Class #11 - Clarification about late submission | |
Late submission for today's class (advanced DP) is now open. To maintain fairness towards students who couldn't attend the class today, you may submit a solution of up to one problem to be graded in the late submission. The solution will receive a full point if accepted, rather than the usual 0.25 points. |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/8/2024, 18:09:29 Last updated on 14/8/2024, 18:09:29 Последняя модификация14/8/2024, 18:09:29 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/8/2024, 18:09:29 |
Final contest - Regulations and Team registration | |
The final contest is approaching, and we are very excited! Two updates: 1. Contest regulations are now available under "course material". Please read them carefully, and let us know if you have any questions. 2. Please register your team in the following form by Sunday 18.8.24 - Thanks, The course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/8/2024, 00:40:53 Last updated on 14/8/2024, 00:40:53 Последняя модификация14/8/2024, 00:40:53 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/8/2024, 00:40:53 |
Upcoming class moved to Wednesday 14.08 | |
Due to Tisha B'Av, this week's lesson will be held on Wednesday, 14.08 from 12:30 to 14:30 (צהרי יום ד׳), in Ullmann 702. Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Hoping for peaceful times, The course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-12/8/2024, 19:45:01 Last updated on 12/8/2024, 19:45:01 Последняя модификация12/8/2024, 19:45:01 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-12/8/2024, 19:45:01 |
Upcoming class update | |
Dear students, Due to the department night, the upcoming class will be ended at 18:20 |
פורסם ב-5/8/2024, 19:41:32 Created on 5/8/2024, 19:41:32 Создано5/8/2024, 19:41:32 تم النشر ب-5/8/2024, 19:41:32 |
עדכון מעדן | |
שלום לכולם, רציתי לעדכן שאתמול לפנות בוקר נולדה לנו בת ראשונה, ואנחנו מאוד שמחים ומתרגשים. בשבוע הקרוב לא אהיה זמין, ולאחר מכן אחזור בהדרגה - בשבוע הקרוב יש לפנות לתומר בעניינים דחופים, ולכל פניה אחרת אענה מהר ככל הניתן במגבלות הזמינות. מאחל לכולנו ימים שקטים והרבה בשורות טובות, עדן |
עדכון אחרון ב-30/7/2024, 13:08:42 Last updated on 30/7/2024, 13:08:42 Последняя модификация30/7/2024, 13:08:42 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-30/7/2024, 13:08:42 |
Class #6 - Late submission extension | |
Due to a temporary unavailability of a vjudge back-end relevant for Class #6, the due date for late submissions is extended by two days. Updated due date for Class #6 late submission is 18/7/2024, 23:59. |
עדכון אחרון ב-16/7/2024, 13:36:03 Last updated on 16/7/2024, 13:36:03 Последняя модификация16/7/2024, 13:36:03 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-16/7/2024, 13:36:03 |
HW1 extension | |
HW1 submission is extended by a week. New due date is Monday 22.7.2024, 23:59. To maintain fairness, submissions made before the original due date will receive a 5-point bonus (15.7.2024, 23:59, or equivalent dates due to approved extensions). The schedule for HW2 will remain unchanged (submission in groups). Good luck! The course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-14/7/2024, 12:09:10 Last updated on 14/7/2024, 12:09:10 Последняя модификация14/7/2024, 12:09:10 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-14/7/2024, 12:09:10 |
Class #4 - Late submission clarifications | |
1. The solutions outline presentation for Class #4 is now available in pdf format. 2. "Late submission" solutions may be submitted with the same group with which you worked during class. |
עדכון אחרון ב-1/7/2024, 09:10:04 Last updated on 1/7/2024, 09:10:04 Последняя модификация1/7/2024, 09:10:04 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-1/7/2024, 09:10:04 |
Team regisration and HW1 | |
1. Please register your team in the following form by Monday 24/6: . If you don't have a full team yet, please fill out the form and we will help you assemble one. 2. HW1 is published. Problems will accumulate over the next few weeks, and you are encouraged to start early. Good luck, and have a great week! The course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-19/6/2024, 21:39:59 Last updated on 19/6/2024, 21:39:59 Последняя модификация19/6/2024, 21:39:59 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-19/6/2024, 21:39:59 |
Laptop charger found in the classrom | |
After the lesson on Tuesday, a 65W laptop AC adapter was found in the classroom. If it's yours, please contact Snir Green (TA). |
עדכון אחרון ב-3/6/2024, 10:18:58 Last updated on 3/6/2024, 10:18:58 Последняя модификация3/6/2024, 10:18:58 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-3/6/2024, 10:18:58 |
Clarification for students who already solved HW0 | |
Due to an inconsistency in the vjudge system, the statement of problem A ("Shattered Cake") changed slightly when HW0 was published today: Instead of assuming that each input file for the program contains a single test case, it is now assumed that the input file may contain several test cases, and output to the different test cases should be printed line-by-line. This means that program input should be read in a loop until reaching end-of-file (EOF). Students who didn't solve HW0 are not affected. In any case, please make sure that any solution you submit in Webcourse also gets accepted by vjudge. |
עדכון אחרון ב-29/5/2024, 22:05:26 Last updated on 29/5/2024, 22:05:26 Последняя модификация29/5/2024, 22:05:26 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-29/5/2024, 22:05:26 |
Welcome to the workshop! | |
Dear students, Our first lesson will take place on Tuesday (28/5/2024) at 16:30, in Amado 231. In this lesson, we will introduce competitive programming and the workshop, solve some questions together, and have our first warm-up contest in singles. Throughout the semester, we will use the vjudge system for organizing weekly contests: - Before the first lesson, please open an account on . Choose an indicative username, as it will be displayed on the scoreboard in class. - Fill the following form: - We will add you to the course group. You will be able to see it under the "Group" section in the vjudge system. - To get familiar with vjudge, you can join the contest named 'Introduction contest' inside the group and solve the (easy) problem there. For the solutions, we will use C++ exclusively throughout the semester. Note that workshop attendance is mandatory. If you have a problem with attending, please let us know in advance. Students who are currently on the waiting list and want to take the course - Please attend the first lesson. We will track attendance, and provide you with an update on the final status of registration. Wishing an interesting, fun, and fruitful semester, The course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-26/5/2024, 18:45:11 Last updated on 26/5/2024, 18:45:11 Последняя модификация26/5/2024, 18:45:11 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-26/5/2024, 18:45:11 |