Moed C details | |
Moed C will take place on Wednesday, June 1st at 16:00. It will take place at Ulman 304. |
פורסם ב-23/5/2011, 23:26:03 Created on 23/5/2011, 23:26:03 Создано23/5/2011, 23:26:03 تم النشر ب-23/5/2011, 23:26:03 |
A message about Moed C | |
עקב מחלה ממושכת של המרצה התעכבה קביעת מועד ג'. בימים אלו נשלחה הודעה לכל מי שנמצא זכאי למועד ג', על מועד המבחן. מי שלא קיבל את ההודעה ולדעתו הוא זכאי, מתבקש לפנות למתרגל האחראי. כללי הטכניון קובעים שלא ניתן לתת מועד ג' גם במקרים "מוצדקים", אלא רק על פי הסיבות הקבועות בתקנון. כך, למשל, מי שהיה חולה (אך לא מאושפז) בזמן אחד המועדים, אינו זכאי למועד ג'. |
פורסם ב-16/5/2011, 15:55:40 Created on 16/5/2011, 15:55:40 Создано16/5/2011, 15:55:40 تم النشر ب-16/5/2011, 15:55:40 |
Moed Gimel | |
All students with Miluim issues who plan to take Moed C should contact Yossi ASAP by email. |
פורסם ב-24/4/2011, 01:36:19 Created on 24/4/2011, 01:36:19 Создано24/4/2011, 01:36:19 تم النشر ب-24/4/2011, 01:36:19 |
Moed B Appeals | |
Submit your appeal until Friday, April 1st at 14:00. Submission should be done to Yuval by email only. Note that when you appeal we may recheck the entire exam. |
פורסם ב-24/3/2011, 10:18:15 Created on 24/3/2011, 10:18:15 Создано24/3/2011, 10:18:15 تم النشر ب-24/3/2011, 10:18:15 |
Moed B grades have been published | |
The grades along with the final grades are now online. We've decided to factor the grades the same way as in Moed A, meaning that the average success rate of each question should be at least 0.64. Weights were as follows: Q1 : 1 Q2 : 1.307 Q3 : 1 Q4 : 1 Q5 : 1.165 Q6 : 1 Q7 : 1 Q8 : 1.138 Q9 : 1.254 Q10 : 1 Q11 : 1.150 Q12 : 1 Grades are missing for a few student who did not pay attention to the specific instruction not to write in pencils. We are waiting for the directions of the undergraduate studies dean to decide how to proceed. We apologize for the delay in publishing the grades. Appeal instruction and exam scans will be published in a few days. |
פורסם ב-20/3/2011, 11:11:44 Created on 20/3/2011, 11:11:44 Создано20/3/2011, 11:11:44 تم النشر ب-20/3/2011, 11:11:44 |
Some Material | |
An old multiple choice exam has been uploaded to: This is not a representative exam; Not all questions are relevant but you can still use it as another source for questions to study from. Obviously Moed B will not be a multiple choice exam. |
עדכון אחרון ב-3/3/2011, 08:10:04 Last updated on 3/3/2011, 08:10:04 Последняя модификация3/3/2011, 08:10:04 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-3/3/2011, 08:10:04 |
Reception hours before Moed B | |
Reception hours are as follows: Shay - Wednesday @ 10:00 Omer - Wednesday @ 16:40 Yuval - Thursday @ 12:30 - 13:30 Yossi - Thursday @ 13:30 - 14:30 We apologize for the late publish. |
פורסם ב-1/3/2011, 14:59:09 Created on 1/3/2011, 14:59:09 Создано1/3/2011, 14:59:09 تم النشر ب-1/3/2011, 14:59:09 |
Moed A Solution | |
Solution for Moed A is online, under previous exams section. |
פורסם ב-25/2/2011, 13:50:25 Created on 25/2/2011, 13:50:25 Создано25/2/2011, 13:50:25 تم النشر ب-25/2/2011, 13:50:25 |
Moed A appeals | |
Please submit appleas to Yuval by email (only) no later than 28.2.11. They should include at least your ID and a short description of the appeal. A solution will be published in a few days. |
פורסם ב-14/2/2011, 18:02:15 Created on 14/2/2011, 18:02:15 Создано14/2/2011, 18:02:15 تم النشر ب-14/2/2011, 18:02:15 |
Moed A factored and final grades have been published | |
The calculation explanation follows in Hebrew. לגבי כל שאלה ושאלה חושבו הציון הממוצע, המינימלי, והמקסימלי. חושב גם את הציון הממוצע היחסי (ציון ממוצע מחולק בציון המקסימלי), סטיית התקן, סטיית התקן היחסית, ומתאם פירסון של ההצלחה בשאלה עם ההצלחה בכל שאר השאלות מלבדה. תיקנון הציון חושב באופן הבא: בכל שאלה שהממוצע שלה היה נמך מ 64%, ניתן משקל, מספר הגדול מ-1, המגדיל את הציון בשאלה ל 64%. בעבור שאלות שהממוצע שלהן לא היה נמוך ב-64%, המשקל נקבע ל-1. להלן טבלת המשקלות: Q W 1 1.317 2 1.538 3 1.000 4 1.078 5 1.000 6 1.000 7 1.093 8 1.000 9 1.029 10 1.090 11 1.000 12 1.409 13 1.123 14 1.216 השאלה הקשה ביותר היתה שאלה 2 (ציון ממוצע לשאלה 42%), שאלה שניתנה בתרגילי בית, ושאלה שצויין לגביה במפורש, שהיא שאלת תרגילי בית. זוהי השאלה בעבורה סטיית התקן היחסית (סטית התקן מחולקת בממוצע) של הציון היא גם הגבוהה ביותר (סטית תקן ששווה כמעט לממוצע). הדבר מעלה חשש כבד שתרגילי בית רבים הועתקו. |
פורסם ב-10/2/2011, 11:21:31 Created on 10/2/2011, 11:21:31 Создано10/2/2011, 11:21:31 تم النشر ب-10/2/2011, 11:21:31 |
Grades Fix | |
The exam grade of a few of you has been updated due to calculation errors found later. We apologize for that. |
פורסם ב-9/2/2011, 17:13:21 Created on 9/2/2011, 17:13:21 Создано9/2/2011, 17:13:21 تم النشر ب-9/2/2011, 17:13:21 |
Clarification | |
As written in the previous message the published grades are only the exam grades. They are not your final grades and do not include your home assignment grades. If your (to be) factored exam grade is above 50 it will be 80% of your final grade, where the remaining 20% are the home assignments. Otherwise the factored exam grade will be your final grade. Final grades will be published in a few days. |
פורסם ב-6/2/2011, 23:47:49 Created on 6/2/2011, 23:47:49 Создано6/2/2011, 23:47:49 تم النشر ب-6/2/2011, 23:47:49 |
Moed A grades have been published | |
Moed A exam grades (only) have been published. These grades are not your final exam grade as some (positive) factor is expected. Final grades will be published in a few days. |
פורסם ב-6/2/2011, 13:36:38 Created on 6/2/2011, 13:36:38 Создано6/2/2011, 13:36:38 تم النشر ب-6/2/2011, 13:36:38 |
Relevant chapters from Watt's book | |
As requested by some of you, the list of chapters from Watt's book relevant for the exam can be found here: |
פורסם ב-26/1/2011, 22:48:14 Created on 26/1/2011, 22:48:14 Создано26/1/2011, 22:48:14 تم النشر ب-26/1/2011, 22:48:14 |
HW6 has been graded. | |
HW6 has been graded. The dry part will be returned to the secretariat tomorrow. Many of you had mistakes with determining whether a cut is green or red. I have uploaded a file which explains the common errors and solves the questions correctly. The file can be found at the assignments section under homework 6. The name of the file is commonerrors.pdf. For your benefit, read it. Regarding appeals - please contact Shay. Good luck in the exam |
עדכון אחרון ב-25/1/2011, 20:38:19 Last updated on 25/1/2011, 20:38:19 Последняя модификация25/1/2011, 20:38:19 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-25/1/2011, 20:38:19 |
List templates file update | |
The template programming tutorial file (under course material) has been improved and updated. |
פורסם ב-24/1/2011, 13:33:40 Created on 24/1/2011, 13:33:40 Создано24/1/2011, 13:33:40 تم النشر ب-24/1/2011, 13:33:40 |
HW5 has been graded | |
HW5 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Questions 1,2,3 have been fully checked. In question 4, clauses d,e have been checked. In question 5, clauses a,b have been checked. A full solution to questions 4,5 is under the assignments section. Please contact Omer regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-23/1/2011, 13:25:50 Created on 23/1/2011, 13:25:50 Создано23/1/2011, 13:25:50 تم النشر ب-23/1/2011, 13:25:50 |
Lectures Slides Update | |
An updated version for the 'Compiling and running Java programs' lecture was uploaded. The update includes some small fixes, more examples and explanations. |
פורסם ב-22/1/2011, 22:12:03 Created on 22/1/2011, 22:12:03 Создано22/1/2011, 22:12:03 تم النشر ب-22/1/2011, 22:12:03 |
Reception hours before the exam | |
Reception hours for next week are as follows: Shay - Tuesday @ 10:30 - 11:30 Yossi - Wednesday @ 12:30 - 13:30 Yuval - Wednesday @ 14:30 - 15:30 Omer - Thursday @ 10:30 - 11:30 |
פורסם ב-20/1/2011, 22:30:12 Created on 20/1/2011, 22:30:12 Создано20/1/2011, 22:30:12 تم النشر ب-20/1/2011, 22:30:12 |
Lectures Slides | |
Slides that were taught in last week's lecture, about compiling and running Java programs have been uploaded. |
פורסם ב-20/1/2011, 11:30:33 Created on 20/1/2011, 11:30:33 Создано20/1/2011, 11:30:33 تم النشر ب-20/1/2011, 11:30:33 |
Yuval's reception hour | |
Yuval's reception hour is canceled both today and next week. If you want to meet him please schedule a meeting by email. Exam reception hours will be published in a few days. |
פורסם ב-17/1/2011, 11:42:20 Created on 17/1/2011, 11:42:20 Создано17/1/2011, 11:42:20 تم النشر ب-17/1/2011, 11:42:20 |
Hw4 Question3 | |
Dear students, Question 3 in Hw4 was checked by an automatic script. You can find the tests according to which we checked your implementation under the assignment page in the section of hw4. The name of the file is tests.txt |
פורסם ב-13/1/2011, 09:52:34 Created on 13/1/2011, 09:52:34 Создано13/1/2011, 09:52:34 تم النشر ب-13/1/2011, 09:52:34 |
Students with the following Id should contact Shay | |
303115711 301471108 037779071 317638773 200768240 201148822 314558370 323743476 |
פורסם ב-11/1/2011, 11:56:06 Created on 11/1/2011, 11:56:06 Создано11/1/2011, 11:56:06 تم النشر ب-11/1/2011, 11:56:06 |
HW4 has been graded | |
Hw4 has been graded and will be returned to the secretariat by tomorrow. Please contact Shay regarding appeals. |
פורסם ב-11/1/2011, 11:54:20 Created on 11/1/2011, 11:54:20 Создано11/1/2011, 11:54:20 تم النشر ب-11/1/2011, 11:54:20 |
Hw6 | |
Hw6 is published, due date is 24.01 at 12:30 This homework contains only prolog questions. We strongly recommend to start solving this hw as soon as possible - it will help you a-lot with getting used to "thinking" in prolog. Good luck |
פורסם ב-10/1/2011, 13:24:39 Created on 10/1/2011, 13:24:39 Создано10/1/2011, 13:24:39 تم النشر ب-10/1/2011, 13:24:39 |
Yuval's reception hour tomorrow | |
Yuval's reception hour tomorrow will be held @ 13:30 instead of 15:30. |
פורסם ב-9/1/2011, 23:56:56 Created on 9/1/2011, 23:56:56 Создано9/1/2011, 23:56:56 تم النشر ب-9/1/2011, 23:56:56 |
Shay's reception hours | |
Shay's reception hours will be permanently changed to Tuesday 10:30-11:20 |
פורסם ב-3/1/2011, 10:59:22 Created on 3/1/2011, 10:59:22 Создано3/1/2011, 10:59:22 تم النشر ب-3/1/2011, 10:59:22 |
HW5 has been published | |
Please note that this assignment has a larger emphasis on theoretical questions than previous assignments. Consequently, its weight will be approximately 1.5 times the weight of previous assignments. Additionally, not all of the clauses of the theoretical questions will be checked. We will publish a solution to the questions that will not be checked. |
פורסם ב-27/12/2010, 14:25:21 Created on 27/12/2010, 14:25:21 Создано27/12/2010, 14:25:21 تم النشر ب-27/12/2010, 14:25:21 |
HW3 has been graded | |
HW3 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Omer regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-27/12/2010, 14:13:41 Created on 27/12/2010, 14:13:41 Создано27/12/2010, 14:13:41 تم النشر ب-27/12/2010, 14:13:41 |
Shay's reception hour next week | |
Next week, Shay will be holding his reception hour on 10:30-11:20 |
פורסם ב-25/12/2010, 12:51:13 Created on 25/12/2010, 12:51:13 Создано25/12/2010, 12:51:13 تم النشر ب-25/12/2010, 12:51:13 |
HW2 has been graded | |
HW2 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Yuval regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-20/12/2010, 13:26:54 Created on 20/12/2010, 13:26:54 Создано20/12/2010, 13:26:54 تم النشر ب-20/12/2010, 13:26:54 |
Lectures location change | |
The lectures have been permanently moved to Taub 9. |
פורסם ב-14/12/2010, 10:43:32 Created on 14/12/2010, 10:43:32 Создано14/12/2010, 10:43:32 تم النشر ب-14/12/2010, 10:43:32 |
HW4 has been published | |
Due date: 27.12.2010 @ 12:30 Shay, who's in charge of this HW, is in miluim for the next 4 days (until Thursday). His tutorial on Tuesday will take place as usual. However, he won't hold his reception hour tomorrow and won't answer emails in this time. If you have any questions until then, please contact Yuval. Good luck! |
עדכון אחרון ב-13/12/2010, 12:27:31 Last updated on 13/12/2010, 12:27:31 Последняя модификация13/12/2010, 12:27:31 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-13/12/2010, 12:27:31 |
Updated C lists examples file | |
The file lists_main.c had two small problems that apparently affected those using gcc version >4. These problems are fixed now, so it's recommended you download the updated file. If you didn't have any problems before, you don't have to change anything in your code for this new file. |
עדכון אחרון ב-9/12/2010, 16:33:37 Last updated on 9/12/2010, 16:33:37 Последняя модификация9/12/2010, 16:33:37 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-9/12/2010, 16:33:37 |
HW3 postponement | |
HW3 is postponed until Monday 13.12.2010 on 14:00. Students who got a postponement until this date do not get an additional postponement. |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/12/2010, 14:28:54 Last updated on 5/12/2010, 14:28:54 Последняя модификация5/12/2010, 14:28:54 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/12/2010, 14:28:54 |
HW1 has been graded | |
HW1 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Omer regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-30/11/2010, 10:04:48 Created on 30/11/2010, 10:04:48 Создано30/11/2010, 10:04:48 تم النشر ب-30/11/2010, 10:04:48 |
HW3 submission instructions have been modified | |
Please download the updated file |
פורסם ב-28/11/2010, 13:36:21 Created on 28/11/2010, 13:36:21 Создано28/11/2010, 13:36:21 تم النشر ب-28/11/2010, 13:36:21 |
HW3 has been published | |
Due date: 9.12.2010 @ 12:30 Good luck! |
פורסם ב-25/11/2010, 15:10:11 Created on 25/11/2010, 15:10:11 Создано25/11/2010, 15:10:11 تم النشر ب-25/11/2010, 15:10:11 |
Complementary Lecture | |
The complementary lecture will be held tomorrow @ 17:30 in Taub 9. The slides are available in the 'Lectures' section. |
פורסם ב-20/11/2010, 17:57:36 Created on 20/11/2010, 17:57:36 Создано20/11/2010, 17:57:36 تم النشر ب-20/11/2010, 17:57:36 |
HW2 has been published | |
Due date: 25.11.10 @ 12:30 Good luck! |
פורסם ב-11/11/2010, 13:25:33 Created on 11/11/2010, 13:25:33 Создано11/11/2010, 13:25:33 تم النشر ب-11/11/2010, 13:25:33 |
Homework submittion | |
Students who still don't have a partner should: (*) Check the "Find a Partner" section for people who also don't have a partner. (*) Add themselves there if they still can't find a partner. (*) Email Yuval if they have done all of the above and still couldn't find a partner by the end of next week. Students who wrote themselves in the "Find a Partner" section and found a partner are kindly requested to remove themselves. |
עדכון אחרון ב-9/11/2010, 16:59:05 Last updated on 9/11/2010, 16:59:05 Последняя модификация9/11/2010, 16:59:05 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-9/11/2010, 16:59:05 |
Shay's reception hour for Tuesday 9.11.2010 is cancelled | |
We apologize for the late notice |
פורסם ב-9/11/2010, 10:56:39 Created on 9/11/2010, 10:56:39 Создано9/11/2010, 10:56:39 تم النشر ب-9/11/2010, 10:56:39 |
Downloading Free Pascal | |
There seem to be some problems downloading Free Pascal from the link under the "Course Material" section right now. If you can't download it, try the following link instead: |
פורסם ב-9/11/2010, 10:41:55 Created on 9/11/2010, 10:41:55 Создано9/11/2010, 10:41:55 تم النشر ب-9/11/2010, 10:41:55 |
Yuval's Monday tutorial - room change | |
Monday's tutorial is moved to Taub 6. This is a permanent change. |
פורסם ב-7/11/2010, 12:09:34 Created on 7/11/2010, 12:09:34 Создано7/11/2010, 12:09:34 تم النشر ب-7/11/2010, 12:09:34 |
HW1 has been published | |
Due date: 11.11.10 @ 12:30 Good luck! |
עדכון אחרון ב-28/10/2010, 11:35:50 Last updated on 28/10/2010, 11:35:50 Последняя модификация28/10/2010, 11:35:50 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-28/10/2010, 11:35:50 |
Welcome to Programming Languages (234319) course | |
(*) Tutorials in the first week are given as usual. (*) Students that are registered to the PL course can work in the linux SSDL computer lab on the 2nd floor. Please read the SSDL presentation (see course material) for information. The lab has some rules and regulations that have to be respected. Note that students might be expelled from the lab if they break these rules. (*) If you have taken PL course in the past (Winter2010/Spring2010) you may transfer your HW grades. It is obviously recommended that you solve this semester's assignments even if you do transfer your grades. If you want to transfer the grades contact Yuval with your ID#. We wish you good luck in the upcoming semester, Course staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-12/10/2010, 16:48:43 Last updated on 12/10/2010, 16:48:43 Последняя модификация12/10/2010, 16:48:43 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-12/10/2010, 16:48:43 |