Welcome to Introduction to Systems Programming Course.
Please take some minutes to carefully review the course syllabus and policies.
Please take some minutes to carefully review the course syllabus and policies.
the course syllabus can be found under the Syllabus Tab.
General Information:
- Course Credits: 4
- Grading Policy:
30% (TAKEF) Homework
70% Final Exam - Must pass the exam with a grade of 55 or above to pass the course
- Homework weights and Submission policies:
- Homework 0 - 2%
- Homework 1 (C++ Basics & Git ) - 4%
- Homework 2 (C++ Classes & Git) - 6%
- Homework 3 (C++ Templates) - 6%
- Homework 4 (C++ Inheritance & Design) - 8%
- Homework 5 (Python) - 4%
Homework submission is in pairs only (except HW0 which is in singles).
Homework submission should be on time. 5 points will be deducted for each day of delay. The maximum allowed delay is of 4 days. After that the grade will be 0.
Please NOTE: No resubmission will be allowed under any circumstances!
This procedure outlines the rules and guidelines for submitting appeals regarding the grading of the exam and homework exercises in the course. It is mandatory to read it in full before submitting an appeal. Appeals that do not adhere to the rules outlined here will be immediately rejected.
Here are the appeal procedures:
- Appeals regarding homework grades or exam grading must be submitted through the Gradescope system only. Do not contact the course staff by email regarding appeals.
- It is mandatory to read the file detailing common mistakes for the exercise or the official solution for the exam before submitting an appeal.
- The appeal must clearly specify which comment from the grader you are disputing, and on which question or section you received it. If there are multiple comments you wish to appeal, the appeal should be divided into sections to make it clear for the grader.
- The appeal must be substantive. This means that personal requests or circumstances unrelated to the content of the exercise should not be included in the appeal.
- Appeals cannot be submitted regarding the number of points deducted due to an error in your solution. The number of points deducted is determined based on a standardized grading rubric for all students.
- As a result of the appeal, the grade may increase but may also decrease. An appeal on one question may result in a review of other questions as well.
- Appeals on automatic grading results will not be accepted.