Moed B - Appeals | |
Dear students, You can now find an assignment for the appeals. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-6/11/2021, 23:23:32 Created on 6/11/2021, 23:23:32 Создано6/11/2021, 23:23:32 تم النشر ب-6/11/2021, 23:23:32 |
Moed B - Appeals | |
Dear students, The scans of the exams are now available. An appeal assignment is now open, you are requested to submit the appeals until Thursday, 11/11/21. The appeal guidelines are available under the syllabus section. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-4/11/2021, 12:48:11 Created on 4/11/2021, 12:48:11 Создано4/11/2021, 12:48:11 تم النشر ب-4/11/2021, 12:48:11 |
Reception hour recording | |
Dear students, You can find Gil's reception hour recording in the following links: First part: Second part (last 20 minutes): (will be uploaded soon). Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-29/10/2021, 09:49:22 Created on 29/10/2021, 09:49:22 Создано29/10/2021, 09:49:22 تم النشر ب-29/10/2021, 09:49:22 |
Reception hours before the exam | |
Dear studets, A zoom link to the reception hour: Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-28/10/2021, 14:01:56 Created on 28/10/2021, 14:01:56 Создано28/10/2021, 14:01:56 تم النشر ب-28/10/2021, 14:01:56 |
Reception hours before the exam | |
Dear students, Reception hours towards the exam will be held on the following dates: Stav 27/10, at 10:00, via Zoom. Gil 28/10, at 14:00, via Zoom. Please send the questions you want to be answered by mail. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-26/10/2021, 16:29:32 Created on 26/10/2021, 16:29:32 Создано26/10/2021, 16:29:32 تم النشر ب-26/10/2021, 16:29:32 |
Moed A - Appeals | |
Dear students, The scans of the exams are now available. An appeal assignment is now open, you are requested to submit the appeals until Sunday, 31/10/21. The appeal guidelines are available under the syllabus section. If you wish to appeal before the Moed B you can appeal early, and we will reply to your appeal on the same day. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-25/10/2021, 12:56:35 Created on 25/10/2021, 12:56:35 Создано25/10/2021, 12:56:35 تم النشر ب-25/10/2021, 12:56:35 |
HW grades | |
Dear students, You can find the dry homework and the wet part of the wet homework feedback and grades are online. If you wish to appeal on the wet homework you can change your code, and resubmit it until Thursday, 21/10/21. Note that appeals should *only be made* for compilation errors and for minor changes in the code (Up to 25 lines) that caused the tests to fail. You can find the tests and the expected results under the assignments section. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-14/10/2021, 02:36:27 Created on 14/10/2021, 02:36:27 Создано14/10/2021, 02:36:27 تم النشر ب-14/10/2021, 02:36:27 |
Reception hours before the exam | |
Dear students, Stav will give a reception hour toward the exam in Sunday, 03/10, at 10:00, via Zoom. Other then that, please consult the spring semester site to see Gil's reception hours and other TAs. Please send the questions you want to be answered by mail. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-1/10/2021, 11:51:16 Created on 1/10/2021, 11:51:16 Создано1/10/2021, 11:51:16 تم النشر ب-1/10/2021, 11:51:16 |
Tuesday lessons | |
Dear students, We will give the final lecture and tutorial in Tuesday, between 10:30 and 13:30 in Ulman 308. After the class a recording of the class will be uplaoded for those who can't make it to the class. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-13/9/2021, 09:58:02 Created on 13/9/2021, 09:58:02 Создано13/9/2021, 09:58:02 تم النشر ب-13/9/2021, 09:58:02 |
Dry 3 published | |
Dear students, Dry 3 is now published. Due date: 04.10.2020, 23:55. Submission: Submit only electronically on the course website. Good luck! Course staff |
פורסם ב-3/9/2021, 01:57:09 Created on 3/9/2021, 01:57:09 Создано3/9/2021, 01:57:09 تم النشر ب-3/9/2021, 01:57:09 |
Wet 2 published | |
Dear students, Wet 2 is now published. Due date: 04.10.2020, 23:55. Submission: Submit only electronically on the course website. Good luck! Course staff |
פורסם ב-2/9/2021, 02:30:24 Created on 2/9/2021, 02:30:24 Создано2/9/2021, 02:30:24 تم النشر ب-2/9/2021, 02:30:24 |
Wet 1 updated | |
Dear students, A new version of main1.cpp is now available in the assignment with improved time measuring. If the times you were getting are all zeros, the new version should allow you to measure times in a greater resolution, and thus eliminate the problem. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-30/8/2021, 11:02:22 Created on 30/8/2021, 11:02:22 Создано30/8/2021, 11:02:22 تم النشر ب-30/8/2021, 11:02:22 |
Dry 2 published | |
Dear students, Dry 2 is now published. Due date: 13.09.2021, 23:55. Submission: Submit only electronically on the course website. Good luck! Course staff |
פורסם ב-25/8/2021, 11:03:51 Created on 25/8/2021, 11:03:51 Создано25/8/2021, 11:03:51 تم النشر ب-25/8/2021, 11:03:51 |
Room Change | |
Dear students, The lectures and the tutorials are permanently moved to Ulman 308. Regards, Course staff. |
פורסם ב-23/8/2021, 07:08:23 Created on 23/8/2021, 07:08:23 Создано23/8/2021, 07:08:23 تم النشر ب-23/8/2021, 07:08:23 |
Dry 1 changes | |
Dear students, One of the subsections in q3 of dry 1 is now a bonus. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-19/8/2021, 14:57:07 Created on 19/8/2021, 14:57:07 Создано19/8/2021, 14:57:07 تم النشر ب-19/8/2021, 14:57:07 |
Wet 1 published | |
Dear students, Wet 1 is now published. Due date: 05.09.2020, 23:55. Submission: Submit only electronically on the course website. Good luck! Course staff |
פורסם ב-19/8/2021, 14:56:03 Created on 19/8/2021, 14:56:03 Создано19/8/2021, 14:56:03 تم النشر ب-19/8/2021, 14:56:03 |
Zoom meeting for the course | |
Dear students,ff Due to the increasing number of Covid cases we are now allowed to give the course in hybrid format. Below are the zoom links: Stav's lectures - Gil's tutorials - Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-11/8/2021, 09:56:14 Created on 11/8/2021, 09:56:14 Создано11/8/2021, 09:56:14 تم النشر ب-11/8/2021, 09:56:14 |
Dry 1 published | |
Dear students, Dry 1 is now published. Due date: 24.08.2020, 23:55. Submission: Submit only electronically on the course website. Good luck! Course staff |
פורסם ב-8/8/2021, 06:24:50 Created on 8/8/2021, 06:24:50 Создано8/8/2021, 06:24:50 تم النشر ب-8/8/2021, 06:24:50 |
Change in Gil's tutorial room | |
Dear students, Starting from today Gil's tutorial will be held in Amado 231. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-4/8/2021, 12:32:01 Created on 4/8/2021, 12:32:01 Создано4/8/2021, 12:32:01 تم النشر ب-4/8/2021, 12:32:01 |
Welcome to Data Structures 1! (234218) | |
This is the first official mail from the "Data Structures 1" (234218) course staff. Each student registered to the course should get this mail. Those who didn't get it, are probably not registered, or are not on the mailing list. So, if you know about friends who are taking this course and did not get this mail, please inform them to register through the "Auto update" feature appearing at the homepage. The course announcements, notifications, changes etc. will be published on the web and through this mailing list. It's your responsibility to be updated and to check from time to time for new information posted on the web. All the information you need appears at the course website at: Specifically, please make sure you read the course guidelines that appear in the "Information Sheet" file under the syllabus tab. Also, read the course schedule under the syllabus tab, which will specify the material taught in each week, along with the submission dates of each homework assignment. The lectures and recitations slides can be downloaded and printed from the site (under "Course material"). We recommend that you bring a printout of the slides to every lesson. Additional service that the course home page suggests is partner finding. Our office hours will be updated soon under the "Staff" tab. Try to fit yourselves to those office hours, or contact us by email. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you with this course during the semester. We wish you a fruitful and enjoyable semester! Course staff. |
פורסם ב-26/7/2021, 17:18:58 Created on 26/7/2021, 17:18:58 Создано26/7/2021, 17:18:58 تم النشر ب-26/7/2021, 17:18:58 |