Moed B Grades | |
Dear students, The grades for Moed B are now published on the course website. Scans will be available soon. Appeals should be sent to Gilad Shmerler up to 3 days after the scans would be available. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-10/6/2024, 12:29:03 Created on 10/6/2024, 12:29:03 Создано10/6/2024, 12:29:03 تم النشر ب-10/6/2024, 12:29:03 |
הגשת ערעורים למועד א׳ - עדכון | |
שלום רב, הסריקות כעת מפורסמות במערכת הטכניון. לכן, אנחנו מעדכנים את ההודעה האחרונה שנשלחה בנושא: ערעורים יכולים להישלח עד יום שבת בערב. תשובות לערעורים יוחזרו עד יום ראשון בערב. הערעורים צריכים להישלח ליואב יעבץ, וצריכים להכיל את טופס המבחן הסרוק בתוספת הערעור. אם מישהו צריך עוד זמן לכתוב את הערעור, הוא מוזמן לפנות ליואב יעבץ במייל. נזכיר כי מועד ב׳ עתיד להתקיים ביום ראשון הקרוב, ה-9.6, בשעה 17:30. בהצלחה והמשך סוף שבוע נעים, סגל הקורס. |
פורסם ב-30/5/2024, 11:01:28 Created on 30/5/2024, 11:01:28 Создано30/5/2024, 11:01:28 تم النشر ب-30/5/2024, 11:01:28 |
Moed A grades | |
Dear students, The grades for Moed A are now published on the course website. Scans will be available on Sunday. Those who would like to appeal can send an email to Gilad Shmerler until Monday evening. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-29/5/2024, 17:42:16 Created on 29/5/2024, 17:42:16 Создано29/5/2024, 17:42:16 تم النشر ب-29/5/2024, 17:42:16 |
HW3 grades are published | |
Dear students, HW3 grades are published. Appeals can be sent until Thursday, 29.5. Regards, Course staff. |
פורסם ב-27/5/2024, 18:39:08 Created on 27/5/2024, 18:39:08 Создано27/5/2024, 18:39:08 تم النشر ب-27/5/2024, 18:39:08 |
HW2 grades are published | |
Dear students, HW2 grades are published. Appeals can be sent to Orel until 19.05. Regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-16/5/2024, 09:23:57 Created on 16/5/2024, 09:23:57 Создано16/5/2024, 09:23:57 تم النشر ب-16/5/2024, 09:23:57 |
כיתת הארכת זמן | |
שלום לכולם, מי שזכאי להארכת זמן, אך שובץ בחדר שונה מאולמן 503 - מתבקש להגיע כחצי שעה לפני תחילת הבחינה על מנת שנוכל להעבירו לכיתת הארכת זמן. יש להביא אישור מודפס. בהצלחה, צוות הקורס. |
פורסם ב-15/5/2024, 16:09:59 Created on 15/5/2024, 16:09:59 Создано15/5/2024, 16:09:59 تم النشر ب-15/5/2024, 16:09:59 |
Announcement | |
Dear students, We uploaded a recording of lecture number 9 and Moed A cover page. Good luck studying for the exam. Regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-9/5/2024, 13:48:46 Created on 9/5/2024, 13:48:46 Создано9/5/2024, 13:48:46 تم النشر ب-9/5/2024, 13:48:46 |
Formula Pages | |
Dear students, The formula pages for the exam have been published under "Course Material" section. Best regards, Course staff. |
פורסם ב-10/4/2024, 10:33:23 Created on 10/4/2024, 10:33:23 Создано10/4/2024, 10:33:23 تم النشر ب-10/4/2024, 10:33:23 |
Guest Lecture This Sunday | |
Dear students, Quick reminder: This Sunday's lecture will feature a guest speaker. Attendance is mandatory. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-6/4/2024, 16:04:41 Created on 6/4/2024, 16:04:41 Создано6/4/2024, 16:04:41 تم النشر ب-6/4/2024, 16:04:41 |
Guest Lecture This Sunday from NVIDIA | |
Dear students, Quick reminder: This Sunday's lecture will feature a guest speaker from NVIDIA, covering an interesting topic. Attendance is mandatory. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-27/3/2024, 20:00:09 Created on 27/3/2024, 20:00:09 Создано27/3/2024, 20:00:09 تم النشر ب-27/3/2024, 20:00:09 |
Update for the upcoming weeks | |
Dear Students, Just a reminder: This Sunday's lecture will cover OpenMP. Please watch the recording to get ready. Also, please note that there won't be any lectures or tutorials during the week of 24.03. Looking ahead, we have two guest lectures coming up, and your attendance is required for both. Thank you! Best regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/3/2024, 17:52:34 Last updated on 14/3/2024, 17:52:34 Последняя модификация14/3/2024, 17:52:34 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/3/2024, 17:52:34 |
HW3 Published | |
Dear Students, Homework 3 is now published, the TA in charge is Gilad. The submission date is due to 02.04. Good luck! Course staff. |
פורסם ב-13/3/2024, 18:45:03 Created on 13/3/2024, 18:45:03 Создано13/3/2024, 18:45:03 تم النشر ب-13/3/2024, 18:45:03 |
HW1 grades | |
Dear Students, HW1 grades are now available on the course website. If you have any appeals, please send them to by Saturday, 16.3. Best, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-13/3/2024, 18:44:26 Created on 13/3/2024, 18:44:26 Создано13/3/2024, 18:44:26 تم النشر ب-13/3/2024, 18:44:26 |
HW2 Update | |
Dear Students, After receiving an email from a student, we noticed that the published template file of '' contains a method called 'length', instead of 'empty'. The PDF file of the instructions is correct. We updated this template file on the website. Please make sure you work with the correct form of this template file. Good luck! Course staff |
פורסם ב-13/3/2024, 15:02:21 Created on 13/3/2024, 15:02:21 Создано13/3/2024, 15:02:21 تم النشر ب-13/3/2024, 15:02:21 |
תרגול השלמה לקבוצת התרגול של יואב | |
שלום, עקב הבחירות לרשויות המקומיות, תרגול השלמה לקבוצת התרגול של יואב יתרחש ביום ראשון הקרוב, ה-17.3. התרגול יתרחש בשעה 13:30 בטאוב 6. המשך שבוע נעים, צוות הקורס. |
פורסם ב-12/3/2024, 14:48:21 Created on 12/3/2024, 14:48:21 Создано12/3/2024, 14:48:21 تم النشر ب-12/3/2024, 14:48:21 |
Course syllabus changed | |
Dear students, We updated the course syllabus - we've switched the lectures on March 17 and March 31. Also, please be aware that the March 31 lecture is a guest lecture, so attendance is required. Best regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-4/3/2024, 15:50:37 Created on 4/3/2024, 15:50:37 Создано4/3/2024, 15:50:37 تم النشر ب-4/3/2024, 15:50:37 |
Guest Lecture next week | |
Dear students, Elad Tabak, an expert from Red Hat, will lead next week's lecture on March 10. The topic is "Scalable Data Processing with Cloud Resources/Kubernetes." Attendance is mandatory. Regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-3/3/2024, 15:42:52 Created on 3/3/2024, 15:42:52 Создано3/3/2024, 15:42:52 تم النشر ب-3/3/2024, 15:42:52 |
HW2 Published | |
HW2 Published Homework 2 is now published, the TA in charge is Orel. The submission date is due to 19.03. Good luck! Course staff. |
עדכון אחרון ב-29/2/2024, 00:56:21 Last updated on 29/2/2024, 00:56:21 Последняя модификация29/2/2024, 00:56:21 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-29/2/2024, 00:56:21 |
תזכורת לביטול תרגול של יואב ביום שלישי הקרוב | |
שלום, עקב הבחירות לרשויות המקומיות התרגול ביום שלישי הקרוב של יואב מבוטל. מידע לגבי תרגול השלמה יינתן בהמשך. |
פורסם ב-25/2/2024, 13:27:55 Created on 25/2/2024, 13:27:55 Создано25/2/2024, 13:27:55 تم النشر ب-25/2/2024, 13:27:55 |
הזמנה לערב היכרות עם המעבדה למערכות מואצות של פרופסור מרק זילברשטיין | |
הודעה מפרופסור מרק זילברשטיין: אני מזמין אתכם לערב חשיפה של מעבת המחקר שלי. אני אדבר על המחקרים שלנו, הבוגרים יספרו על ההשפעה של המחקר ועל העבודה שלהם, וגם סטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים יספרו על החוויה. יהיו בירות ופיצות, וגם בזמן בסוף. לא לשכוח להירשם! בקישור הבא: |
פורסם ב-25/2/2024, 13:26:55 Created on 25/2/2024, 13:26:55 Создано25/2/2024, 13:26:55 تم النشر ب-25/2/2024, 13:26:55 |
HW1 Published | |
Homework 1 is now published, the TA in charge is Yoav. The submission date is due to 27.02. Good luck! Course staff. |
פורסם ב-9/2/2024, 02:46:43 Created on 9/2/2024, 02:46:43 Создано9/2/2024, 02:46:43 تم النشر ب-9/2/2024, 02:46:43 |
Flipped Class Lecture - Reminder | |
Dear students, Just a quick reminder that the flipped class lecture scheduled for Sunday the 11th is canceled. Instead, there will be a double flipped class lecture on the 18th. Best regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-9/2/2024, 02:50:29 Created on 9/2/2024, 02:50:29 Создано9/2/2024, 02:50:29 تم النشر ب-9/2/2024, 02:50:29 |
HW0 Published | |
Homework 0 is now published, the TA in charge is Orel. Please notice: 1. This homework is *not* for submission. 2. Most of it is not mandatory, but there are 2 mandatory reading sections. 3. This exercise is very short (less than 1 hour). Good luck! Course staff. |
פורסם ב-3/2/2024, 20:28:41 Created on 3/2/2024, 20:28:41 Создано3/2/2024, 20:28:41 تم النشر ب-3/2/2024, 20:28:41 |
Update: Slight adjustment to the course syllabus | |
Dear Students, Please be informed that there's a slight adjustment to the course syllabus. Week 5 material will now be covered in week 6, and week 6 material will be covered in week 5. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-31/1/2024, 15:52:07 Created on 31/1/2024, 15:52:07 Создано31/1/2024, 15:52:07 تم النشر ب-31/1/2024, 15:52:07 |
Course syllabus changed | |
Dear students, We updated the course syllabus. Best regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-28/1/2024, 22:37:56 Created on 28/1/2024, 22:37:56 Создано28/1/2024, 22:37:56 تم النشر ب-28/1/2024, 22:37:56 |
Reminder: Flipped Class Tomorrow - Prepare and Bring Questions | |
Dear Students, Tomorrow's lecture (10:30 to 12:30) will be a double flipped class. Be sure to review the past 3 weeks' lecture recordings on the course site, and come ready with questions for an engaging session. Best, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-27/1/2024, 14:38:17 Created on 27/1/2024, 14:38:17 Создано27/1/2024, 14:38:17 تم النشر ب-27/1/2024, 14:38:17 |
Tutorial Recordings Available | |
Dear students, We have uploaded tutorial recordings from Semester 2022-2023 to the course website. To stay updated with the latest information, we strongly recommend attending live tutorials for the most accurate and relevant content. Note that tutorial number 10 from the recorded sessions has been removed this semester. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-16/1/2024, 18:37:57 Created on 16/1/2024, 18:37:57 Создано16/1/2024, 18:37:57 تم النشر ب-16/1/2024, 18:37:57 |
Piazza Forum for Q.A | |
Dear students, For homework assignments and general questions, we've set up a dedicated Piazza forum to streamline Q&A. Join our group using the provided link: Best regards, Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-16/1/2024, 09:35:40 Created on 16/1/2024, 09:35:40 Создано16/1/2024, 09:35:40 تم النشر ب-16/1/2024, 09:35:40 |
שינוי חד פעמי במיקום התרגול של גלעד | |
באופן חד פעמי, התרגול של גלעד שמרלר היום יתקיים באולמן 104 ולא בטאוב 4 |
פורסם ב-14/1/2024, 12:06:09 Created on 14/1/2024, 12:06:09 Создано14/1/2024, 12:06:09 تم النشر ب-14/1/2024, 12:06:09 |
Announcement about the lecture tomorrow | |
Dear students, Due to the commemoration of 100 days since the war started, there will be no teaching in the Technion this Sunday from 11:00 to 12:00. However, the lecture scheduled for tomorrow will proceed as planned, taking place from 10:30 to 11:00, and possibly will continue from 12:00 to 12:30. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming semester! Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-13/1/2024, 19:20:19 Created on 13/1/2024, 19:20:19 Создано13/1/2024, 19:20:19 تم النشر ب-13/1/2024, 19:20:19 |
Announcement for Miluim Students | |
Hello Students, To make sure we're ready for those on Miliuim, we're asking each of you to fill the following google forms: Thanks for your cooperation, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-9/1/2024, 15:01:38 Created on 9/1/2024, 15:01:38 Создано9/1/2024, 15:01:38 تم النشر ب-9/1/2024, 15:01:38 |
Welcome to "Concurrent and Distributed Programming for Data Processing and Machine Learning" (02360370) Course | |
Dear Students, Welcome to the "Concurrent and Distributed Programming for Data Processing and Machine Learning" course (02360370)! This is the first official message from the course staff. If you are receiving this email, you are successfully registered for the course. If, for any reason, you haven't received this email, please double-check your registration or ensure you are on the mailing list. First and foremost, I would like to let you know that we are here for you. We don't have all the answers upfront and we will have to be adaptive. I urge you to reach out as early as possible with any concern or problem that you have. Ensure you read the course guidelines available in the syllabus tab on the website for a comprehensive understanding of the course structure and expectations. The lectures will be held in “flipped classroom” approach, with 4 guest lectures which require mandatory attendance. The tutorials will be held frontal, and recording from the last semester will be available. May we see peaceful times as soon as possible. Best regards, Course Staff. |
עדכון אחרון ב-9/1/2024, 14:56:18 Last updated on 9/1/2024, 14:56:18 Последняя модификация9/1/2024, 14:56:18 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-9/1/2024, 14:56:18 |