Work proposal for students | |
Take a look: material->additional->sun |
פורסם ב-21/11/2007, 13:18:17 Created on 21/11/2007, 13:18:17 Создано21/11/2007, 13:18:17 تم النشر ب-21/11/2007, 13:18:17 |
Moed B | |
(1) Time: Thursday, 25-Oct-07, 15:30; Location: Taub 5 (2) The exam will be with the closed material (3) Special reception hours of Jenya: Tuesday 23-Oct-07, 15:00-17:00 |
פורסם ב-18/10/2007, 20:56:40 Created on 18/10/2007, 20:56:40 Создано18/10/2007, 20:56:40 تم النشر ب-18/10/2007, 20:56:40 |
Found | |
The hard cover with Software Design material was found In the taub. The owner can turn to Jenya. |
פורסם ב-14/10/2007, 19:50:00 Created on 14/10/2007, 19:50:00 Создано14/10/2007, 19:50:00 تم النشر ب-14/10/2007, 19:50:00 |
Final grades | |
if (homeworks grade - exam grade > 25) Final grade = Factor A else Final grade = 0.06*Hw1 + 0.06*Hw2 + 0.06*Hw3 + 0.12*Hw4 + 0.7*Factor A |
פורסם ב-11/10/2007, 14:24:06 Created on 11/10/2007, 14:24:06 Создано11/10/2007, 14:24:06 تم النشر ب-11/10/2007, 14:24:06 |
Assignment 4 grades | |
Grades of assignment 4 were published using the GR++ system. Test cases will be published in assignments section. |
פורסם ב-11/10/2007, 14:19:27 Created on 11/10/2007, 14:19:27 Создано11/10/2007, 14:19:27 تم النشر ب-11/10/2007, 14:19:27 |
Moed A grades are published | |
Appeals can be submitted to Box 92, in Taub floor 5 until 21.10 |
פורסם ב-9/10/2007, 21:56:26 Created on 9/10/2007, 21:56:26 Создано9/10/2007, 21:56:26 تم النشر ب-9/10/2007, 21:56:26 |
The exam grades | |
As part of you know, Yossi has dislocated shoulder. Because of this and other circumstances, the exam checking is delayed. So the exam and final grades will be published in the beginning of October (approximately two weeks after the exam). Our apologies. |
פורסם ב-20/9/2007, 00:51:11 Created on 20/9/2007, 00:51:11 Создано20/9/2007, 00:51:11 تم النشر ب-20/9/2007, 00:51:11 |
Previous exams | |
Two exams were added to the Course Material->Exam Questions. |
פורסם ב-16/9/2007, 23:32:19 Created on 16/9/2007, 23:32:19 Создано16/9/2007, 23:32:19 تم النشر ب-16/9/2007, 23:32:19 |
Moed A | |
(1) Time: Wednesday, 19-Sep-07, 13:00; Location: Taub 8, 9 (2) The exam will be with the closed material (3) Special reception hours of Jenya: Tuesday 18-Sep-07, 10:00-13:00 |
פורסם ב-15/9/2007, 23:12:19 Created on 15/9/2007, 23:12:19 Создано15/9/2007, 23:12:19 تم النشر ب-15/9/2007, 23:12:19 |
Assignment 3 grades | |
Grades of assignment 3 were published using the GR++ system. The papers of the assignment will be returned tomorrow (15.08) to the cells at the entrance floor. Automatic tests grade policy: Operation is considered to be not working if there is at least one check test for the operation that was failed - for each not working operation (Put 0, Put regular / Get ; Add) - -10 - for not working operation Union - -8 Tests are published in assignments section. |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/8/2007, 11:25:24 Last updated on 14/8/2007, 11:25:24 Последняя модификация14/8/2007, 11:25:24 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/8/2007, 11:25:24 |
Assignment 4 postponed | |
Assignment 4 is postponed till 12.08 12:30 (afternoon) The works submitted till 2.08 will receive bonus - 5% of the mark The works submitted from 12.08 till 19.08 will receive penalty - 10% of the mark The works submitted from 19.08 till 26.08 will receive penalty - 15% of the mark |
פורסם ב-30/7/2007, 14:49:35 Created on 30/7/2007, 14:49:35 Создано30/7/2007, 14:49:35 تم النشر ب-30/7/2007, 14:49:35 |
Assignment 4 example was fixed | |
The weight of edge from the component CycleP 1 to the component CycleP 2 is 1 and not 2. |
פורסם ב-28/7/2007, 10:48:35 Created on 28/7/2007, 10:48:35 Создано28/7/2007, 10:48:35 تم النشر ب-28/7/2007, 10:48:35 |
Assignment 4 output tables were published | |
Output tables and their explanations were published in the Assignments section. |
פורסם ב-27/7/2007, 18:18:18 Created on 27/7/2007, 18:18:18 Создано27/7/2007, 18:18:18 تم النشر ب-27/7/2007, 18:18:18 |
Assignment 4 files are updated | |
- CSVWriter class is added - for CSV lines writing - Attributes class is fixed, tests were added - ClassFilesVisitor is added - more specific visitor - AllClasses is added - main class for program running (need to complete) - Filename class is updated - FileSystemVisitor is updated - new C'tor is added - CSVLine test is updated You can use these classes or to write your own. If you use another main class, write down its name on the first page of documentation. |
עדכון אחרון ב-22/7/2007, 20:05:52 Last updated on 22/7/2007, 20:05:52 Последняя модификация22/7/2007, 20:05:52 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-22/7/2007, 20:05:52 |
FAQ List for assignment 4 has been opened |
פורסם ב-18/7/2007, 18:56:18 Created on 18/7/2007, 18:56:18 Создано18/7/2007, 18:56:18 تم النشر ب-18/7/2007, 18:56:18 |
Tutorial 11 slides | |
Tutorial 11 slides were slightly changed (in the examples for 2NF,3NF) |
פורסם ב-18/7/2007, 18:55:53 Created on 18/7/2007, 18:55:53 Создано18/7/2007, 18:55:53 تم النشر ب-18/7/2007, 18:55:53 |
Tutorial 10 was changed | |
Singleton pattern example was fixed |
עדכון אחרון ב-11/7/2007, 17:04:15 Last updated on 11/7/2007, 17:04:15 Последняя модификация11/7/2007, 17:04:15 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-11/7/2007, 17:04:15 |
Some changes | |
Tutorial 9 was updated: in class DynamicAttacher function go() was added. Assignment 4 code files were added. Assignment 4 was slightly changed: submittion issues. |
עדכון אחרון ב-8/7/2007, 21:36:31 Last updated on 8/7/2007, 21:36:31 Последняя модификация8/7/2007, 21:36:31 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-8/7/2007, 21:36:31 |
Assignment 4 published | |
Due date: 02-Aug-07 12:30 in the afternoon |
פורסם ב-8/7/2007, 19:02:44 Created on 8/7/2007, 19:02:44 Создано8/7/2007, 19:02:44 تم النشر ب-8/7/2007, 19:02:44 |
Additional tutorial group | |
Tomorrow tutorial - 27/06 13:30 Taub 3 From the next week the additional tutorial will be held as usual in Taub 4 |
עדכון אחרון ב-26/6/2007, 23:35:43 Last updated on 26/6/2007, 23:35:43 Последняя модификация26/6/2007, 23:35:43 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-26/6/2007, 23:35:43 |
Assignment 3: one more update | |
For better design you are allowed to define methods that are called in require scope as public. |
פורסם ב-14/6/2007, 23:01:11 Created on 14/6/2007, 23:01:11 Создано14/6/2007, 23:01:11 تم النشر ب-14/6/2007, 23:01:11 |
Assignment 3: update/clarification | |
1) Clarification: You are not allowed to change the existing methods signature in SPARSE_MATRIX, but you can add new private/protected auxiliary methods. 2) Update: You are allowed to change visibility of row_list from {NONE} to {SPARSE_MATRIX} |
עדכון אחרון ב-13/6/2007, 23:43:22 Last updated on 13/6/2007, 23:43:22 Последняя модификация13/6/2007, 23:43:22 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-13/6/2007, 23:43:22 |
Tutorial 6 was changed | |
Some correction was added to the tutorial slides. The additional group will receive the explanation on the next tutorial. |
פורסם ב-13/6/2007, 18:39:50 Created on 13/6/2007, 18:39:50 Создано13/6/2007, 18:39:50 تم النشر ب-13/6/2007, 18:39:50 |
Additional tutorial group | |
Next tutorial - 20/06 13:30 Taub 4 |
פורסם ב-13/6/2007, 18:36:27 Created on 13/6/2007, 18:36:27 Создано13/6/2007, 18:36:27 تم النشر ب-13/6/2007, 18:36:27 |
Additional tutorial group | |
The additional tutorial will be given tomorrow 13/06 at 13:30 in Taub 4. The tutorial at 17:30 will be given as usual. The tutorials will cover the same material, so you can attend only one of them. |
עדכון אחרון ב-12/6/2007, 17:38:42 Last updated on 12/6/2007, 17:38:42 Последняя модификация12/6/2007, 17:38:42 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-12/6/2007, 17:38:42 |
Assignment 2 grades | |
Grades of assignment 2 were published using the GR++ system. The papers of the assignment will be returned tomorrow (12.06) to the cells at the entrance floor. |
פורסם ב-11/6/2007, 17:35:05 Created on 11/6/2007, 17:35:05 Создано11/6/2007, 17:35:05 تم النشر ب-11/6/2007, 17:35:05 |
Tutorial 4 was updated | |
The small corrections were added to the tutorial. |
פורסם ב-7/6/2007, 23:58:39 Created on 7/6/2007, 23:58:39 Создано7/6/2007, 23:58:39 تم النشر ب-7/6/2007, 23:58:39 |
FAQ List for assignment 3 has been opened |
פורסם ב-7/6/2007, 23:42:19 Created on 7/6/2007, 23:42:19 Создано7/6/2007, 23:42:19 تم النشر ب-7/6/2007, 23:42:19 |
Assignment 3 published | |
Due date: 17-Jun-07 12:30 |
פורסם ב-1/6/2007, 09:12:01 Created on 1/6/2007, 09:12:01 Создано1/6/2007, 09:12:01 تم النشر ب-1/6/2007, 09:12:01 |
Assignment 1 grades | |
Grades of assignment 1 were published using the GR++ system. The papers of the assignment will be returned tomorrow (08.05) to the cells at the entrance floor. |
פורסם ב-7/5/2007, 18:13:59 Created on 7/5/2007, 18:13:59 Создано7/5/2007, 18:13:59 تم النشر ب-7/5/2007, 18:13:59 |
Assignment 2 clarification | |
In the assignment there is requirement to rank the file functions. The meaning is to sort the functions by some of their abilities. |
פורסם ב-7/4/2007, 16:53:51 Created on 7/4/2007, 16:53:51 Создано7/4/2007, 16:53:51 تم النشر ب-7/4/2007, 16:53:51 |
Assignment 2 postponed | |
Due to several requests assignment 2 is being postponed till 15.04 |
פורסם ב-1/4/2007, 23:33:27 Created on 1/4/2007, 23:33:27 Создано1/4/2007, 23:33:27 تم النشر ب-1/4/2007, 23:33:27 |
Eiffel assignment | |
The assignment will be published after the next tutorial (after vacation). For this assignment you will need SmartEiffel compiler. After the vacation it will be set on lab computers. If you want to start to work with the compiler earlier, you can find it on this link: |
פורסם ב-31/3/2007, 20:14:20 Created on 31/3/2007, 20:14:20 Создано31/3/2007, 20:14:20 تم النشر ب-31/3/2007, 20:14:20 |
Assignment 1 late submission | |
The electronic version should be sent to my email and dry part should be submitted to the course cell. |
פורסם ב-31/3/2007, 19:57:32 Created on 31/3/2007, 19:57:32 Создано31/3/2007, 19:57:32 تم النشر ب-31/3/2007, 19:57:32 |
Assignment 2 published | |
Due date: 13-Apr-07 12:00 |
פורסם ב-30/3/2007, 18:52:42 Created on 30/3/2007, 18:52:42 Создано30/3/2007, 18:52:42 تم النشر ب-30/3/2007, 18:52:42 |
Assignment 1 dry submission | |
There are some changes in assignment 1 submission. In additional to automatic submission you have to submit the printed copy of your solution to the course cell. |
פורסם ב-26/3/2007, 22:20:04 Created on 26/3/2007, 22:20:04 Создано26/3/2007, 22:20:04 تم النشر ب-26/3/2007, 22:20:04 |
Interesting link | | |
פורסם ב-26/3/2007, 22:10:53 Created on 26/3/2007, 22:10:53 Создано26/3/2007, 22:10:53 تم النشر ب-26/3/2007, 22:10:53 |
Assignment 1 late submission | |
You can submit the homework till 5.04 with 2 points penalty for each day after 29.03. |
פורסם ב-25/3/2007, 14:58:57 Created on 25/3/2007, 14:58:57 Создано25/3/2007, 14:58:57 تم النشر ب-25/3/2007, 14:58:57 |
FAQ List for assignment 1 has been opened | |
(Make sure you check it regularly) |
פורסם ב-20/3/2007, 00:06:12 Created on 20/3/2007, 00:06:12 Создано20/3/2007, 00:06:12 تم النشر ب-20/3/2007, 00:06:12 |
The lecture - change of place | |
The lecture (Wednesday 14:30-16:30) moves to Taub 9 starting from 21.03.07. |
עדכון אחרון ב-18/3/2007, 17:14:28 Last updated on 18/3/2007, 17:14:28 Последняя модификация18/3/2007, 17:14:28 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-18/3/2007, 17:14:28 |
SSDL | |
For students that take this course accounts in SSDL lab are opened. Your magnetic card opens the SSDL door. If you have problems/questions regarding SSDL, send an e-mail to ssdlhelp@cs |
עדכון אחרון ב-15/3/2007, 15:51:54 Last updated on 15/3/2007, 15:51:54 Последняя модификация15/3/2007, 15:51:54 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-15/3/2007, 15:51:54 |
No tutorials next week | |
No tutorial will be held on Wednesday 21/03. |
פורסם ב-15/3/2007, 10:03:59 Created on 15/3/2007, 10:03:59 Создано15/3/2007, 10:03:59 تم النشر ب-15/3/2007, 10:03:59 |
Assignment 1 published | |
Due date: 29-Mar-07 23:55 |
פורסם ב-15/3/2007, 10:00:31 Created on 15/3/2007, 10:00:31 Создано15/3/2007, 10:00:31 تم النشر ب-15/3/2007, 10:00:31 |
Welcome to Software Design (236700) | |
Good luck in the course. |
פורסם ב-13/3/2007, 16:09:23 Created on 13/3/2007, 16:09:23 Создано13/3/2007, 16:09:23 تم النشر ب-13/3/2007, 16:09:23 |