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Where do we get the values for the constant coefficients Ka, Kd and Ks ? | |
as said in the exercise: Add a way to specify the different parameters for several light sources (up to 7), each light source can be enabled or disabled, and has the following attributes: position (relevant in case of point light source) direction (relevant in case of parallel light source) Diffuse and specular color intensities. Additionally, provide a way to specify the ambient intensity for the whole scene, and the specularity exponent. So either provide a way to modify 3 real constants or for example use the RGB dialog and get the 3 values in a rather simple way. |
In the "Lighting" dialog that came with the skeleton there is an option to choose between "View" and "Local" for the "Space" attribute - what is the difference between the two ? | |
This combo-box allows to define whether the light source is "part of" the model (Local) or "part of" the scene (View). Then, if you rotate the object, will the light source rotate with it (Local), or stay stationary (View), like the viewer. This obviously affects the illumination of the object as it is rotated. |
Regarding the "View" and "Local" options for the "Space" attribute in the "Lighting" dialog. | |
You don't have to implement the lighting being "local" (i.e. in a specific model space) since it wasn't clearly defined in the exercise. |
Do we need to implement the "spot" lighting type ? | |
No, not in HW3. |