Final Grades | |
Dear Students, The final grades of the course have been published. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-6/8/2023, 15:11:25 Created on 6/8/2023, 15:11:25 Создано6/8/2023, 15:11:25 تم النشر ب-6/8/2023, 15:11:25 |
Lab 2 and HW 2 Grades | |
Dear students, We published the grades of lab 2 and HW 2. To appeal, please make contact with Haitham until next Thursday. The appeal will be in an open notebook session. The final grade will be published after the grading of labs 3 + 4. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-19/7/2023, 18:58:33 Created on 19/7/2023, 18:58:33 Создано19/7/2023, 18:58:33 تم النشر ب-19/7/2023, 18:58:33 |
Official website is unavailable | |
Dear students, The official website is unavailable. The course material (Lectures + Tutorials) is under Course material. If you need anything, please contact us. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-3/7/2023, 13:46:54 Created on 3/7/2023, 13:46:54 Создано3/7/2023, 13:46:54 تم النشر ب-3/7/2023, 13:46:54 |
HW2 | |
Dear students, HW2 is online under Assigment -> HW2. Good luck Course Staff |
פורסם ב-2/7/2023, 19:19:58 Created on 2/7/2023, 19:19:58 Создано2/7/2023, 19:19:58 تم النشر ب-2/7/2023, 19:19:58 |
Lab 3 | |
Dear students, Lab 3 is online. Please see It's an elective lab. Who wants to submit lab 3 or 4 need to contact us by the next Monday 03/07/23. Good Luck, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-30/6/2023, 19:09:04 Created on 30/6/2023, 19:09:04 Создано30/6/2023, 19:09:04 تم النشر ب-30/6/2023, 19:09:04 |
Notes regarding the end of the class | |
Shalom to all the CAGD students On Sunday July 2nd, we will have our last class, 16:30-18:30, in Taub 6. 1. Immediately after class, we will send you HW2. If you do not receive HW2 by 19:00 on July 2nd, please Email us both (Haitham and Gershon) asap. Then, you will have to Email us back your solution by Monday July 3rd at 16:00. 2. If you like to submit Lab 3 and/or Lab 4 (the elective labs), please alert us by end of next week (by July 7th), via Email. We will coordinate with you when we grade your labs, but no later than a week after the end of exam period (August 9th). 3. Typically, we end the class with some state-of-the-art (SOTA) research work in CAGD, but this semester it was a bit difficult with all the disturbances we had. In (at 1:01 we are talking about uses of functional composition, something that was asked about on Sunday’s class) and you can find video recordings of such SOTA, if interested. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-26/6/2023, 09:16:01 Created on 26/6/2023, 09:16:01 Создано26/6/2023, 09:16:01 تم النشر ب-26/6/2023, 09:16:01 |
Lab 2 - Grading | |
Dear students, The grading of lab 2 is separated into two days. Monday (26/06) and Thursday (29/06). Each team should select one slot and fill their names into it. If there is a team that cannot come to the proposed timeslots, please contact us as soon as possible. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-25/6/2023, 16:46:02 Created on 25/6/2023, 16:46:02 Создано25/6/2023, 16:46:02 تم النشر ب-25/6/2023, 16:46:02 |
הרצאת השלמה Complementary lecture Дополнительная лекция محاضرة مكملة | |
Dear students, This is a kind reminder that today we are meeting at Taub 6 at 16:30. Tomorrow we will meet regularly at Taub 4 at 9:30. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-25/6/2023, 12:17:16 Created on 25/6/2023, 12:17:16 Создано25/6/2023, 12:17:16 تم النشر ب-25/6/2023, 12:17:16 |
Lab 2 Note | |
Dear students, Regarding connecting two curves into one B-spline curve. Only those that support that elective will demonstrate different degrees option. If they cannot join the two input curves into one B-spline curves, for whatever reason, they will still create a properly-continuous joint but will not make the input curves into one B-spline curve. Course staff |
פורסם ב-20/6/2023, 08:49:29 Created on 20/6/2023, 08:49:29 Создано20/6/2023, 08:49:29 تم النشر ب-20/6/2023, 08:49:29 |
Lab 4 | |
Dear Students, Lab 4 is online. It is an elective lab. Those who will want to submit, please contact the course staff (you are encouraged to implement them, and we will be flexible!). Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-18/6/2023, 20:48:04 Created on 18/6/2023, 20:48:04 Создано18/6/2023, 20:48:04 تم النشر ب-18/6/2023, 20:48:04 |
Several Notes | |
Dear students, The grades of Lab 1 and Assignment 1 have been published. For appeals, please make contact with Haitham until next week. Regarding Lab 2 the submission is until 25/06/23 midnight. Also, there was a question about the result when connecting curves in C_0/1.. continuity; the result should be one single B-spline curve without changing the first curve. Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-12/6/2023, 16:41:36 Created on 12/6/2023, 16:41:36 Создано12/6/2023, 16:41:36 تم النشر ب-12/6/2023, 16:41:36 |
Today Lecture | |
Dear students, This is a kind reminder for today's lecture. It will hold at Taub 601 from 16:30 to 19:30. Kind regards, course staff |
פורסם ב-11/6/2023, 11:02:40 Created on 11/6/2023, 11:02:40 Создано11/6/2023, 11:02:40 تم النشر ب-11/6/2023, 11:02:40 |
CAGD lectures schedule | |
Dear students, Please look at the updated lectures and tutorials schedule until the end of the semester and update your calendars accordingly. 1. 11/06/23 - Lecture 7 + Tutorial 7, 16:30 - 19:30, Taub 601. 2. 12/06/23 - Lecture 8 + Tutorial 8, 9:30 - 12:30 Taub 401. 3. 19/06/23 - Tutorial 9, 9:30 - 10:30, Taub 4. 4. 25/06/23 - Lecture 9 + Tutorial 10, 16:30 - 19:30, Taub 6. 5. 26/06/23 - Lecture 10 + Tutorial 11, 9:30 - 11:30, Taub 4. 6. 02/07/23 - Lecture 11, 16:30 - 18:30, Taub 6. Lab 2 new submission date: 26/06/23. For the elective Labs 3 + 4, those who will want to submit, please contact the course staff (you are encouraged to implement them, and we will be flexible!). Assignment 2, Hand In 02/07/2023, 18:30, Hand Out: 03/07/2023, 16:00. Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/6/2023, 14:47:35 Last updated on 5/6/2023, 14:47:35 Последняя модификация5/6/2023, 14:47:35 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/6/2023, 14:47:35 |
Strike has been over | |
Dear students, The strike has been over. Today there is no lecture/tutorial. We will publish a message for complementary lectures soon. Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-5/6/2023, 09:08:07 Created on 5/6/2023, 09:08:07 Создано5/6/2023, 09:08:07 تم النشر ب-5/6/2023, 09:08:07 |
Course deadlines | |
Dear students, All handout and handin days deadlines will be updated once the strike is over. Best regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-31/5/2023, 15:55:57 Created on 31/5/2023, 15:55:57 Создано31/5/2023, 15:55:57 تم النشر ب-31/5/2023, 15:55:57 |
Today complementary class | |
Dear students, Today there is no lecture today, and by all likelihood no lecture tomorrow (unless the strike is over tonight). Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-28/5/2023, 10:51:35 Last updated on 28/5/2023, 10:51:35 Последняя модификация28/5/2023, 10:51:35 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-28/5/2023, 10:51:35 |
Complementary Class | |
Dear students, If the strike is over by the 28th, we will hold a complementary class next week, on the 28th, from 16:30-19:30, in Taub 601. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-22/5/2023, 13:37:48 Created on 22/5/2023, 13:37:48 Создано22/5/2023, 13:37:48 تم النشر ب-22/5/2023, 13:37:48 |
Several Notes | |
Dear students, 1. The lecture of 12/06 will be held in Taub 401, 4th floor, due to events of the Technion’s board meeting. 2. The senior staff will be on strike starting today and until father notice. So tomorrow, there is no lecture or tutorial until a new message. Please make sure to be updated. Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-21/5/2023, 11:28:13 Last updated on 21/5/2023, 11:28:13 Последняя модификация21/5/2023, 11:28:13 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-21/5/2023, 11:28:13 |
Assignment 1 | |
Dear students, The submission of assignment 1 is until tomorrow morning, 16/05, 8:00. You can submit it via email to Haitham or under the door of Gershon office Taub 429. Best of luck, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-15/5/2023, 16:16:02 Created on 15/5/2023, 16:16:02 Создано15/5/2023, 16:16:02 تم النشر ب-15/5/2023, 16:16:02 |
Lab2 | |
Dear Students, Lab 2 is online. Please see Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-13/5/2023, 13:11:15 Created on 13/5/2023, 13:11:15 Создано13/5/2023, 13:11:15 تم النشر ب-13/5/2023, 13:11:15 |
דחית מועד ההגשה של תרגיל מעבדה 1 | |
סטודנטים יקרים, אנו מודיעים על דחית מועד ההגשה של תרגיל מעבדה 1 עד יום רביעי 10/05. הבדיקה של תרגיל מעבדה 1 תתבצע באופן פרונטלי במעבדה 446. בבדיקה חייבים להיות נוכחים כל השותפים. משך הבדיקה הוא כעשרים דקות, כל קבוצה חייבת לבחור זימון אחד מתוך רשימת הזימוניים המצורפת. למען הסר ספק, התרגיל חייב להיות מוגש עד יום רביעי 10/05 בחצות, גם אם תאריך הבדיקה נקבע למאוחר יותר. סטודנטים אשר אינם יכולים מסיבה כלשהיא להציג באחד המועדים המצורפים מתבקשים ליצור קשר עם היתם. בברכה, צוות הקורס |
פורסם ב-7/5/2023, 13:28:16 Created on 7/5/2023, 13:28:16 Создано7/5/2023, 13:28:16 تم النشر ب-7/5/2023, 13:28:16 |
שביטת הסגל הבכיר | |
סטודנטים יקרים, עקב שביטת הסגל הביכר בטכניון, ההרצאה הקרובה ביום שני 1.5.23 לא תתקיים. וגם התרגול לא יתקיים כדי שנחסוך לכם מהגעה כפולה. צוות הקורס |
פורסם ב-27/4/2023, 11:26:39 Created on 27/4/2023, 11:26:39 Создано27/4/2023, 11:26:39 تم النشر ب-27/4/2023, 11:26:39 |
אין שיעור ביום שני הקרוב | |
סטודנטים יקרים, בשבוע הבא יתקיים שיעור השלמה ביום ראשון 23.04 בטאוב 8 בין השעות 16:30 - 19:30. ביום שני 24.04 לא יתקיים שיעור. יום שני מועבר בטכניון כמתקונת יום חמישי. צוות הקורס |
עדכון אחרון ב-19/4/2023, 13:53:59 Last updated on 19/4/2023, 13:53:59 Последняя модификация19/4/2023, 13:53:59 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-19/4/2023, 13:53:59 |
Whatsapp group | |
Dear students, A Whatsapp group is opened for the course, for those who want can join. Best |
פורסם ב-19/4/2023, 11:52:43 Created on 19/4/2023, 11:52:43 Создано19/4/2023, 11:52:43 تم النشر ب-19/4/2023, 11:52:43 |
Lab 1 | |
Dear students, Lab 1 has been published - submission until 8.5.23. Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-17/4/2023, 12:17:53 Created on 17/4/2023, 12:17:53 Создано17/4/2023, 12:17:53 تم النشر ب-17/4/2023, 12:17:53 |
Course schedule | |
Dear students, Please read the following important dates, and update your calendars accordingly: 1. 23.04.23 (complementary) Taub 8, from 16:30 - 19:30 04.06.23 (complementary) Taub 4, from 16:30 - 19:30 19.06.23 - no class 3.07.23 - no class 2. The labs' dates: Lab 1 - Differential Geometry of curves (Mandatory Lab) I Release Date: 17/04/2023 I Submission Date: 08/05/2023 Lab 2 - Curves (Mandatory Lab) I Release Date: 15/05/2023 I Submission Date: 05/06/2023 Lab 3 - Surfaces I Release Date: 05/06/2023 I Submission Date: 26/06/2023 Lab 4 - Modeling I Release Date: 01/05/2023 I Submission Date: 26/06/2023 3. The HW assignments' dates: Assignment 1 I Hand In: 15/05/2023 I Hand Out: 16/05/2023, 08:30 Assignment 2 I Hand In: 26/06/2023 I Hand Out: 27/06/2023, 08:30 Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-7/4/2023, 14:19:36 Created on 7/4/2023, 14:19:36 Создано7/4/2023, 14:19:36 تم النشر ب-7/4/2023, 14:19:36 |
חומר הקורס | |
סטודנטים יקרים, התרגולים וההרצאות הועלו לאתר תחת "חומר הקורס". שלד הת"ב הועלה תחת "תרגילי בית", אנא הורידו אותו ובדקו שהוא עובד לכם בהקדם. בברכה, צוות הקורס |
פורסם ב-3/4/2023, 20:15:16 Created on 3/4/2023, 20:15:16 Создано3/4/2023, 20:15:16 تم النشر ب-3/4/2023, 20:15:16 |
אין לימודים | |
סטודנוטים יקרים, בתום ישיבה מיוחדת שהקיימו הערב ראשי אוניברסיטאות המחקר בישראל הוחלט: אוניברסיטאות המחקר בישראל יעצרו את הלימודים החל ממחר בבוקר. ולכן אין לימודים מחר. אני מבקש מכל הסטודנטים הלא הרשומים לקורס באופן רשמי או שומעים חופשיים, לשלוח למתרגל היתם ( את השם שלהם + דואר אלקטרוני/מספר טלפון. כדי שנוכל לעדכן אתכם במידת הצורך. בברכה, צוות הקורס |
פורסם ב-26/3/2023, 23:50:06 Created on 26/3/2023, 23:50:06 Создано26/3/2023, 23:50:06 تم النشر ب-26/3/2023, 23:50:06 |