Final grades are online! | |
If you have any questions\problems regarding your grade, please contact Ohad untill April 4th. Good day! |
פורסם ב-28/3/2017, 16:57:45 Created on 28/3/2017, 16:57:45 Создано28/3/2017, 16:57:45 تم النشر ب-28/3/2017, 16:57:45 |
Home Work 3 is Published | |
The third (and last) home work is published and available online. Submission is to Ohad's mail box on floor 5. |
פורסם ב-14/1/2017, 22:10:44 Created on 14/1/2017, 22:10:44 Создано14/1/2017, 22:10:44 تم النشر ب-14/1/2017, 22:10:44 |
Question 3.b. in Homework 2 | |
If you had trouble solving question 3.b. of homework 2, you can try using the following hint. Consider an artificial universe X={1,2,...,n}, where n=pk (for some large enough p). The ground set for the Max-Coverage problem consists of all subsets of X of size p, and each element i of X defines a subset S_i for the Max-Coverage problem as follows: S_i contains all subsets of X of size p that include i. Use the above example (with large enough p) to solve question 3.b. If more time is needed to solve the exercise please feel free to submit it until Thursday this week (12.1). |
פורסם ב-9/1/2017, 16:46:02 Created on 9/1/2017, 16:46:02 Создано9/1/2017, 16:46:02 تم النشر ب-9/1/2017, 16:46:02 |
Hw1 Grades are online! | |
The papers will be at the secretary (for undergraduate), for those of you who are graduate, the papers will be at your mailbox at the 5th floor. If you want to appeal, please contact Ohad. |
פורסם ב-9/1/2017, 13:34:29 Created on 9/1/2017, 13:34:29 Создано9/1/2017, 13:34:29 تم النشر ب-9/1/2017, 13:34:29 |
Class Changes in the Coming Two Weeks | |
On Tuesday January 17th there will be no class. Instead there will be a class on Sunday January 8th at 16:30-18:30 at Taub 4. Note that the class on Tuesday January 10th will be held as usual. |
פורסם ב-2/1/2017, 12:59:08 Created on 2/1/2017, 12:59:08 Создано2/1/2017, 12:59:08 تم النشر ب-2/1/2017, 12:59:08 |
Home Work 2 is Published | |
The second home work is published and available online. Submission is to Ohad's mail box on floor 5. |
עדכון אחרון ב-25/12/2016, 02:08:48 Last updated on 25/12/2016, 02:08:48 Последняя модификация25/12/2016, 02:08:48 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-25/12/2016, 02:08:48 |
Home Work Submission | |
Please submit all home work to Ohad's mail box on floor 5, and NOT to the course box on floor 1. |
פורסם ב-12/12/2016, 13:35:06 Created on 12/12/2016, 13:35:06 Создано12/12/2016, 13:35:06 تم النشر ب-12/12/2016, 13:35:06 |
Announcements | |
1. The first homework is published and available online. 2. For the rest of the semester classes will be held in Taub 301. |
עדכון אחרון ב-28/11/2016, 18:05:33 Last updated on 28/11/2016, 18:05:33 Последняя модификация28/11/2016, 18:05:33 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-28/11/2016, 18:05:33 |
Change of Room Tomorrow | |
Hi, Tomorrow Tuesday 22.11 class will be held in Taub 301. |
פורסם ב-21/11/2016, 16:58:51 Created on 21/11/2016, 16:58:51 Создано21/11/2016, 16:58:51 تم النشر ب-21/11/2016, 16:58:51 |
Welcome to Approximation Algorithms 236521 | |
Welcome to the course "Approximation Algorithms" 236521. The course staff wishes you an interesting and fun semester. |
עדכון אחרון ב-25/10/2016, 11:38:52 Last updated on 25/10/2016, 11:38:52 Последняя модификация25/10/2016, 11:38:52 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-25/10/2016, 11:38:52 |