פורסם ב-8/9/2024, 16:07:30 Created on 8/9/2024, 16:07:30 Создано8/9/2024, 16:07:30 تم النشر ب-8/9/2024, 16:07:30 |
Exam Notice for Miluim Students (Categories 2 and 3) | |
Dear Students, Those of you who fall under categories 2 and 3 of reservists will be permitted to select a subset of the multiple-choice questions in the exam (6 out of 8). If you belong to this group, please reach out to Amit as soon as possible, attaching an emergency confirmation and/or a 3010 form, if available. Wishing everyone a successful exam period. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-27/8/2024, 12:05:53 Created on 27/8/2024, 12:05:53 Создано27/8/2024, 12:05:53 تم النشر ب-27/8/2024, 12:05:53 |
Amit's Tutorial - video recording | |
Here is the link to the recording of Amit's tutorial from today. https://panoptotech.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=1f890a08-b81f-4b47-ac50-b1d700ac9574&start=0 |
פורסם ב-25/8/2024, 17:06:11 Created on 25/8/2024, 17:06:11 Создано25/8/2024, 17:06:11 تم النشر ب-25/8/2024, 17:06:11 |
Update: Amit’s and Gilad’s Tutorials on Zoom Today | |
Dear Students, I hope you’re all doing well. Due to the current situation, both Amit’s and Gilad’s tutorials scheduled for today will be held via Zoom at the following links: Amit: https://technion.zoom.us/j/4585437661. (The session will be recorded.) Gilad: https://technion.zoom.us/j/2072669114?omn=98966103344 Please note that Hadas’s tutorial is canceled, so feel free to join one of the sessions above. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-25/8/2024, 08:50:05 Created on 25/8/2024, 08:50:05 Создано25/8/2024, 08:50:05 تم النشر ب-25/8/2024, 08:50:05 |
Tutorial room change | |
Please note that Hadas’s tutorial and Amit’s tutorial this Sunday (25.8) have been moved to Ulman 203. |
פורסם ב-21/8/2024, 17:09:34 Created on 21/8/2024, 17:09:34 Создано21/8/2024, 17:09:34 تم النشر ب-21/8/2024, 17:09:34 |
HW5 | |
Dear Students, The fifth assignment in the course is available online. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-18/8/2024, 14:54:29 Created on 18/8/2024, 14:54:29 Создано18/8/2024, 14:54:29 تم النشر ب-18/8/2024, 14:54:29 |
Tutorial Recordings | |
For those of you watching the tutorial recordings, please note that we will not teach the example given in Tutorial 13 (although it is relevant for practice) |
פורסם ב-12/8/2024, 16:47:23 Created on 12/8/2024, 16:47:23 Создано12/8/2024, 16:47:23 تم النشر ب-12/8/2024, 16:47:23 |
HW4 | |
Dear Students, Please note that the deadline for Homework 4 has been postponed to 22.8. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-12/8/2024, 16:43:23 Created on 12/8/2024, 16:43:23 Создано12/8/2024, 16:43:23 تم النشر ب-12/8/2024, 16:43:23 |
Lecture recordings | |
Dear Students, For those of you who view the lecture recordings, please note that we will not teach this semester the algorithm of Edmonds-Karp for the maximum flow problem. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-12/8/2024, 08:31:32 Created on 12/8/2024, 08:31:32 Создано12/8/2024, 08:31:32 تم النشر ب-12/8/2024, 08:31:32 |
Task Scheduling example | |
Dear Students, Notes including more details on the Task Scheduling example presented in the lecture this week are available under Course Material. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-9/8/2024, 09:59:34 Created on 9/8/2024, 09:59:34 Создано9/8/2024, 09:59:34 تم النشر ب-9/8/2024, 09:59:34 |
Hadas's Tutorial | |
Please note that Hadas's tutorial tomorrow (6.8) will be held on Zoom. Zoom link: https://technion.zoom.us/j/92877445617 Course Staff |
פורסם ב-5/8/2024, 16:33:08 Created on 5/8/2024, 16:33:08 Создано5/8/2024, 16:33:08 تم النشر ب-5/8/2024, 16:33:08 |
HW4 | |
Dear Students, The fourth assignment in the course is now available online. Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-4/8/2024, 11:21:15 Created on 4/8/2024, 11:21:15 Создано4/8/2024, 11:21:15 تم النشر ب-4/8/2024, 11:21:15 |
Guy's Tutorial | |
Please note that Guy's tutorial today will be held on Zoom. Zoom link: https://technion.zoom.us/j/94924727254 Course Staff |
פורסם ב-31/7/2024, 08:19:52 Created on 31/7/2024, 08:19:52 Создано31/7/2024, 08:19:52 تم النشر ب-31/7/2024, 08:19:52 |
Ivri's reception hour | |
Please note that Ivri's reception hour tomorrow (29.7) will be held at 15:45, Ulman 306. |
פורסם ב-28/7/2024, 09:10:26 Created on 28/7/2024, 09:10:26 Создано28/7/2024, 09:10:26 تم النشر ب-28/7/2024, 09:10:26 |
Yuval's reception hour | |
Please note that Yuval's reception hour tomorrow is canceled. |
פורסם ב-24/7/2024, 18:48:38 Created on 24/7/2024, 18:48:38 Создано24/7/2024, 18:48:38 تم النشر ب-24/7/2024, 18:48:38 |
Gilad's Tutorial | |
Please note that Gilad's tutorial has been moved to Wednesday at 13:30 in Ulman 803 for this week only. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-22/7/2024, 12:48:01 Created on 22/7/2024, 12:48:01 Создано22/7/2024, 12:48:01 تم النشر ب-22/7/2024, 12:48:01 |
HW3 | |
Dear Students, The third assignment in the course is now available online. Course Staff. |
פורסם ב-21/7/2024, 21:07:44 Created on 21/7/2024, 21:07:44 Создано21/7/2024, 21:07:44 تم النشر ب-21/7/2024, 21:07:44 |
HW2 - update | |
Dear students, Question 1 in Homework 2 has been canceled. |
פורסם ב-17/7/2024, 09:00:03 Created on 17/7/2024, 09:00:03 Создано17/7/2024, 09:00:03 تم النشر ب-17/7/2024, 09:00:03 |
Einav's Tutorial | |
Please note that Einav's tutorial next week (15.7) has been canceled. A complementary hour will be held on 22.7 at 15:30, Ulman 503 (14:30 tutorial 7, 15:30 tutorial 8, and then reception hour all in the same class) Thanks, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-11/7/2024, 15:19:48 Created on 11/7/2024, 15:19:48 Создано11/7/2024, 15:19:48 تم النشر ب-11/7/2024, 15:19:48 |
Amit's reception hour | |
Please note that Amit's reception hour tomorrow is canceled. |
פורסם ב-8/7/2024, 19:28:10 Created on 8/7/2024, 19:28:10 Создано8/7/2024, 19:28:10 تم النشر ب-8/7/2024, 19:28:10 |
HW2 - update | |
Dear students, Question 1 in Homework 2 has been updated. The changes are highlighted in yellow. |
פורסם ב-8/7/2024, 10:03:28 Created on 8/7/2024, 10:03:28 Создано8/7/2024, 10:03:28 تم النشر ب-8/7/2024, 10:03:28 |
HW2 | |
Dear Students, The second assignment in the course is now available online. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-7/7/2024, 11:57:46 Created on 7/7/2024, 11:57:46 Создано7/7/2024, 11:57:46 تم النشر ب-7/7/2024, 11:57:46 |
Hadas's Tutorial | |
Please note that Hadas's tutorial for this week has been canceled. A complementary hour will be held next Tuesday (16.7) at 11:30, Ulman 607 |
פורסם ב-7/7/2024, 11:56:54 Created on 7/7/2024, 11:56:54 Создано7/7/2024, 11:56:54 تم النشر ب-7/7/2024, 11:56:54 |
Late submission policies | |
Dear students, Students who have been approved for late submission of homework assignments must submit the homework via email to uamit.ganzatcs.technion.ac.il, with the file name being ID-ID, meaning, 123456789-123456789. PDF only! |
פורסם ב-6/7/2024, 10:54:34 Created on 6/7/2024, 10:54:34 Создано6/7/2024, 10:54:34 تم النشر ب-6/7/2024, 10:54:34 |
Kruskal algorithm | |
Dear Students, For those attending the lectures on Monday, a file including the running time of Kruskal's algorithm is posted under Course Material. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-4/7/2024, 15:50:17 Created on 4/7/2024, 15:50:17 Создано4/7/2024, 15:50:17 تم النشر ب-4/7/2024, 15:50:17 |
Tutorial changes | |
Please note that Shaza's tutorial next week (30.6) is canceled. A complementary hour will be held on Wednesday, 26.6, at 12:30 in Ulman 804 (Tutorial 5). Moreover, Gilad's complementary hour will be held on Wednesday, 26.6, at 13:30 in Ulman 701. To clarify, Tutorial 3 will be held on Tuesday, and Tutorial 4 on Wednesday. Course Staff |
פורסם ב-24/6/2024, 15:06:05 Created on 24/6/2024, 15:06:05 Создано24/6/2024, 15:06:05 تم النشر ب-24/6/2024, 15:06:05 |
Gilad’s tutorial | |
Dear Students, This week Gilad’s tutorial (Tuesday 14:30) is canceled. A complementary tutorial will be scheduled next week. |
עדכון אחרון ב-17/6/2024, 17:09:32 Last updated on 17/6/2024, 17:09:32 Последняя модификация17/6/2024, 17:09:32 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-17/6/2024, 17:09:32 |
HW1 | |
Dear Students, The first assignment in the course is now available online. The TA's workshops start next week. (23.6) Course Staff |
פורסם ב-17/6/2024, 16:48:37 Created on 17/6/2024, 16:48:37 Создано17/6/2024, 16:48:37 تم النشر ب-17/6/2024, 16:48:37 |
Ivri's complementary tutorial + regular tutorial place | |
Dear students, Ivri's complementary tutorial will take place on 18/6 at 14:30 in Ulman 303. Please note that Ivri's tutorial has been moved to Ulman 306 permanently (except of the complementary tutorial). |
פורסם ב-16/6/2024, 14:31:01 Created on 16/6/2024, 14:31:01 Создано16/6/2024, 14:31:01 تم النشر ب-16/6/2024, 14:31:01 |
Ivri's Tutorial | |
Dear students, Please note that Ivri's tutorial tomorrow has been moved to Ulman 306 this week only. |
פורסם ב-9/6/2024, 15:20:04 Created on 9/6/2024, 15:20:04 Создано9/6/2024, 15:20:04 تم النشر ب-9/6/2024, 15:20:04 |
Miluim students | |
Dear Students, To provide necessary adjustments for students in Miluim and help you succeed this semester, all Miluim students in the course who will be serving during the semester are requested to contact Amit via email with the following details: -Full name -ID number -Expected days of service during the semester -Period of expected service (you can also indicate if service is expected but the duration is unknown) -If you are currently serving, please attach an emergency confirmation and/or 3010 form, if available. Additionally, provide your partner's full name and ID number. If both of you are in Miluim, please include all details for both. Please try to provide as much specific information as possible so we can offer personalized solutions for your homework exercises. Even if you are not currently expected to be called up for reserve duty but this changes during the semester, you can still contact us later in the semester for assistance. Please reach out as early as possible so we can help you effectively. The course staff is here to support you. Feel free to contact us on any subject, and we will do our best to assist you. Thank you for your service, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-2/6/2024, 12:13:13 Last updated on 2/6/2024, 12:13:13 Последняя модификация2/6/2024, 12:13:13 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-2/6/2024, 12:13:13 |
Ivri's Tutorial | |
Please note that Ivri's tutorial has been moved to Ulman 504 this week only. |
פורסם ב-2/6/2024, 11:56:45 Created on 2/6/2024, 11:56:45 Создано2/6/2024, 11:56:45 تم النشر ب-2/6/2024, 11:56:45 |
Hadas's Tutorial | |
Please note that Hadas's tutorial for this week has been canceled. A complementary hour will be held next Tuesday (4.6) at 13:30, Ulman 507 |
פורסם ב-26/5/2024, 09:14:27 Created on 26/5/2024, 09:14:27 Создано26/5/2024, 09:14:27 تم النشر ب-26/5/2024, 09:14:27 |
Welcome to Algorithms 1! (234247) | |
Dear Students, This is the first official mail from the "Algorithms 1" (234247) course staff. Each student registered for the course should get this mail. Those who didn't get it, are probably not registered or are not on the mailing list. So, if you know about friends who are taking this course and did not get this mail, please inform them to register through the "Auto update" feature appearing at the homepage. The course announcements, notifications, changes, etc. will be published on the web and through this mailing list. It's your responsibility to be updated and to check from time to time for new information posted on the web. All the information you need appears on the course website at: http://webcourse.cs.technion.ac.il/234247. Specifically, please make sure you read the course guidelines that appear in the "Information Sheet" file under the syllabus tab. Also, read the course schedule under the syllabus tab, which will specify the material taught in each week, along with the submission dates of each homework assignment. We wish you a fruitful and enjoyable semester! Course staff. |
פורסם ב-26/5/2024, 09:06:27 Created on 26/5/2024, 09:06:27 Создано26/5/2024, 09:06:27 تم النشر ب-26/5/2024, 09:06:27 |