18th Tech-CS Programming Contest | |
Dear all, The 18th annual Tech-CS Programming Contest was held on Friday, July 7, 2023, with a participation of 18 teams (16 from The Technion). The competition included 12 problems taken from different areas in mathematics and computer science. A correct solution to a problem consisted of a program that solved correctly and efficiently a variety of instances of the problem, covering all kinds of special and degenerate cases, extreme cases in terms of size/complexity of the input, and so on. Here is the top of the final standing: 1st place: Team "Melinda's Angles" - 11 problems * Jonathan Gal * Oren Hecht * Idan Albo ( Competed out of the contest: Team "WinCode"/Haifa U - 10 problems * Guy Shalgi * Yanir Edri * Ofek Shalgi ) 2nd place: Team "NameNotFound" - 9 problems * Zohar Nagel * Eden Yosef * Shirli Mushkatin 3rd place: Team "Eden Hamelech" - 7 problems * Gilad Shmerler * Eitan Bloch * Or Shafran Many thanks are due to all the enthusiastic people without the help of whom this contest could not take place: * The entire CS department's IT team: Gennadi and Konstantin who provided on-site support during the contest, and all other members of the team who helped in setting it up; * Secretariat and staff: Revi Ginossar, Maya Sidis, Ariella Weinstein, and Yaniv Abutbul and his team - for helping us with the complex logistics of this event, and for letting us use the CS library; * External Relations: Noa Mor - for ongoing encouragement and support during the entire semester; * The Competitive Programming course staff: Tomer Cohen (TAIC), Eden Saig, and Snir Green - for delivering a great course and for orchestrating an amazingly smooth competition with absolutely zero problems (except the problems solved by the competing students 8-). Pictures from the contest can be found in https://photos.app.goo.gl/usur2du8azHGvHSF7 Thanks to all, Gill |
עדכון אחרון ב-11/7/2023, 17:29:42 Last updated on 11/7/2023, 17:29:42 Последняя модификация11/7/2023, 17:29:42 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-11/7/2023, 17:29:42 |
Final grades | |
Dear students, The final grades are now published. The final grades were calculated according to the following HWTotal=max(0.5*(HW1+HW2), 0.475*(HW1+HW2)+0.05*HW0) ClassGrade=100*((ClassSum/48)^(1/4)): ContestGrade=80*((ContestSolved/9)^(1/4))+2*(16-ContestRank) Final=0.4*ClassGrade+0.3*HW+0.3*ContestGrade If you think you got a wrong grade in any assignment, please fill the following form (you may fill it more than once) by Sunday (16.7) at 23:59: https://forms.gle/bAWKSMpfiH5rTMhv7 We hope you enjoyed the workshop and learned and improved your skills along the way. You are welcome to fill the following form https://forms.gle/3TftKQMQ4VTzUzof6 where you can write any comments or ideas you have regarding this class for the benefit of the students taking it next year Regards, the course staff |
פורסם ב-11/7/2023, 08:30:07 Created on 11/7/2023, 08:30:07 Создано11/7/2023, 08:30:07 تم النشر ب-11/7/2023, 08:30:07 |
Final Competition | |
Dear students, Tomorrow (on Friday the 7.7) we will meet in the Taub library for the course final competition, you can find the detailed regulations under the course material section, here are some of them: 1. The competition will be from 9:00 to 14:00, and you need to arrive by 8:45. 2. You may bring up to 25 A4 pages of notes (=12.5 double sided sheets, or 25 one-sided sheets). 3. You may bring writing tools (pens and pencils), but not draft pages, this will be provided by us. 4. There will only be C and C++ in the competition. 5. There will be refreshments during the competition. 6. You may (even encouraged to) bring a team mascot (e.g. a plush toy or a funny hat). Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-6/7/2023, 14:53:26 Created on 6/7/2023, 14:53:26 Создано6/7/2023, 14:53:26 تم النشر ب-6/7/2023, 14:53:26 |
בהצלחה בתחרות | |
סטודנטים יקרים בסדנה לתכנות תחרותי, כזכור לכם, הופעתי לפניכם בפגישה הראשונה בקורס, והדגשתי את אופיו השמח של הקורס, ועד כמה לא נעבור בשתיקה על עבירות אתיות כגון העתקת תרגילים או הגשת פתרונות המצויים באינטרנט. להפתעתי, גילינו מספר עבירות מסוג זה, ואנו מטפלים בהן כעת. למי שמעוניין, אסביר באופן פרטי עד כמה שמו הטוב של הטכניון תלוי ברמה האקדמית של הלימודים ובאמינות הציונים שהוא נותן, ולכן כל עבירה אתית תיתקל בתגובה ראויה. במאמר מוסגר: יש לנו כלים מתוחכמים המסוגלים לגלות תרגילים המכילים קוד דומה (אף אם שונו שמות המשתנים והפונקציות 8-) או בעלי פונקציונליות דומה (לדוגמה, רצים 1613 שניות על קלט מסוים) או בעלי בעיות דומות (למשל, עפים בדיוק באותו אופן על קלט שגוי מסוים), ואילו רק דוגמאות מעטות. בכוונתנו לערוך בדיקה ממצה יותר של התרגילים אשר הוגשו בקורס. לכן, אם הגשתם תרגיל משותף, או תרגיל אשר לא אתם פתרתם, עכשיו זה הזמן לומר לנו ולא לאחר שנגלה זאת בעצמנו. ועכשיו לחלק היותר שמח. ביום ששי הקרוב תיערך תחרות הסיום של הקורס. מובן מאליו שאסור לצוותים שונים לשתף פעולה בשום דרך, לא לגשת לאינטרנט, ולא להשתמש בטלפון. אני מקווה שתיהנו מאד מן התחרות, ושהצוות הטוב ביותר ינצח ויזכה בפרס המובטח: השתתפות בתחרות ICPC/SWERC הנערכת בדרום-מערב אירופה זה שנים רבות. בהצלחה לכולם, גיל |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/7/2023, 16:54:06 Last updated on 5/7/2023, 16:54:06 Последняя модификация5/7/2023, 16:54:06 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/7/2023, 16:54:06 |
Final competition registration and regulations | |
Dear students, You can find the regulations of the final competition under the course material section. Also, please register for the competition at the following link: https://forms.gle/MezNcXgHHAyf89KV6 Regards, Course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-26/6/2023, 11:41:50 Last updated on 26/6/2023, 11:41:50 Последняя модификация26/6/2023, 11:41:50 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-26/6/2023, 11:41:50 |
HW and Class Grades | |
Dear students, You can find the grades for some of the assignments in the webcourse, and more will be uploaded during the week. You can also find details for the results of your submission as a feedback. The results are readable as a text file, but they are in a JSON format, so you may find it easier to read them using Python. If you think you got a wrong grade in any assignment, please fill the following form (you may fill it more than once): https://forms.gle/5pXP4HN4r2HyWu3i9 Regards, Course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-22/6/2023, 15:22:28 Last updated on 22/6/2023, 15:22:28 Последняя модификация22/6/2023, 15:22:28 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-22/6/2023, 15:22:28 |
Announcements | |
Dear students, Upcoming class: Due to the department night next week, the class will be ended at 18:20, and will be only a competition (including all the course material). It is recommended that you bring the 25 pages cheat sheet with you, but not mandatory. In the past years the subject in the class was advanced math, it will not be so this year, if you want you can find the tutorial on this subject here: https://panoptotech.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c81f77b3-f7c6-4380-9810-ad4d015b7bfa It is not a mandatory watch, and you do not need any of the material taught there in the competitions. Practice Competitions: We uploaded 2 practice competitions: 1. Last year practice competition. 2. Last year final competition. If you plan to try them out, we recommend to try as a simulation (as a team and to time it). Last year the first places solved 5 questions in the final competition. We also uploaded the solution presentation for the final competition (of last year...). Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-21/6/2023, 11:25:29 Created on 21/6/2023, 11:25:29 Создано21/6/2023, 11:25:29 تم النشر ب-21/6/2023, 11:25:29 |
Clarifications regarding HW2, | |
Dear students, We updated the grade distribution for HW2, the update affects the grading for teams including 2 students. The update can be found in the pdf of HW2, highlighted with yellow. If your team includes 2 members, please send Tomer mail so we can take it into account. Regards and see you soon, Course staff |
פורסם ב-6/6/2023, 12:43:32 Created on 6/6/2023, 12:43:32 Создано6/6/2023, 12:43:32 تم النشر ب-6/6/2023, 12:43:32 |
HW1 and Class Competition #7 Late extension | |
Dear students, We decided to extend the deadline for HW1 and Class Competition #7 Late by two days, to 1.6 at 23:59. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-30/5/2023, 15:34:48 Created on 30/5/2023, 15:34:48 Создано30/5/2023, 15:34:48 تم النشر ب-30/5/2023, 15:34:48 |
HW1 | |
Dear students, We uploaded the rest of the questions for HW1, note that questions J and K require the material of the next workshop (Computational Geometry). The submission date is 30.5.2023 (at 23:59). Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-11/5/2023, 10:12:05 Created on 11/5/2023, 10:12:05 Создано11/5/2023, 10:12:05 تم النشر ب-11/5/2023, 10:12:05 |
Question D in Class Competition #4 | |
Dear students, We wanted to address the edge case in question D in the last competition that failed the attempts to pass it. The reason why finding directly the values of a and b doesn't work is since a and b can be complex numbers. For example, if a+b=0, a*b=1, then a=i, b=-i will satisfy these equations. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-19/4/2023, 13:43:49 Created on 19/4/2023, 13:43:49 Создано19/4/2023, 13:43:49 تم النشر ب-19/4/2023, 13:43:49 |
First Team Competition | |
Dear students, Tomorrow will be the first competition in teams. Each team will be up to three students and each team can use one computer. Please fill in the following form regarding the team composition if you haven't done it so far: https://forms.gle/haTttapMeLRgmRP6A Please fill the form even if you are not part of a team. We will help you to form a team once you'll fill it. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-17/4/2023, 11:29:37 Created on 17/4/2023, 11:29:37 Создано17/4/2023, 11:29:37 تم النشر ب-17/4/2023, 11:29:37 |
Team registration and More | |
Dear students, Team registration: Please fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/haTttapMeLRgmRP6A It is enough to fill out the form by one member of the group. Please fill the form even if you are not part of a team. We will help you to form a team once you'll fill it. Other Competitions: Google Competitions' Farewell Round will take place on the 15/04. This competition is unrelated to the course, but the problems their are similar to what we see in class. registration and schedule: https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/codejam/schedule Regards, Course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/4/2023, 13:22:36 Last updated on 5/4/2023, 13:22:36 Последняя модификация5/4/2023, 13:22:36 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/4/2023, 13:22:36 |
Solutions Outline, HW1, Practice Competition | |
Dear students, We uploaded the solutions outlines to this week competition under course material. We uploaded the first 2 questions in HW1, which rely on today's material. We uploaded a practice competition for the next lesson (which will be about Problem Solving Paradigms) on vjudge. Solving the practice competition doesn't affect the grade. Regards, Course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-28/3/2023, 21:03:44 Last updated on 28/3/2023, 21:03:44 Последняя модификация28/3/2023, 21:03:44 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-28/3/2023, 21:03:44 |
HW0 and Class Competition #1 Late extension | |
Dear students, We decided to extend the deadline for HW0 and Class Competition #1 Late by one day, to 29.3 at 23:59. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-28/3/2023, 13:31:58 Created on 28/3/2023, 13:31:58 Создано28/3/2023, 13:31:58 تم النشر ب-28/3/2023, 13:31:58 |
HW0 | |
Dear students, We added questions C, D to HW0. They are the same as questions A, B. We added them since UVA judging system did some issues in the past days (although it seems to work fine now), so you can submit the code for question A also under question C, and the code for question B under question D (if the submit button for questions A, B don't work). Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-23/3/2023, 10:01:21 Created on 23/3/2023, 10:01:21 Создано23/3/2023, 10:01:21 تم النشر ب-23/3/2023, 10:01:21 |
Solutions Outline and Practice Competition | |
Dear students, We hope you enjoyed the first lesson and competition. We uploaded the solutions outlines to this week competition under course material. We uploaded a practice competition for the next lesson (which will be about Data Structures) on vjudge. Solving the practice competition doesn't affect the grade, we uploaded it so you can get hands on experience in data structures problems and using our code prior to the contest on Tuesday. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-21/3/2023, 20:17:08 Created on 21/3/2023, 20:17:08 Создано21/3/2023, 20:17:08 تم النشر ب-21/3/2023, 20:17:08 |
Starting Workshop in Competitive Programming! | |
Dear students, Our first lesson will take place on Tuesday (21/03/2023) at 16:30 in Taub 7. In this lesson we will introduce competitive programming and the workshop, solve some questions together, and have a first warm-up competition in singles. What do you need to to before the class: - Please open an account on https://vjudge.net/ . Try to choose an indicative username (or set a nickname), as it will show on the scoreboard in class. - Fill the following form: https://forms.gle/XN7bMEweGh6kBHAg9 - We will add you to the course group, you will be able to see it under the "Group" section in vjudge. - To see that you know how to work with vjudge, you can join the competition 'Introduction contest' inside the group and solve the (easy) problem there. Note that attending this lesson is mandatory for taking the workshop. If you have a problem with attending, please let us know in advance. May we all have a pleasant and fruitful semester! The course staff. |
פורסם ב-12/3/2023, 17:01:32 Created on 12/3/2023, 17:01:32 Создано12/3/2023, 17:01:32 تم النشر ب-12/3/2023, 17:01:32 |