Moed B Appeals | |
Moed B appeals were returned to the secretariat. |
פורסם ב-25/4/2013, 09:40:39 Created on 25/4/2013, 09:40:39 Создано25/4/2013, 09:40:39 تم النشر ب-25/4/2013, 09:40:39 |
Moed B solutions | |
Moed B solutions can be found in the following link: |
פורסם ב-8/4/2013, 11:41:11 Created on 8/4/2013, 11:41:11 Создано8/4/2013, 11:41:11 تم النشر ب-8/4/2013, 11:41:11 |
Moed B grades are available in the course website | |
A factor as follows was granted to the grade of questions 1,3,4 and 9. 1: 52% 3: 66% 4: 30% 9: 3% The exams are already in the secretariat, thus Exam scans should be available today or tomorrow. Grades statistics can be seen in the following link: Please submit your appeals by filling appeal form and putting it in Yoav Kantor's mail box on the fifth floor, no later than 17/4. No need to print your exam scan. As in Moed A appeals - you can't consult the course staff before placing an appeal. It is advised to have a look at the exam solution before appealing (will be published today). We wish you good luck in your future studies, Course staff |
פורסם ב-8/4/2013, 11:30:54 Created on 8/4/2013, 11:30:54 Создано8/4/2013, 11:30:54 تم النشر ب-8/4/2013, 11:30:54 |
Appeals | |
Appeals were returned to the secretariat. |
פורסם ב-14/3/2013, 11:40:20 Created on 14/3/2013, 11:40:20 Создано14/3/2013, 11:40:20 تم النشر ب-14/3/2013, 11:40:20 |
Final grades are now available | |
Final grades are now available. HW_AVG: Average of your home work grades. Note that homework 6's weight is twice then other home works. HW_AVG = Average(HW1,HW2,HW3,HW4,HW5,HW6,HW6) Exam_A_Factor: Moed A grade with factor calculated in the following way : Exam_A_Factor= (1.2*Q1 + 1.2*Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9)*1.015 Final_A: Final Grades are calculated using the following formula: HW_percent = (HW_AVG - Exam_A_Factor > 40) ? 0 : ((HW_AVG - Exam_A_Factor < 20) ? 0.2 : 0.4-(HW_AVG - Exam_A_Factor)/100) FinalA = (Exam_A_factor<55) ? Exam_A_factor : (((1-HW_percent)*Exam_A_factor) + (HW_percent*HW_AVG)) |
פורסם ב-3/3/2013, 12:24:40 Created on 3/3/2013, 12:24:40 Создано3/3/2013, 12:24:40 تم النشر ب-3/3/2013, 12:24:40 |
Appeals | |
It is not possible to consult the course staff before submitting an appeal. |
פורסם ב-3/3/2013, 11:29:45 Created on 3/3/2013, 11:29:45 Создано3/3/2013, 11:29:45 تم النشر ب-3/3/2013, 11:29:45 |
Moed A grades are available in the course's site | |
A factor of 20% was granted to the grade of questions 1 and 2. Additional factor (over question 1 and 2's factor) of 1.5% was granted to the exam grade. The exams will be returned to the secretaries tomorrow. Exam scans should be available during that day. Grades statistics can be seen in the following link: Final grades (including your HW grades) should be available on Sunday. Please submit your appeals by filling appeal form and putting it in Yoav Kantor's mail box on the fifth floor, no later than 7/3. No need to print your exam scan. I advise you to have a look at the exam solution before appealing. We wish you good luck in your future studies, Course staff |
פורסם ב-27/2/2013, 01:15:16 Created on 27/2/2013, 01:15:16 Создано27/2/2013, 01:15:16 تم النشر ب-27/2/2013, 01:15:16 |
Moed A solutions | |
Moed A solutions can be found in the following link: |
פורסם ב-20/2/2013, 16:16:04 Created on 20/2/2013, 16:16:04 Создано20/2/2013, 16:16:04 تم النشر ب-20/2/2013, 16:16:04 |
Yoav's reception hour today- location | |
Yoav's reception hour will be held at Taub 4 class at 10:00. |
פורסם ב-19/2/2013, 08:05:30 Created on 19/2/2013, 08:05:30 Создано19/2/2013, 08:05:30 تم النشر ب-19/2/2013, 08:05:30 |
Prop. Gill's reception hours before the exam | |
Prop. Gill will hold reception hours today (17.02), 15:30-17:30 @ taub 520. You are advised to ask him lectures related questions. |
פורסם ב-17/2/2013, 11:53:54 Created on 17/2/2013, 11:53:54 Создано17/2/2013, 11:53:54 تم النشر ب-17/2/2013, 11:53:54 |
אין לכתוב במבחן בעפרון | |
אין לכתוב במבחן בעפרון. מבחנים שיכתבו בעפרון לא יבדקו. |
פורסם ב-17/2/2013, 11:13:13 Created on 17/2/2013, 11:13:13 Создано17/2/2013, 11:13:13 تم النشر ب-17/2/2013, 11:13:13 |
Reception hours before the exam | |
Matan will hold reception hours on Monday the 18.2, 11:00. Yoav will hold reception hours on Tuesday the 19.2, 10:00. Please send your questions in advance by mail. These questions will be explained prior to questions asked in class. |
פורסם ב-17/2/2013, 11:11:36 Created on 17/2/2013, 11:11:36 Создано17/2/2013, 11:11:36 تم النشر ب-17/2/2013, 11:11:36 |
HW #6 has been graded | |
HW #6 has been graded and will be available in the secreteriat until tomorrow. Please contact Matan regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-13/2/2013, 13:08:02 Created on 13/2/2013, 13:08:02 Создано13/2/2013, 13:08:02 تم النشر ب-13/2/2013, 13:08:02 |
Previous Exams | |
Previous exams section under course material has been updated with previous semesters' exams and solutions. |
עדכון אחרון ב-4/2/2013, 18:05:08 Last updated on 4/2/2013, 18:05:08 Последняя модификация4/2/2013, 18:05:08 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-4/2/2013, 18:05:08 |
HW #6 wet submission clarifications | |
Several clarifications regarding the wet submission of HW #6 were added to the exercise (toward the end of it, in a red font). Please be sure to follow these instructions! |
פורסם ב-30/1/2013, 14:53:27 Created on 30/1/2013, 14:53:27 Создано30/1/2013, 14:53:27 تم النشر ب-30/1/2013, 14:53:27 |
HW #5 has been graded | |
HW #5 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Matan regarding questions or appeals. Enable electronic submission: |
פורסם ב-27/1/2013, 19:55:56 Created on 27/1/2013, 19:55:56 Создано27/1/2013, 19:55:56 تم النشر ب-27/1/2013, 19:55:56 |
A change in the reception hours of Matan for today | |
The reception hours of Matan will be held today at 12 (instead of at 9). |
פורסם ב-24/1/2013, 07:48:24 Created on 24/1/2013, 07:48:24 Создано24/1/2013, 07:48:24 تم النشر ب-24/1/2013, 07:48:24 |
שיעורי בית 6- הגשה ברבעיות | |
היות וסטודנטים רבים התלוננו על אורכו של התרגיל ובהתחשב בעומס ההעבודה הרב האופייני לסוף סמסטר, החלטנו לאשר הגשת שיעורי בית 6 ברביעיות. ניתן להשתמש בעמוד הפייסבוק של הקורס כדי לחבור לרביעיות. יש לוודא שכל אחד מהסטודנטים ברבעייה מכיר ומבין את התשובות לכל השאלות. |
פורסם ב-23/1/2013, 09:16:46 Created on 23/1/2013, 09:16:46 Создано23/1/2013, 09:16:46 تم النشر ب-23/1/2013, 09:16:46 |
ביום הבחירות, 22.1.2012, לא תתקיים הרצאה | |
ביום הבחירות, 22.1.2012, לא תתקיים הרצאה. במקומה תתקיימנה שתי הרצאות השלמה זהות: א. יום ד' 23.1.2102 בין 12:30 ל 14:30. ב. יום א' 27.1.2013 בין 16:30 ל 18:30. על המקום המדוייק תבוא הודעה. |
פורסם ב-15/1/2013, 10:53:41 Created on 15/1/2013, 10:53:41 Создано15/1/2013, 10:53:41 تم النشر ب-15/1/2013, 10:53:41 |
Homework #6 is published | |
Homework #6 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 30/1/13 at 23:55. The TAs in charge of this assignment are both Yoav Kantor and Matan Levy. Please contact them for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-15/1/2013, 10:52:50 Created on 15/1/2013, 10:52:50 Создано15/1/2013, 10:52:50 تم النشر ب-15/1/2013, 10:52:50 |
HW #5 due date is postponed to 13.1 23:55 | |
Since yesterday was saturday, some students had a difficulty to submit the dry part on time. Thus, the due date is postponed to 13.1 (today) at 23:55. This postponement is for both of the parts of the HW (dry & wet). |
פורסם ב-13/1/2013, 13:06:24 Created on 13/1/2013, 13:06:24 Создано13/1/2013, 13:06:24 تم النشر ب-13/1/2013, 13:06:24 |
HW #5 due date is postponed | |
Some announcements and reminders: 1) HW #5 due date is postponed to 12.1 23:59 2) Please notice that (as stated in the exercise) you should not locate the given pre-declarations for questions 3&4 in ex5.sml . If you haven't submitted it that way - please fix it and resubmit. |
פורסם ב-10/1/2013, 08:30:40 Created on 10/1/2013, 08:30:40 Создано10/1/2013, 08:30:40 تم النشر ب-10/1/2013, 08:30:40 |
HW #5 update: Testing process has been slightly changed | |
There are several changes in the testing process of HW #5: 1) The pre-declarations for questions 3&4 have been moved from test5.sml to a new file called pre.sml. 2) Thus - the instructions for the testing process have been changed (appears in red in the exercise itself). update (8.1 9:50) : test5.sml has been fixed. apologies for the inconvinience. |
עדכון אחרון ב-8/1/2013, 09:51:55 Last updated on 8/1/2013, 09:51:55 Последняя модификация8/1/2013, 09:51:55 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-8/1/2013, 09:51:55 |
test5.sml was published | |
It can be found under the "assignments" section. Remember to follow the instructions in HW #5 regarding this file, before submitting your wet part. |
פורסם ב-7/1/2013, 09:33:28 Created on 7/1/2013, 09:33:28 Создано7/1/2013, 09:33:28 تم النشر ب-7/1/2013, 09:33:28 |
The tutorial today is canceled (3.1.13) | |
Yoav's tutorial will not be held today due to unexpected Miluim. Sorry for the short notice. |
פורסם ב-3/1/2013, 06:52:11 Created on 3/1/2013, 06:52:11 Создано3/1/2013, 06:52:11 تم النشر ب-3/1/2013, 06:52:11 |
Homework #5 is published | |
Homework #5 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 10/1/13 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Matan Levy. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
עדכון אחרון ב-27/12/2012, 10:22:57 Last updated on 27/12/2012, 10:22:57 Последняя модификация27/12/2012, 10:22:57 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-27/12/2012, 10:22:57 |
HW #4 due date is postponed until 27.12 at 23:59 | |
No more postponements will be given. HW #5 will be published as scheduled. |
פורסם ב-25/12/2012, 20:32:11 Created on 25/12/2012, 20:32:11 Создано25/12/2012, 20:32:11 تم النشر ب-25/12/2012, 20:32:11 |
HW #2 has been graded | |
HW #2 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Yoav regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-24/12/2012, 17:39:03 Created on 24/12/2012, 17:39:03 Создано24/12/2012, 17:39:03 تم النشر ب-24/12/2012, 17:39:03 |
test4.sml has been updated due to small mistake |
פורסם ב-23/12/2012, 16:15:23 Created on 23/12/2012, 16:15:23 Создано23/12/2012, 16:15:23 تم النشر ب-23/12/2012, 16:15:23 |
test4.sml file has been uploaded to the site and FAQ section is updated |
פורסם ב-23/12/2012, 15:16:12 Created on 23/12/2012, 15:16:12 Создано23/12/2012, 15:16:12 تم النشر ب-23/12/2012, 15:16:12 |
HW #4 due date is postponed until 26.12 at 12:30 |
פורסם ב-20/12/2012, 10:41:52 Created on 20/12/2012, 10:41:52 Создано20/12/2012, 10:41:52 تم النشر ب-20/12/2012, 10:41:52 |
Matan's reception hour today | |
Matan's reception hour today will take place at 12:00 instead of 9:00. This is a one time change. |
פורסם ב-20/12/2012, 07:52:49 Created on 20/12/2012, 07:52:49 Создано20/12/2012, 07:52:49 تم النشر ب-20/12/2012, 07:52:49 |
Homework #4 is published | |
Homework #4 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 24/12/12 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yoav Kantor. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-14/12/2012, 12:42:19 Created on 14/12/2012, 12:42:19 Создано14/12/2012, 12:42:19 تم النشر ب-14/12/2012, 12:42:19 |
HW #1 has been graded | |
HW #1 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Matan regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-13/12/2012, 15:23:09 Created on 13/12/2012, 15:23:09 Создано13/12/2012, 15:23:09 تم النشر ب-13/12/2012, 15:23:09 |
Wednesday is "Yom Matkonet" | |
Wednesday (12.12) is "Yom Matkonet" - as Sunday. Thus, the only tutorial given on that day is the one given by Matan on sundays, on 11:30 at Taub 5. Have a nice holiday! The course staff |
פורסם ב-10/12/2012, 12:34:32 Created on 10/12/2012, 12:34:32 Создано10/12/2012, 12:34:32 تم النشر ب-10/12/2012, 12:34:32 |
several changes in HW #3 | |
In the dry part: In section d: Some important clarifications were added. Section e is cancelled. |
פורסם ב-10/12/2012, 12:26:13 Created on 10/12/2012, 12:26:13 Создано10/12/2012, 12:26:13 تم النشر ب-10/12/2012, 12:26:13 |
test3.sml was published | |
It can be found under the "assignments" section. Remember to follow the instructions in HW #3 regarding this file, before submitting your wet part. an update: if you downloaded the file before 22:00 (3.12), please re-download it, due to an error in the first version of that file |
עדכון אחרון ב-3/12/2012, 22:04:39 Last updated on 3/12/2012, 22:04:39 Последняя модификация3/12/2012, 22:04:39 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-3/12/2012, 22:04:39 |
"grading policy" and "late submission policy" is published under the FAQ section |
פורסם ב-3/12/2012, 09:52:33 Created on 3/12/2012, 09:52:33 Создано3/12/2012, 09:52:33 تم النشر ب-3/12/2012, 09:52:33 |
FAQ to HW #3 is now open | |
Make sure to follow up on everything posted in the FAQ. Reminder - limitations or requirements that appear in the FAQ are mandatory! Please go over the FAQ before sending a question by mail. |
פורסם ב-1/12/2012, 22:42:49 Created on 1/12/2012, 22:42:49 Создано1/12/2012, 22:42:49 تم النشر ب-1/12/2012, 22:42:49 |
Homework #3 is published | |
Homework #3 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 12/12/12 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Matan Levy. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-28/11/2012, 17:40:20 Created on 28/11/2012, 17:40:20 Создано28/11/2012, 17:40:20 تم النشر ب-28/11/2012, 17:40:20 |
test2.sml file had been added to the assignment section |
פורסם ב-17/11/2012, 21:59:13 Created on 17/11/2012, 21:59:13 Создано17/11/2012, 21:59:13 تم النشر ب-17/11/2012, 21:59:13 |
Homework #2 is published | |
Homework #2 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 25/11/12 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yoav Kantor. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-13/11/2012, 10:27:31 Created on 13/11/2012, 10:27:31 Создано13/11/2012, 10:27:31 تم النشر ب-13/11/2012, 10:27:31 |
HW #1 due date is postponed due to a technical problem | |
Due to a technical problem, HW #1 due date is postponed until today (11.11) at 20:30 Anyone who has sent his file directly to Yoav - please resubmit it via the site. |
פורסם ב-11/11/2012, 10:51:53 Created on 11/11/2012, 10:51:53 Создано11/11/2012, 10:51:53 تم النشر ب-11/11/2012, 10:51:53 |
Examples of drawing a Parse-Tree were added | |
A PDF with examples of drawing a Parse-Tree for a program\expression was added to the course site. It can be found under the "Course Material" section. You can use this description as an assitant to HW #1. |
פורסם ב-6/11/2012, 12:13:43 Created on 6/11/2012, 12:13:43 Создано6/11/2012, 12:13:43 تم النشر ب-6/11/2012, 12:13:43 |
Homework #1 due date is postponed to 11.11.12 | |
Since the original due date is saturday, HW #1 due date is postponed to 11.11.12 at 12:30. |
פורסם ב-4/11/2012, 11:07:11 Created on 4/11/2012, 11:07:11 Создано4/11/2012, 11:07:11 تم النشر ب-4/11/2012, 11:07:11 |
FAQ to HW #1 is now open | |
Make sure to follow up on everything posted in the FAQ. Reminder - limitations or requirements that appear in the FAQ are mandatory! Please go over the FAQ before sending a question by mail. |
פורסם ב-1/11/2012, 14:38:40 Created on 1/11/2012, 14:38:40 Создано1/11/2012, 14:38:40 تم النشر ب-1/11/2012, 14:38:40 |
Homework #1 is published | |
Homework #1 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 10/11/12 at 23:55. The TA in charge of this assignment is Matan Levy. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-30/10/2012, 10:43:14 Created on 30/10/2012, 10:43:14 Создано30/10/2012, 10:43:14 تم النشر ب-30/10/2012, 10:43:14 |
Welcome to Programming Languages (234319) course | |
(*) Tutorials in the first week are given as usual. (*) Students that are registered to the PL course can work in the Linux SSDL computer lab on the 2nd floor. Please read the SSDL presentation (see course material) for information. The lab has some rules and regulations that have to be respected. Note that students might be expelled from the lab if they break these rules. (*) It is not possible to transfer HW grades from previous semesters. We wish you good luck in the upcoming semester, Course staff |
פורסם ב-22/10/2012, 13:42:45 Created on 22/10/2012, 13:42:45 Создано22/10/2012, 13:42:45 تم النشر ب-22/10/2012, 13:42:45 |