uncovering and Addressing the Secret Water Footprint of AI Models, CACM’24
1. Green Hadoop: Leveraging Green Energy in Data-Processing Frameworks, Eurosys'12
2. (22/1 ירין בכור ) Toward Sustainable HPC: Carbon Footprint Estimation and Environmental Implications of HPC Systems, SC'23
1. (29/1 כריסטין חליל) Quantifying Carbon Emissions due to Online Third-Party Tracking, arxiv 2023
2. (29/1 קארין מטר) Understanding and Mitigating Webpage Data Bloat: Causes and Preventive Measures, HotCarbon’24 (short)
Streaming the future of sustainability, HotCarbon’24 (short)