Functional Specification | |
The template can be found in the material section. | |
הערות: Notes: Примечания: ملاحظات: | Solidity project may submit until March 28 (at 23:59). Other projects must submit until March 24 (at 23:59). |
תאריך הגשה: Due date: День сдачи: تاريخ تسليم: | 24/03/2022 23:59 |
הגשה אלקטרונית Electronic Submit Электронная сдача تسليم الكتروني | |
ההגשה חייבת להיות בקובץ PDF. Submission must be a PDF file. Подача должна быть в форме pdf-файла. التسليم يجب أن يكون ملف PDF. |
Link to the Project Log | |
We’ve decided to enforce a new project logging policy during this semester. Each team is required to maintain a project log recording your progress during the semester. 1. The log must be a shared google docs file (or a Office 365 shared word file if you do not want to use accounts other than your Technion credentials). 2. The document should begin with the project name, and the team members. Include the name, ID and email address for each team member. 3. Each update to the log must summarize the progress you’ve made since the last update. Begin each update with the current date. Also, indicate individual progress when relevant. 4. Progress can be anything related to the project: coding, testing, debugging, experimenting, designing, studying related topics, writing documentations or even simply “thinking” about things related to the project (plans, problems, etc.). It’s completely fine if you sometimes make no progress for any reason (including being busy with other courses), don’t worry about it. 5. Update your log weekly. 6. Add the link to your shared document in the corresponding assignment in the course website. | |
הגשה אלקטרונית Electronic Submit Электронная сдача تسليم الكتروني | |
ההגשה יכולה להיות מכל סוג קובץ. אם ברצונכם להגיש מספר קבצים, עליכם להשתמש ב-ZIP ולהגיש את קובץ ה-ZIP. Submission may be any file type. If you wish to include several files, you need to ZIP them into one ZIP file. Submission may be any file type. If you wish to include several files, you need to ZIP them into one ZIP file. Submission may be any file type. If you wish to include several files, you need to ZIP them into one ZIP file. |
High Level Design | |
You must submit the High-Level Design document by Sunday May1st, 2022 at 14:00. The template can be found in the Course Material section. | |
הערות: Notes: Примечания: ملاحظات: | We will hold (physical) meeting to review your documents on the week of May 8. A link to reserve a timeslot would be published soon. |
תאריך הגשה: Due date: День сдачи: تاريخ تسليم: | 01/05/2022 14:00 |
הגשה אלקטרונית Electronic Submit Электронная сдача تسليم الكتروني | |
ההגשה חייבת להיות בקובץ PDF. Submission must be a PDF file. Подача должна быть в форме pdf-файла. التسليم يجب أن يكون ملف PDF. |
Project Submission | |
הגשה אלקטרונית Electronic Submit Электронная сдача تسليم الكتروني | |
ההגשה יכולה להיות מכל סוג קובץ. אם ברצונכם להגיש מספר קבצים, עליכם להשתמש ב-ZIP ולהגיש את קובץ ה-ZIP. Submission may be any file type. If you wish to include several files, you need to ZIP them into one ZIP file. Submission may be any file type. If you wish to include several files, you need to ZIP them into one ZIP file. Submission may be any file type. If you wish to include several files, you need to ZIP them into one ZIP file. |