Appeals moed B checked | |
Grades have been updated accordingly in the course website, and the appeal forms have been returned via a webcourse feedback. The course staff. |
פורסם ב-13/11/2018, 14:37:01 Created on 13/11/2018, 14:37:01 Создано13/11/2018, 14:37:01 تم النشر ب-13/11/2018, 14:37:01 |
The exam (Moed B) was checked | |
Exam B grades are available via GR++. Your scanned exams will be available online soon. Appeals should be submitted until 8.11.2018 (Thursday), to the course website (electronically), available under the 'Assignments' tab. "oral" appeals are not accepted. You do not need to attach the copy of your exam. The average of the exam grade (Exam_B) is 68.3 (71.1 for students who submitted at least 4 HWs). The average of the final grade (Final_B) is 69.8 (73.1 for students who submitted at least 4 HWs). The final grade was calculated as follows: FinalB = Min(100,Round(0.80*ExamB+0.04*Max(ExamB,HW1)+ 0.04*Max(ExamB,HW2)+ 0.04*Max(ExamB,HW3)+0.04*Max(ExamB,HW4)+0.04*Max(ExamB,HW5))) ----------------------------------- Informally, the only reason to submit an appeal is if you think that the checker was wrong or did not understand what you wrote. Note also that the grading is based on what was written in the exam and not on what you had in mind during the exam. |
פורסם ב-25/10/2018, 11:13:04 Created on 25/10/2018, 11:13:04 Создано25/10/2018, 11:13:04 تم النشر ب-25/10/2018, 11:13:04 |
A minor correction to one of the slides | |
In the 2nd batch of slides (storage_w_raid), in slide 54, in the table summarizing RAID levels: For consistency with other places, in RAID 4&5 the overhead should be 1/G [and NOT 1/(G+1)]. That is, G is the total number of data disks + parity disks. As was mentioned in the lecture: In RAID 0 in this table, G is the total number of disks. In RAID 1 in this table, G is the total number of disk pairs. |
פורסם ב-14/10/2018, 12:19:45 Created on 14/10/2018, 12:19:45 Создано14/10/2018, 12:19:45 تم النشر ب-14/10/2018, 12:19:45 |
Reception hours update | |
The classroom for both of Ofer's reception hours will be Taub 201. |
פורסם ב-7/10/2018, 12:48:18 Created on 7/10/2018, 12:48:18 Создано7/10/2018, 12:48:18 تم النشر ب-7/10/2018, 12:48:18 |
Moed B + Reception Hours | |
The moed B exam will take place on Monday 15.10.18, at 13:00-16:00 in Ullmann building, rooms 301, 302. NOTE that using a PENCIL IS NOT ALLOWED during the exam due to problems for the staff performing the scanning - we are sorry for the inconvenience. The exam is scheduled for 3 hours. The exam contains 4 questions of similar weight. The exam is with open material, and includes everything you learned in the lectures and tutorials. Calculators are allowed (and will be needed), disconnected from the outer world (you will not be allowed to use your cellular phone's calculator). When studying for the exam we recommend that you go over the course material and homework assignments (whether you submitted them or not), as well as exams from recent semesters. Reception hours before the exam are as follows: Ofer: Friday 12.10.18 at 10:00, room TBD. Ofer: Sunday 14.10.18 at 10:00, room TBD. |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/10/2018, 12:17:51 Last updated on 5/10/2018, 12:17:51 Последняя модификация5/10/2018, 12:17:51 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/10/2018, 12:17:51 |
Appeals moed A checked | |
Grades have been updated accordingly in the course website, and the appeal forms have been returned to the secretaries. The course staff. |
פורסם ב-12/9/2018, 12:54:48 Created on 12/9/2018, 12:54:48 Создано12/9/2018, 12:54:48 تم النشر ب-12/9/2018, 12:54:48 |
The exam (Moed A) was checked | |
Exam a grades are available via GR++. Your scanned exams will be available online soon. Appeals should be submitted until 23.8.2018 (Thursday) at 12:00 to the mailbox of Ofer Guthmann on the 5th floor. The appeals should be written on the standard appeal form (available near the secretary), "oral" appeals are not accepted. You do not need to attach the copy of your exam. The average of the exam grade (Exam_A) is 70.2 (72 for students who submitted at least 3 HWs). The average of the final grade (Final_A) is 73.1 (75.7 for students who submitted at least 3 HWs). A factor of 1% was added to the exam grade, and the final grade was calculated as follows: FactorA =(ExamA * 1.01) FinalA = Min(100,Round(0.80*FactorA+0.04*Max(FactorA,HW1)+ 0.04*Max(FactorA,HW2)+ 0.04*Max(FactorA,HW3)+0.04*Max(FactorA,HW4)+0.04*Max(FactorA,HW5))) ----------------------------------- Informally, the only reason to submit an appeal is if you think that the checker was wrong or did not understand what you wrote. Note also that the grading is based on what was written in the exam and not on what you had in mind during the exam. |
עדכון אחרון ב-29/7/2018, 19:17:06 Last updated on 29/7/2018, 19:17:06 Последняя модификация29/7/2018, 19:17:06 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-29/7/2018, 19:17:06 |
hw5 grades published + hw3,hw5 feedback published | |
Appeals should be sent to ~~Ofer~~ by email no later then a week after Moed A's grades publication. There is no need to attach your feedback to the appeal. |
פורסם ב-17/7/2018, 14:01:28 Created on 17/7/2018, 14:01:28 Создано17/7/2018, 14:01:28 تم النشر ب-17/7/2018, 14:01:28 |
Anat's reception hour | |
Anat's reception hour today is moved to 15:00, room 301. The course staff. |
פורסם ב-15/7/2018, 12:45:48 Created on 15/7/2018, 12:45:48 Создано15/7/2018, 12:45:48 تم النشر ب-15/7/2018, 12:45:48 |
Moed A + Reception Hours | |
The moed A exam will take place on Thursday 19.7.18, at 13:00-16:00 in the Ullman building, rooms 501, 502, 505. The exam is scheduled for 3 hours. The exam contains 4 questions of similar weight. The exam is with open material, and includes everything you learned in lectures and tutorials. Calculators are allowed (and will be needed), disconnected from the outer world (you will not be allowed to use your cellular phone's calculator). When studying for the exam we recommend that you go over the course material and homework assignments (whether you submitted them or not), as well as exams from recent semesters. Reception hours before the exam are as follows: Anat: Sunday 15.7.18 at 14:00, room 301. Anat: Monday 16.7.18 at 10:00, room 301. Roy: Tuesday 17.7.18 at 11:00, room 605. NOTE regarding Anat's reception hours; Student's questions sent by email will be given priority. We wish you good luck, Course staff. |
עדכון אחרון ב-11/7/2018, 15:07:09 Last updated on 11/7/2018, 15:07:09 Последняя модификация11/7/2018, 15:07:09 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-11/7/2018, 15:07:09 |
HW3 and HW4 graded | |
Appeals should be sent to Anat (for HW3) and Ofer (for HW4) by email no later then 15/7/18 (next sunday) by 23:59. There is no need to attach your submission to the appeal email. |
פורסם ב-8/7/2018, 00:15:59 Created on 8/7/2018, 00:15:59 Создано8/7/2018, 00:15:59 تم النشر ب-8/7/2018, 00:15:59 |
HW2 graded | |
Appeals should be sent to Anat by email no later then 28/6/18 (this Thursday) by 23:59. There is no need to attach your submission to the appeal email. |
פורסם ב-22/6/2018, 14:46:53 Created on 22/6/2018, 14:46:53 Создано22/6/2018, 14:46:53 تم النشر ب-22/6/2018, 14:46:53 |
HW5 published | |
The fifth homework is now published, the TA in charge is Anat. Submission date is 01.07.18 at 23:59. Attention- Question 3 is not mandatory (bonus). |
פורסם ב-21/6/2018, 00:42:43 Created on 21/6/2018, 00:42:43 Создано21/6/2018, 00:42:43 تم النشر ب-21/6/2018, 00:42:43 |
HW4 clarification | |
בשאלה 1 ניתן להניח כי אין בטבלת Collisions עותקים "מיותרים" שבהם כל השדות זהים, מלבד שמזהי המתרגלים tid1,tid2 הוחלפי זה בזה כלומר אם יש רשומה (sid, tid1, tid2, d, t) בטבלה Collisions אז הרשומה (sid, tid2, tid1, d, t) לא תופיע בטבלה. טופס ההגשה עודכן בהתאם |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/6/2018, 10:18:21 Last updated on 14/6/2018, 10:18:21 Последняя модификация14/6/2018, 10:18:21 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/6/2018, 10:18:21 |
HW4 published | |
The fourth homework is now published, the TA in charge is Ofer. Submission date is 20.6.2018 at 23:59. |
פורסם ב-6/6/2018, 11:49:19 Created on 6/6/2018, 11:49:19 Создано6/6/2018, 11:49:19 تم النشر ب-6/6/2018, 11:49:19 |
Wednesday make-up tutorial re-schedule | |
Ofer's Wednesday make-up tutorial will take place at 13:30 in Taub 6 (due to a tutorial in Algorithms 1 taking place at the previously planned time, 12:30) We are sorry for the inconvenience, the course staff. . |
פורסם ב-4/6/2018, 10:51:15 Created on 4/6/2018, 10:51:15 Создано4/6/2018, 10:51:15 تم النشر ب-4/6/2018, 10:51:15 |
No reception hours for Prof. Friedman today (Sunday 03/06/18) | |
If you need anything, you can coordinate a specific meeting with Prof. Friedman this week by e-mail. |
פורסם ב-3/6/2018, 11:40:41 Created on 3/6/2018, 11:40:41 Создано3/6/2018, 11:40:41 تم النشر ب-3/6/2018, 11:40:41 |
Remainder: this week's toturial schedule | |
We remind you that this week both Ofer and Anat have a make-up tutorial session due to the cancellation in Savu'ot. This week's tutorials schedule is as follows: Anat: Sunday 3.6.18 at 17:30 in Taub 6 - Queries part 1. Moday 4.6.18 at 9:30 in Taub 3 - Queries part 2 (Anat's usual tutorial time). Ofer: Tuesday 5.6.18 at 15:30 in Taub 6 - Queries part 1 (Ofer's usual tutorial). Wednesday 6.6.18 at 12:30 in Taub 6 - Queries part 2. Have a good week, The course staff. |
פורסם ב-2/6/2018, 19:59:45 Created on 2/6/2018, 19:59:45 Создано2/6/2018, 19:59:45 تم النشر ب-2/6/2018, 19:59:45 |
HW1 graded | |
Appeals should be sent to Ofer Guthmann by email no later then 31/5/18 (this Thursday) by 23:59. There is no need to attach your submission to the appeal email. |
פורסם ב-27/5/2018, 14:20:36 Created on 27/5/2018, 14:20:36 Создано27/5/2018, 14:20:36 تم النشر ب-27/5/2018, 14:20:36 |
HW3 published | |
The third homework is now published, the TA in charge is Anat. Submission date is 5.6.2018 at 23:59. |
פורסם ב-15/5/2018, 17:58:12 Created on 15/5/2018, 17:58:12 Создано15/5/2018, 17:58:12 تم النشر ب-15/5/2018, 17:58:12 |
Course schedule in Shavu'ot | |
Due to Shavu'ot falling on Sunday 20.5.18 this semester, there will be no lecture that day. In order to be in sync with the lectures, next week, BOTH tutorials are cancelled (on Monday 21.5.18, and on Tuesday 22.5.18). Instead, complementary tutorials will be given for: Anat's group, Sunday 3.6.18 at 17:30 in Taub 6 (Queries part 1). Ofer's group, Wednesday 6.6.18 at 12:30 in Taub 6 (Queries part 2). A remainder will be sent prior these tutorials. We are sorry for the inconvenience, the course staff. |
פורסם ב-13/5/2018, 16:28:53 Created on 13/5/2018, 16:28:53 Создано13/5/2018, 16:28:53 تم النشر ب-13/5/2018, 16:28:53 |
HW2 - cancelation Q3.d | |
Question 3 part d is canceled. See updated version of HW2. |
פורסם ב-1/5/2018, 20:58:22 Created on 1/5/2018, 20:58:22 Создано1/5/2018, 20:58:22 تم النشر ب-1/5/2018, 20:58:22 |
HW2 - minor correction | |
The requirements in Q1.6 has been corrected. |
פורסם ב-29/4/2018, 16:02:41 Created on 29/4/2018, 16:02:41 Создано29/4/2018, 16:02:41 تم النشر ب-29/4/2018, 16:02:41 |
HW2 published | |
The second homework is now published, the TA in charge is Anat. Submission date is 16.5.18 at 23:59. |
פורסם ב-25/4/2018, 17:29:58 Created on 25/4/2018, 17:29:58 Создано25/4/2018, 17:29:58 تم النشر ب-25/4/2018, 17:29:58 |
HW1 submission | |
Clarification: The deadline to the submission of HW1 is tomorrow (26.4) at 23:59, and not today at 23:59. The deadline written in the the message titled 'HW1 published' was incorrect, and it has been corrected. |
עדכון אחרון ב-25/4/2018, 13:47:33 Last updated on 25/4/2018, 13:47:33 Последняя модификация25/4/2018, 13:47:33 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-25/4/2018, 13:47:33 |
Anat's reception hour | |
Starting from today, Anat's reception hour will be at monday 13:30-14:20, instead of 10:30-11:20. |
פורסם ב-16/4/2018, 12:36:32 Created on 16/4/2018, 12:36:32 Создано16/4/2018, 12:36:32 تم النشر ب-16/4/2018, 12:36:32 |
Remainder - Ofer's tutorial tomorrow + reception hour | |
Ofer will give a make-up tutorial session tomorrow, Sunday 15/4/18 at 17:30-18:20 in Taub 6. Additionally, this week, Ofer's reception hour will be given on Sunday, at 16:30-17:20 (prior to the tutorial) |
פורסם ב-14/4/2018, 20:31:33 Created on 14/4/2018, 20:31:33 Создано14/4/2018, 20:31:33 تم النشر ب-14/4/2018, 20:31:33 |
HW1 - minor correction | |
The example in Q2c has been corrected. |
פורסם ב-12/4/2018, 18:42:14 Created on 12/4/2018, 18:42:14 Создано12/4/2018, 18:42:14 تم النشر ب-12/4/2018, 18:42:14 |
HW1 published | |
The first homework is now published, the TA in charge is Ofer. Submission date is 26.4.18 at 23:59. |
עדכון אחרון ב-25/4/2018, 13:45:55 Last updated on 25/4/2018, 13:45:55 Последняя модификация25/4/2018, 13:45:55 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-25/4/2018, 13:45:55 |
קבוצת התרגול של עופר בשבועיים הקרובים | |
ביום ג' הקרוב (10.4.18) התרגול של קבוצת יום ג' (עופר) יועבר כרגיל, ויעסוק בHDD. ביום א' לאחר מכן (15.4.18) יערך תרגול השלמה לקבוצת יום ג' בנושא SSD. התרגול יועבר בשעה 17:30-18:30 בכיתה טאוב 6. ביום ג' הבא (17.4.18) לא יועבר תרגול עקב מתכונת יום ה' באותו היום. התירגולים של ימי ב' (ענת) נשארים ללא שינוי. בתודה, צוות הקורס. |
עדכון אחרון ב-8/4/2018, 16:02:15 Last updated on 8/4/2018, 16:02:15 Последняя модификация8/4/2018, 16:02:15 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-8/4/2018, 16:02:15 |
Welcome | |
Welcome to Information Storage Systems Spring 2018. The course syllabus and a tentative HW schedule are available on the course site, please familiarize yourself with it. Please follow the announcements on the course site. We wish you good luck, Course staff. |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/3/2018, 17:28:19 Last updated on 5/3/2018, 17:28:19 Последняя модификация5/3/2018, 17:28:19 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/3/2018, 17:28:19 |