Moed B Solution | |
Moed B Solution can be viewed in the following link: |
פורסם ב-22/10/2012, 14:07:24 Created on 22/10/2012, 14:07:24 Создано22/10/2012, 14:07:24 تم النشر ب-22/10/2012, 14:07:24 |
Moed B appeals | |
Please submit your appeal by e-mail to Yuri no later than 25/10. Mail subject: PL Moed B Appeal Don't forget to write your ID. State your appeal clearly and succinctly. No need for exam scan. The exams were passed to the secretary and the scans should be available in the next few days. Also, the solution will be published soon. We wish you good luck in your future studies, Course staff |
פורסם ב-10/10/2012, 19:20:48 Created on 10/10/2012, 19:20:48 Создано10/10/2012, 19:20:48 تم النشر ب-10/10/2012, 19:20:48 |
Moed B final grades are now available. | |
Moed B grade with factor calculated the following way Moed_B_Factor = Ceil((Moed_B_raw + 0.03*Moed_B_Q2 + 0.24*Moed_B_Q5 + 0.05 * Moed_A_Q8)*100/95) HW_B_Precent= (HW_AVG - Moed_B_factor > 40) ? 0 : ((HW_AVG - Moed_B_factor < 20) ? 0.2 : 0.4-(HW_AVG - Moed_B_factor)/100) FinalB=Ceil((Moed_B_Factor<47) ? Moed_B_Factor : (((Moed_B_Factor<55)&&(HW_AVG>70)) ? 55 : (((1-HW_B_Precent)*Moed_B_Factor)+(HW_B_Precent*HW_AVG)))) |
עדכון אחרון ב-10/10/2012, 19:09:23 Last updated on 10/10/2012, 19:09:23 Последняя модификация10/10/2012, 19:09:23 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-10/10/2012, 19:09:23 |
The student with id number 021639489 - please contact Yuri |
עדכון אחרון ב-10/10/2012, 13:20:40 Last updated on 10/10/2012, 13:20:40 Последняя модификация10/10/2012, 13:20:40 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-10/10/2012, 13:20:40 |
The grades will be published after Sukot | |
The grades of the Moed Beit exam will be published after Sukkot. |
עדכון אחרון ב-30/9/2012, 13:24:39 Last updated on 30/9/2012, 13:24:39 Последняя модификация30/9/2012, 13:24:39 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-30/9/2012, 13:24:39 |
A misprint was corrected in Moed A Solution | |
At the Moed A Solution, a mistake was found and corrected at question 4 section gimel, at the function PRIMES . The solution, at the link previously posted, was updated accordingly. |
פורסם ב-21/9/2012, 13:55:58 Created on 21/9/2012, 13:55:58 Создано21/9/2012, 13:55:58 تم النشر ب-21/9/2012, 13:55:58 |
Reception hours before the exam Moed Beit | |
Yuri will hold reception hours on Thursday the 20.9, 11:00. Please send your questions in advance by mail. These questions will be explained prior to questions asked in class. |
פורסם ב-13/9/2012, 23:33:39 Created on 13/9/2012, 23:33:39 Создано13/9/2012, 23:33:39 تم النشر ب-13/9/2012, 23:33:39 |
Final grades- update - message correction | |
The previous message was corrupted by the WebCourse system. I hope this one will come out correctly: The final grade's formula has been changed to the following: LT = less then GT = greater then FinalA = (Moed_A_factor LT 49) ? Moed_A_factor : (((Moed_A_factor LT 55) AND (HW_AVG GT 70)) ? 55 : (((1-HW_percent)*Moed_A_factor) + (HW_percent*HW_AVG))) The grades are not about to change any more. |
עדכון אחרון ב-31/7/2012, 10:07:28 Last updated on 31/7/2012, 10:07:28 Последняя модификация31/7/2012, 10:07:28 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-31/7/2012, 10:07:28 |
Final grades are now available | |
Final grades, along with Moed A are now available. Moed_A_raw: Moed A grade without factor (sum of questions). Moed_A_factor: Moed A grade with factor calculated in the following way Moed_A_factor = (Moed_A_raw + 4 + 0.4*Moed_A_Q1 + 0.07*Moed_A_Q2 + 0.6 * Moed_A_Q3 + 0.26 * Moed_A_Q8) FinalA: Final Grades are calculated using the following formula: HW_percent = (HW_AVG - Moed_A_factor > 40) ? 0 : ((HW_AVG - Moed_A_factor < 20) ? 0.2 : 0.4-(HW_AVG - Moed_A_factor)/100) FinalA = (Moed_A_factor<55) ? Moed_A_factor : (((1-HW_percent)*Moed_A_factor) + (HW_percent*HW_AVG)) The exams will be returned to the secretaries tomorrow. Exam scans should be available during that day. Please submit your appeal by mail to Yoav no later than 11/8. Mail subject: PL Moed A Appeal Don't forget to write your ID. No need for exam scan. I advise you to have a look at the exam solution before appealing. We wish you good luck in your future studies, Course staff |
פורסם ב-30/7/2012, 10:51:39 Created on 30/7/2012, 10:51:39 Создано30/7/2012, 10:51:39 تم النشر ب-30/7/2012, 10:51:39 |
ציוני מועד א' | |
נכון לרגע זה, ניתן לראות באתר את הציון שקיבלתם פר שאלה. זהו הציון המקורי ללא פקטור. ציון המבחן לאחר פקטור פורסם לפני מספר ימים. ציון זה אינו זמין כרגע עקב מלאכת עדכון הציונים. ציון סופי, הכולל מבחן לאחר פקטור יחד עם שיעורי הבית, יפורסם עוד היום. אנא התאזרו בסבלנות. בברכה, סגל הקורס. |
פורסם ב-30/7/2012, 10:21:18 Created on 30/7/2012, 10:21:18 Создано30/7/2012, 10:21:18 تم النشر ب-30/7/2012, 10:21:18 |
Moed A Solution | |
Moed A Solution can be viewed in the following link: |
פורסם ב-22/7/2012, 11:01:56 Created on 22/7/2012, 11:01:56 Создано22/7/2012, 11:01:56 تم النشر ب-22/7/2012, 11:01:56 |
Reception hours before the exam | |
Prop. Gill will hold reception hours on the 15.7, 14:30 @ taub 520. Yuri will hold reception hours on Monday the 16.7, 11:00. Yoav will hold reception hours on Tuesday the 17.7, 11:00. For Yoav's reception hours: Please send your questions in advance by mail. These questions will be explained prior to questions asked in class. |
פורסם ב-14/7/2012, 10:42:48 Created on 14/7/2012, 10:42:48 Создано14/7/2012, 10:42:48 تم النشر ب-14/7/2012, 10:42:48 |
Prof. Gill's "mini"office hour today | |
Prof. Gill will hold additional "mini" office hour today (11.7), 18:00-18:25 @ taub 520 |
פורסם ב-11/7/2012, 11:20:42 Created on 11/7/2012, 11:20:42 Создано11/7/2012, 11:20:42 تم النشر ب-11/7/2012, 11:20:42 |
אין לכתוב במבחן בעפרון | |
אין לכתוב במבחן בעפרון. מבחנים שיכתבו בעפרון לא יבדקו. |
פורסם ב-8/7/2012, 14:13:35 Created on 8/7/2012, 14:13:35 Создано8/7/2012, 14:13:35 تم النشر ب-8/7/2012, 14:13:35 |
Prof. Gill's office hours before the exam | |
Today's office hours are held as planed. Due to students' requests, prof. Gill will hold additional office hours before the exam on the 15.7, 14:30 @ taub 520. |
פורסם ב-8/7/2012, 14:11:43 Created on 8/7/2012, 14:11:43 Создано8/7/2012, 14:11:43 تم النشر ب-8/7/2012, 14:11:43 |
Prof. Gill's office hours before the exam | |
Prof. Gill's office hours before the exam will be held on the 8.7, 14:30 @ taub 520 |
פורסם ב-5/7/2012, 15:29:04 Created on 5/7/2012, 15:29:04 Создано5/7/2012, 15:29:04 تم النشر ب-5/7/2012, 15:29:04 |
החזרת תרגיל בית מספר 5 | |
תרגיל בית מספר 5 יוחזר עד יום חמישי |
פורסם ב-24/6/2012, 16:49:33 Created on 24/6/2012, 16:49:33 Создано24/6/2012, 16:49:33 تم النشر ب-24/6/2012, 16:49:33 |
Yoav's tutorial will take place today as usual |
פורסם ב-24/6/2012, 12:28:56 Created on 24/6/2012, 12:28:56 Создано24/6/2012, 12:28:56 تم النشر ب-24/6/2012, 12:28:56 |
HW4 has been graded | |
HW4 has been graded and returned to the secretariat. Please contact Yoav regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-24/6/2012, 12:26:11 Created on 24/6/2012, 12:26:11 Создано24/6/2012, 12:26:11 تم النشر ب-24/6/2012, 12:26:11 |
HW3- proposed solution for the theoretical part | |
A proposed solution for the theoretical part was added to HW3 under the assignments section. |
פורסם ב-21/6/2012, 18:32:44 Created on 21/6/2012, 18:32:44 Создано21/6/2012, 18:32:44 تم النشر ب-21/6/2012, 18:32:44 |
החזרת שיעורי בית | |
בעקבות בקשות הסטודנטים, ערך צוות הקורס פגישה. החלטנו לזרז מאוד את החזרת תרגילי הבית. הנה לוח ההחזרות הצפוי: תרגיל 3- היום תרגיל 4- עד יום א' תרגיל 5- עד יום ג' תרגיל 6- עד יום ג' תרגיל 7- עד ה-12.7 לא נפרסם פתרונות לתרגילים הרטובים. לחלקים היבשים נפרסם פתרון אפשרי. בברכה, סגל הקורס |
פורסם ב-20/6/2012, 14:24:37 Created on 20/6/2012, 14:24:37 Создано20/6/2012, 14:24:37 تم النشر ب-20/6/2012, 14:24:37 |
תוכנית הלימודים השבוע- תיקון טעות | |
במקום ההרצאה אשר בוטלה, תתקיימנה שתי הרצאות השלמה. יש צורך להשתתף רק באחת מהן: יום ג' 19.6.2012 בין השעות 14:30 ו 16:30 בטאוב 2. יום ד' 20.6.2012 בין השעות 12:30 ו 14:30 בטאוב 2. הכל בהתאם לפרסום הראשון בנושא, שניתן למצוא באתר. שבוע טוב, סגל הקורס |
פורסם ב-18/6/2012, 08:07:55 Created on 18/6/2012, 08:07:55 Создано18/6/2012, 08:07:55 تم النشر ب-18/6/2012, 08:07:55 |
תוכנית הלימודים השבוע | |
כפי שכבר הודענו: א. עקב נסיעה לחו"ל של המרצה, לא תתקיים ההרצאה היום (יום א' 12:30-14:30.) ב. במקום ההרצאה אשר בוטלה, תתקיימנה שתי הרצאות השלמה. יש צורך להשתתף רק באחת מהן: יום ג' 19.6.2012 בין השעות 14:30 ו 15:30 בטאוב 2. יום ד' 20.6.2012 בין השעות 12:30 ו 14:30 בטאוב 2. ג. היום, יום א' 17.6.2012 לא תתקיים שעת קבלה של המרצה ד. במקומה תתקיים שעת קבלה ביום ג' 19.6.2012 בין השעות 16:30-17:30. ה. תרגולים יתקיימו השבוע כרגיל. בברכה, סגל הקורס |
פורסם ב-17/6/2012, 11:22:36 Created on 17/6/2012, 11:22:36 Создано17/6/2012, 11:22:36 تم النشر ب-17/6/2012, 11:22:36 |
Homework #7 is published | |
Homework #7 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 27/06/12 at 23:55. After which it is possible to submit without penalty until 01.07.2012, but assignment submitted in that period(28.06-01.07) are not guarantied to return before the mode A exam. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yuri Meshman. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Until 20.06 availability only through e-mail. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-13/6/2012, 19:46:22 Created on 13/6/2012, 19:46:22 Создано13/6/2012, 19:46:22 تم النشر ب-13/6/2012, 19:46:22 |
תרגולים השבוע | |
כפי שכבר הודענו, היום 10.6 בשעה 12:30 בטאוב 2 במקום ההרצאה יתקיים תרגול כפול. לא יתקיימו תרגולים אחרים במהלך השבוע. |
פורסם ב-10/6/2012, 10:38:37 Created on 10/6/2012, 10:38:37 Создано10/6/2012, 10:38:37 تم النشر ب-10/6/2012, 10:38:37 |
Prof. Gill's office hours today- change | |
Prof. Gill's office hours today: 15:30-16:20 instead of 14:30-16:20. |
פורסם ב-5/6/2012, 10:28:43 Created on 5/6/2012, 10:28:43 Создано5/6/2012, 10:28:43 تم النشر ب-5/6/2012, 10:28:43 |
תוכנית הלימודים השבוע | |
כפי שכבר הודענו: א. עקב נסיעה לחו"ל של המרצה, לא תתקיים ההרצאה היום (יום א' 12:30-14:30.) ב. במקום ההרצאה אשר בוטלה, תתקיימנה שתי הרצאות השלמה. יש צורך להשתתף רק באחת מהן: יום ג' 5.6.2012 בין השעות 12:30 ו 14:30 בטאוב 2. יום ד' 6.6.2012 בין השעות 12:30 ו 14:30 בטאוב 2. ג. היום, יום א' 3.6.2012 לא תתקיים שעת קבלה של המרצה ד. במקומה תתקיים שעת קבלה ביום ג' 5.6.2012 בין השעות 14:30 ו 15:20. ועוד המלצה: ה. התרגיל הנכחי הוא טיפ טיפה ארוך מהרגיל. לא כדאי לדחות אותו לרגע האחרון. |
פורסם ב-3/6/2012, 08:35:02 Created on 3/6/2012, 08:35:02 Создано3/6/2012, 08:35:02 تم النشر ب-3/6/2012, 08:35:02 |
Homework #6 has been updated | |
Some typos and small mistakes were corrected. Note that FAQ section was opened as well. |
פורסם ב-2/6/2012, 15:51:08 Created on 2/6/2012, 15:51:08 Создано2/6/2012, 15:51:08 تم النشر ب-2/6/2012, 15:51:08 |
Homework #6 is published | |
Homework #6 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 10/06/12 at 22:00. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yoav Kantor. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-29/5/2012, 16:16:03 Created on 29/5/2012, 16:16:03 Создано29/5/2012, 16:16:03 تم النشر ب-29/5/2012, 16:16:03 |
a second version of the test file for homework 5 was published | |
A second version of the test file test5.sml was published The semantic is the same, the variables names changed and an attempt to make the output a bit clearer was made. |
פורסם ב-27/5/2012, 16:19:46 Created on 27/5/2012, 16:19:46 Создано27/5/2012, 16:19:46 تم النشر ب-27/5/2012, 16:19:46 |
תכנית הלימודים בשבוע הבא | |
אנו מבקשים להזכיר כי כפי שהודענו כבר באתר, תכנית הלימודים בשבוע הבא תהיה: ביום א' 27.5 לא יתקיימו לא ההרצאה ולא התרגולים שנועדו לאותו יום (לרגל חג השבועות). ביום ג' 29.5 תתקיים הרצאת השלמה בין השעות 14:30-16:30 בטאוב 2. ביום ד' 30.5 תקיים הרצאת השלמה בין השעות 12:30-14:30 בטאוב 7. יש להשתתף בהרצאה אחת מבין שתי הרצאות ההשלמה. בברכה, סגל הקורס |
פורסם ב-24/5/2012, 09:17:29 Created on 24/5/2012, 09:17:29 Создано24/5/2012, 09:17:29 تم النشر ب-24/5/2012, 09:17:29 |
A test file for homework 5 was published | |
A litmus test file for home work 5 was published, and is available under the assignments section. Please make sure you pass it before submission. |
עדכון אחרון ב-23/5/2012, 20:14:54 Last updated on 23/5/2012, 20:14:54 Последняя модификация23/5/2012, 20:14:54 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-23/5/2012, 20:14:54 |
FAQ for Homework #5 is now open | |
Please note that a FAQ section for Homework #5 is now open. Make sure to follow everything posted on the FAQ. Reminder - limitations or requirements that appear as part of the FAQ are mandatory! Please go over the FAQ before sending a question by mail. |
עדכון אחרון ב-18/5/2012, 16:12:03 Last updated on 18/5/2012, 16:12:03 Последняя модификация18/5/2012, 16:12:03 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-18/5/2012, 16:12:03 |
Homework #5 is published | |
Homework #5 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 28/05/12 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yuri Meshman. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-14/5/2012, 09:36:22 Created on 14/5/2012, 09:36:22 Создано14/5/2012, 09:36:22 تم النشر ب-14/5/2012, 09:36:22 |
HW1 has been graded | |
HW1 has been graded and will be returned to the secretariat on Monday. Please contact Yoav regarding questions or appeals. |
פורסם ב-6/5/2012, 14:09:53 Created on 6/5/2012, 14:09:53 Создано6/5/2012, 14:09:53 تم النشر ب-6/5/2012, 14:09:53 |
Homework #4 is published | |
Homework #4 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 13/05/12 at 22:00. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yoav Kantor. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-1/5/2012, 10:03:20 Created on 1/5/2012, 10:03:20 Создано1/5/2012, 10:03:20 تم النشر ب-1/5/2012, 10:03:20 |
Lectures and tutorials changes | |
1. Due to Shavuot, the lecture and tutorial on the 27.5 will not be given. 2. Due to Conferences abroad, prof. Gill will not give lectures on the 3.6, 10.6 and 17.6 but instead give complementary lectures. For each canceled lecture two complementary lectures will be given so that, hopefully, all of you will be able to attend. Note that both complementary lectures are the same and there is no need to attend both. Instead of the lecture on 3.6, two complementary lectures will be given: - 29.5, 14:30 @ Taub 2 - 30.5, 12:30 @ Taub 7 Instead of the lecture on 10.6, two complementary lectures will be given: - 5.6, 12:30 @ Taub 2 - 6.6, 12:30 @ Taub 2 Instead of the lecture on 17.6, two complementary lectures will be given: - 19.6, 14:30 @ Taub 2 - 20.6, 12:30 @ Taub 2 3. On the 10.6 instead of the lecture (12:30 @ Taub 2) two hours tutorial will be given to all tutorial groups. Therefore other tutorials on that week will not take place. Sorry for the inconvenience, The course staff |
פורסם ב-29/4/2012, 17:21:19 Created on 29/4/2012, 17:21:19 Создано29/4/2012, 17:21:19 تم النشر ب-29/4/2012, 17:21:19 |
The file test3.sml was updated | |
the file test3.sml was updated and an output file was posted. |
פורסם ב-21/4/2012, 22:30:30 Created on 21/4/2012, 22:30:30 Создано21/4/2012, 22:30:30 تم النشر ب-21/4/2012, 22:30:30 |
Lecture slides have been added: Bindings | |
Note that the slides cover most of the material talked in class but not all of it. |
פורסם ב-19/4/2012, 11:47:34 Created on 19/4/2012, 11:47:34 Создано19/4/2012, 11:47:34 تم النشر ب-19/4/2012, 11:47:34 |
FAQ for Homework #3 is now open | |
Please note that an FAQ section for Homework #3 is now open. Make sure to follow up on everything posted in the FAQ. Reminder - limitations or requirements that appear in the FAQ are mandatory! Please go over the FAQ before sending a question by mail. |
פורסם ב-18/4/2012, 15:25:20 Created on 18/4/2012, 15:25:20 Создано18/4/2012, 15:25:20 تم النشر ب-18/4/2012, 15:25:20 |
Homework #3 was updated | |
question 4 should be submitted a dry submission and should not be part of the wet one. |
פורסם ב-18/4/2012, 13:41:24 Created on 18/4/2012, 13:41:24 Создано18/4/2012, 13:41:24 تم النشر ب-18/4/2012, 13:41:24 |
Yuri's reception hour for this week solely, has been moved | |
As a one time occurrence, this week, Yuri will holds his reception hour 9:00 - 10:00 on Thursday and not as said on the course cite. |
עדכון אחרון ב-18/4/2012, 13:36:59 Last updated on 18/4/2012, 13:36:59 Последняя модификация18/4/2012, 13:36:59 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-18/4/2012, 13:36:59 |
Homework #3 published | |
Homework #3 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 29/04/12 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yuri Meshman. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-15/4/2012, 23:37:30 Created on 15/4/2012, 23:37:30 Создано15/4/2012, 23:37:30 تم النشر ب-15/4/2012, 23:37:30 |
Homework #2 was updated | |
Please note that homework #2 was updated. You can use auxiliary functions in question 1b and one auxiliary function in question 2b. In all other questions(1a, 2a, 3, 4, 5) auxiliary functions are not allowed. |
פורסם ב-4/4/2012, 12:55:51 Created on 4/4/2012, 12:55:51 Создано4/4/2012, 12:55:51 تم النشر ب-4/4/2012, 12:55:51 |
FAQ for Homework #2 is now open | |
Please note that an FAQ section for Homework #2 is now open. Make sure to follow up on everything posted in the FAQ. Reminder - limitations or requirements that appear in the FAQ are mandatory! Please go over the FAQ before sending a question by mail. |
פורסם ב-4/4/2012, 12:54:25 Created on 4/4/2012, 12:54:25 Создано4/4/2012, 12:54:25 تم النشر ب-4/4/2012, 12:54:25 |
Homework #2 published | |
Homework #2 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 15/04/12. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yuri Meshman. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-2/4/2012, 09:12:50 Created on 2/4/2012, 09:12:50 Создано2/4/2012, 09:12:50 تم النشر ب-2/4/2012, 09:12:50 |
Homework #1 due date postponed to 3.4.12 | |
The due date of assignment #1 is postponed to 3.4.12 at midnight. Note that assignment #2 is will be published as scheduled on the 1.4.12. Therefor, we strongly encourage you to finish this exercise as soon as possible. |
פורסם ב-26/3/2012, 11:02:29 Created on 26/3/2012, 11:02:29 Создано26/3/2012, 11:02:29 تم النشر ب-26/3/2012, 11:02:29 |
Course's grading policy is available in the FAQ section |
פורסם ב-25/3/2012, 13:12:07 Created on 25/3/2012, 13:12:07 Создано25/3/2012, 13:12:07 تم النشر ب-25/3/2012, 13:12:07 |
Homework #1 FAQ has been updated |
פורסם ב-25/3/2012, 12:57:19 Created on 25/3/2012, 12:57:19 Создано25/3/2012, 12:57:19 تم النشر ب-25/3/2012, 12:57:19 |
Homework #1 has been updated |
פורסם ב-20/3/2012, 10:38:25 Created on 20/3/2012, 10:38:25 Создано20/3/2012, 10:38:25 تم النشر ب-20/3/2012, 10:38:25 |
Homework #1 is published | |
Homework #1 is now available under the "Home Assignments" section. Due date is 01/04/12 at 12:30. The TA in charge of this assignment is Yoav Kantor. Please contact him for any questions regarding this assignment. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-19/3/2012, 21:42:34 Created on 19/3/2012, 21:42:34 Создано19/3/2012, 21:42:34 تم النشر ب-19/3/2012, 21:42:34 |
Introduction to Go pdf had been updated | |
Introduction to Go pdf had been updated and is available under Course Material section |
פורסם ב-18/3/2012, 18:50:15 Created on 18/3/2012, 18:50:15 Создано18/3/2012, 18:50:15 تم النشر ب-18/3/2012, 18:50:15 |
Welcome to Programming Languages (234319) course | |
(*) Tutorials in the first week are given as usual. (*) Students that are registered to the PL course can work in the Linux SSDL computer lab on the 2nd floor. Please read the SSDL presentation (see course material) for information. The lab has some rules and regulations that have to be respected. Note that students might be expelled from the lab if they break these rules. (*) It is not possible to transfer HW grades from previous semesters. We wish you good luck in the upcoming semester, Course staff |
פורסם ב-12/3/2012, 20:06:08 Created on 12/3/2012, 20:06:08 Создано12/3/2012, 20:06:08 تم النشر ب-12/3/2012, 20:06:08 |