Course credit points: 3
This introductory course stands at the base of the vast Computer Graphic world, whose outcome we see in medical applications, industrial modeling, entertainment and many other fields.
The course is given as part of the CGGC group.
The course will cover basic rendering techniques, introduction to OpenGL and a few selected advanced topics.
Grading Policy:
(50%) Exercises (Valid):
1. Simple wireframe viewer: due November 18th. 16%.
2. Polygon renderer: due December 29th. 18%.
3. OpenGL: due January 20th. 16%.
Submission is done in pairs. The exercises are submitted electronically through the course website and will be presented to the HW checker (in person).
(50%) Final Exam
Discord Server:
The course has a discord server for questions and discussions.
Use this invitation link to join:
Once you've joined, please change your nickname to your full name (top left arrow near server name, then "Edit Server Profile") and shortly after you will receive permissions for all the channels.
The server is only for students taking the course (either registered or listeners). If you want to listen to the course without registering, please contact us and get approved.
Lectures and Tutorials:
The lectures and tutorials will be held in-person and recorded.