Grades and Feedback | |
Hi all, I've just sent out individual emails with feedback and grades. I remind you that the recordings are available, if you want to review them. The grades should appear in the system sometime next week. Thanks again for taking part in the seminar. Shaull |
פורסם ב-21/2/2025, 10:05:47 Created on 21/2/2025, 10:05:47 Создано21/2/2025, 10:05:47 تم النشر ب-21/2/2025, 10:05:47 |
The End | |
Unlike Linear Recurrence Sequences, seminars have an ending. I want to thank you all again for reading very difficult papers, and giving excellent talks about them. I hope you've learned something (at the very least to believe me when I say the seminar is going to be difficult). Two final notes: 1. If you have any feedback on the seminar (negative, positive, or just factual), please email me. I'd be happy to know how to improve. 2. Regarding the grades: unfortunately I have a deadline this week, and I'll be at a conference next week. This means that I'll only get to preparing them towards the end of the month. Please remain patient. After the grades are prepared, I'll email each of you the grade along with feedback. Good luck in whichever exams you have, and in general. Shaull |
עדכון אחרון ב-2/2/2025, 14:49:06 Last updated on 2/2/2025, 14:49:06 Последняя модификация2/2/2025, 14:49:06 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-2/2/2025, 14:49:06 |
Ex8 is online | |
Can you pronounce Thue? |
פורסם ב-19/1/2025, 09:29:40 Created on 19/1/2025, 09:29:40 Создано19/1/2025, 09:29:40 تم النشر ب-19/1/2025, 09:29:40 |
Ex7 is online | |
Infinite reachability stuff. |
עדכון אחרון ב-12/1/2025, 09:00:37 Last updated on 12/1/2025, 09:00:37 Последняя модификация12/1/2025, 09:00:37 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-12/1/2025, 09:00:37 |
Ex6 is online | |
Technical, but simple. |
פורסם ב-5/1/2025, 10:42:30 Created on 5/1/2025, 10:42:30 Создано5/1/2025, 10:42:30 تم النشر ب-5/1/2025, 10:42:30 |
Ex5 is now online | |
Slightly tedious, but simple. |
פורסם ב-22/12/2024, 11:46:12 Created on 22/12/2024, 11:46:12 Создано22/12/2024, 11:46:12 تم النشر ب-22/12/2024, 11:46:12 |
Ex 4 is online | |
Ex 4 is online. Since it's late, I gave a day's extension. It's just drawing a couple of lines, though... |
פורסם ב-15/12/2024, 21:29:32 Created on 15/12/2024, 21:29:32 Создано15/12/2024, 21:29:32 تم النشر ب-15/12/2024, 21:29:32 |
No assignment this week! | |
Hi all, In order to celebrate the 8th of December*, there will be no assignment this week. * The 8th of December is the week where no assignment is given in the seminar, and we celebrate this fact. |
פורסם ב-8/12/2024, 16:00:20 Created on 8/12/2024, 16:00:20 Создано8/12/2024, 16:00:20 تم النشر ب-8/12/2024, 16:00:20 |
Reminder: physical seminar tomorrow | |
Hi all, This is a reminder that we will meet tomorrow physically at Taub 5. See you, Shaull |
פורסם ב-7/12/2024, 22:46:03 Created on 7/12/2024, 22:46:03 Создано7/12/2024, 22:46:03 تم النشر ب-7/12/2024, 22:46:03 |
Assignment grading (and lack thereof) | |
Hi all, I usually don't grade the assignments. However, I was asked to join a pilot for a new grading system in the faculty. This means that I will be going over the assignments and marking comments, but this is for testing purposes. So: assuming you submitted something that makes sense, and not e.g., a blank page or nonsense, please ignore any comments and grades that you see on returned assignments. You will likely see some weird grades/comments/drawings. Also, I might ask you to submit specific things for testing purposes, e.g., multiple pages. We'll see. |
פורסם ב-2/12/2024, 11:22:09 Created on 2/12/2024, 11:22:09 Создано2/12/2024, 11:22:09 تم النشر ب-2/12/2024, 11:22:09 |
Assignment 3 | |
Hi all, Assignment 3 is online. |
עדכון אחרון ב-1/12/2024, 14:29:01 Last updated on 1/12/2024, 14:29:01 Последняя модификация1/12/2024, 14:29:01 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-1/12/2024, 14:29:01 |
Next Seminar (1.12.24) -- On Zoom | |
Hi all, Since it's still unclear whether we'll go back to physical classes next week, we'll have the next seminar (1.12.24) on Zoom regardless of any updates. If we go back to physical teaching, we will probably start meeting physically from Week 5 and on. Have a quiet weekend! |
פורסם ב-28/11/2024, 22:31:20 Created on 28/11/2024, 22:31:20 Создано28/11/2024, 22:31:20 تم النشر ب-28/11/2024, 22:31:20 |
Assignment 2 | |
Hi all, Assignment 2 is online. |
פורסם ב-24/11/2024, 10:46:13 Created on 24/11/2024, 10:46:13 Создано24/11/2024, 10:46:13 تم النشر ب-24/11/2024, 10:46:13 |
Assignment 1 | |
Hi all, As I mentioned, there will be a small weekly assignment. Assignment 1 is online. |
פורסם ב-17/11/2024, 20:28:04 Created on 17/11/2024, 20:28:04 Создано17/11/2024, 20:28:04 تم النشر ب-17/11/2024, 20:28:04 |
Finalizing enrollment to the seminar | |
Hi all, For the graduate students among you: In order to register you need to fill the request in the system, and get your advisor's approval. Only then the secretary can approve your registration (I already gave Anna the list of students). Please do that soon, there are strict rules against late registration starting this year. For the undergrads: I sent the list to the secretaries, you should be enrolled soon, but please keep track to make sure they add you. |
עדכון אחרון ב-10/11/2024, 15:33:04 Last updated on 10/11/2024, 15:33:04 Последняя модификация10/11/2024, 15:33:04 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-10/11/2024, 15:33:04 |
Welcome + Zoom link | |
Hi all, welcome to the seminar -- this year about Linear Dynamical Systems! As you probably know, the semester is starting mostly online. Therefore, at least until further notice, the seminar will be given on Zoom. I will lament about this at length when we meet. The link (should be persistent to the entire semester): Meeting ID: 920 7713 2647 Passcode: 2360833 See you on Sunday, and hopefully we'll have a quiet and sane semester. |
עדכון אחרון ב-7/11/2024, 09:20:36 Last updated on 7/11/2024, 09:20:36 Последняя модификация7/11/2024, 09:20:36 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-7/11/2024, 09:20:36 |