Final Project | |
Dear all, As for your final assignment in the class you need to choose one of the papers that was presented in the class by one of the faculty members and write a comprehensive report on the paper. The requirements and expectations of this report appear in the course material section. Basically, you can consider this report as a mini research proposal that will help you to start working with a potential advisor. I suggest you start looking at this assignment soon in order to choose the paper you wish to write your report on. When you choose a paper and a faculty member, you need to let me and him/her know to get approval for your selection. Take into account that if several papers of the same faculty member have already been chosen by students in class, the faculty member may not approve your paper selection and you will need to choose a different paper with another faculty member. The report should be submitted both to the faculty member and myself. Deadlines: Jan. 12th - choose a paper (or at least a faculty member) and let me know your selection. Jan. 26th - submit the full report. The deadline to submit the report is at the end of the semester, so it won't interrupt with your finals. However, this is a soft deadline and it is still possible to submit the report by the end of the finals, on Feb. 23rd. Have a good week, Eitan |
פורסם ב-4/1/2021, 08:41:31 Created on 4/1/2021, 08:41:31 Создано4/1/2021, 08:41:31 تم النشر ب-4/1/2021, 08:41:31 |
נוכחות בהרצאות בקורס | |
שלום לכולם, הבהרה לגבי נוכחות בהרצאות הקורס: במסגרת הקורס תהיינה 14 הרצאות ועל כל אחד מכם להיות נוכח בלפחות 12 מההרצאות. למי שיהיו חוסרים נא ליצור איתי קשר על מנת להשלים אותם במסגרת סמינרים פקולטיים. לגבי השאלונים, עליכם להגיש לפחות 9. המשך סמסטר מוצלח, איתן |
עדכון אחרון ב-24/12/2020, 18:05:36 Last updated on 24/12/2020, 18:05:36 Последняя модификация24/12/2020, 18:05:36 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-24/12/2020, 18:05:36 |
Welcome to 236001 | |
Dear all, Welcome to Introduction to Departmental Research class 236001! The first lecture of the class will be given on Sunday (tomorrow), October 25th at 15:30 in Later this week, I will enroll everyone who asked me to register and his/her participation is confirmed. If you don't plan to attend and/or take the class please let me know. If you have any further questions you can email me, or (better if it isn't urgent) talk to me tomorrow after class. Have a fun and successful semester, and see you soon, Eitan |
פורסם ב-24/10/2020, 22:16:22 Created on 24/10/2020, 22:16:22 Создано24/10/2020, 22:16:22 تم النشر ب-24/10/2020, 22:16:22 |