Grades in the course would be given based on an exam, which constitutes 80% of the score, and three homework assignments, which collectively account for the remaining 20%. The exam will take place in the last session on August 19, and the deadlines for the homework assignments are July 14, August 4, and August 25.
מידע כלליGeneral InfoОбщая Инф.معلومات عامة
סילבוסSyllabusСилабусخطة الدورة
סגלStaffПреподавателиطاقم التدريس
תרגילי ביתAssignmentsДом. Заданияوظائف بيتية
חומר הקורסCourse MaterialМатериал Курсаمادة الدورة
עדכון אוטומטיAuto UpdateАвт. Информир.حتلنة تلقائية