The course will cover several core topics in the principles of data management and databases, focusing on aspects of uncertainty. It will begin with the foundations of query languages, and particularly expressiveness and complexity. You will learn how properties of acyclicity (or “approximate” acyclicity, i.e., bounded treewidth) of joins can be utilized for efficient query evaluation. In addition, we will study the Atserias-Grohe-Marx (AGM) bound for the size of a join result, and its relationship to the complexity of join evaluation. Next, the course will cover the basic theory of data exchange (i.e., transforming data of one application/schema to a different one), and in particular, the common ways of handling the inherent uncertainty thereof. Finally, the course will cover various principles and techniques for managing uncertain data: incomplete databases, inconsistent databases, and probabilistic databases. On each notion of uncertainty we will focus on two aspects: syntax vs. semantics, and query evaluation.
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