(Yet another) new room 644 | |
Starting next week, we will be in 644. Hopefully, the noise level will be more reasonable. |
פורסם ב-22/12/2024, 12:46:28 Created on 22/12/2024, 12:46:28 Создано22/12/2024, 12:46:28 تم النشر ب-22/12/2024, 12:46:28 |
New room 601 | |
Dear All, Starting next week we will be in room 601. Hopefully the noise level will be more bearable there. Best, Miri |
פורסם ב-15/12/2024, 12:23:18 Created on 15/12/2024, 12:23:18 Создано15/12/2024, 12:23:18 تم النشر ب-15/12/2024, 12:23:18 |
Reminder: no class tomorrow 1.12 | |
Dear All, This is a reminder that per our planned schedule there will be no class tomorrow 1.12. Best, Miri |
פורסם ב-30/11/2024, 16:24:21 Created on 30/11/2024, 16:24:21 Создано30/11/2024, 16:24:21 تم النشر ب-30/11/2024, 16:24:21 |
Presentation dates update & Next week | |
Dear Students, A reminder: I didn't schedule anyone for the 17.11 (upcoming Sunday), so you all have enough time to prepare. Hence, there will be no lecture on this date. In addition, there was a small update to the presentation dates: 1) 24.11 (Roy & Shir) 2) 8.12 (Neta & Gilly) 3) 15.12 (Tomer & Tomer) 4) 22.12 (Dana & Ido) 5) 5.1 (Tal & Roy) 6) 12.1 (Gilli & Ido) 7) 19.1 (Neta & Dana) 8) 26.1 (Shir & Tal) Best, Miri |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/11/2024, 17:52:54 Last updated on 14/11/2024, 17:52:54 Последняя модификация14/11/2024, 17:52:54 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/11/2024, 17:52:54 |
Presentation dates | |
Dear All, Here is the list of presentation dates. You can choose which paper you prefer for the first and second presentation. We'll skip the lecture next week, so you all have enough time prepare. Please remember to send me the slides the *Thursday* before your talk. 1) 24.11 (Roy & Shir) 2) 8.12 (Neta & Gilly) 3) 15.12 (Tomer & Tomer) 4) 22.12 (Dana & Ido) 5) 5.1 (Shir & Roy) 6) 12.1 (Gilli & Ido) 7) 19.1 (Neta & Dana) 8) 26.1 (TBA) Best, Miri |
פורסם ב-10/11/2024, 19:24:12 Created on 10/11/2024, 19:24:12 Создано10/11/2024, 19:24:12 تم النشر ب-10/11/2024, 19:24:12 |
Meetings | |
Dear All, Note that the course will be held in room 401. There is a safe room on floor 4 which can be reached very quickly. Best, Miri |
פורסם ב-5/11/2024, 19:48:36 Created on 5/11/2024, 19:48:36 Создано5/11/2024, 19:48:36 تم النشر ب-5/11/2024, 19:48:36 |
Signup reminder | |
Dear All, This is a reminder that you should sign up to present papers. Please pick a paper from here: https://tinyurl.com/2yvhrp2m and sign up here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GC-T09HZT1FvqXrjr1lZkNxcmzvJXBKlt-34Q1mvm1I/edit?usp=sharing . *Sign up by Nov 9th midnight!* Thanks, Miri |
פורסם ב-4/11/2024, 11:54:07 Created on 4/11/2024, 11:54:07 Создано4/11/2024, 11:54:07 تم النشر ب-4/11/2024, 11:54:07 |
Welcome to the course, pick a paper! | |
Dear Students, Welcome to the course 236628, Advanced topics in CG! I will give the first lecture on Nov 10th, and we will start with students' lectures the week after that (Nov 17th). Please pick a paper from here: https://tinyurl.com/2yvhrp2m and sign up here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GC-T09HZT1FvqXrjr1lZkNxcmzvJXBKlt-34Q1mvm1I/edit?usp=sharing . *Sign up by Nov 9th midnight!* Each student will present two papers. You can sign up now for one paper or for both. The schedule will be provided on *Nov 10th evening*. I wish you all a productive and fun semester. Miri ------ PS If you have questions feel free to email me *only* at umirelaatcs.technion.ac.il. |
עדכון אחרון ב-29/10/2024, 17:33:27 Last updated on 29/10/2024, 17:33:27 Последняя модификация29/10/2024, 17:33:27 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-29/10/2024, 17:33:27 |