HW3 is out | |
Dear students please read in the course website https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/assignments/hw3 |
פורסם ב-24/7/2024, 10:54:53 Created on 24/7/2024, 10:54:53 Создано24/7/2024, 10:54:53 تم النشر ب-24/7/2024, 10:54:53 |
Clarifications on attention mechanism | |
Dear All, I would like to provide some clarification on slide 41 of lecture 7: Attention Modules. In this slide, I asked two questions: Q: How does permuting the order of the queries change the output? A: Permuting the order of the queries will change the output (𝑌) vectors because our summation is on the columns, reflecting the impact of each input on the given query. Therefore, changing the order of the queries will yield a different order of the output vectors. Q: How does changing the order of the keys/values change the output? A: Permuting the order of the keys/values will not affect the output (𝑌) vectors. Instead, it will change the weighting of each input to a specific query, with the final summation still equating to one. I hope my explanation is clear. I apologize for any confusion caused during the class. Emphasizing this important issue will help you better understand the mechanics of attention. Regards, Chaim |
פורסם ב-18/7/2024, 17:36:54 Created on 18/7/2024, 17:36:54 Создано18/7/2024, 17:36:54 تم النشر ب-18/7/2024, 17:36:54 |
HW2 is out | |
Please read here https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/assignments/hw2 good luck |
פורסם ב-30/6/2024, 14:35:27 Created on 30/6/2024, 14:35:27 Создано30/6/2024, 14:35:27 تم النشر ب-30/6/2024, 14:35:27 |
hw1 extention | |
Dear students, you are granted two extra days for HW1 Regards The course staff |
פורסם ב-26/6/2024, 14:20:30 Created on 26/6/2024, 14:20:30 Создано26/6/2024, 14:20:30 تم النشر ب-26/6/2024, 14:20:30 |
Tuesday's complementary material | |
Dear students, This week we will have a two hours tutorial (12:30-14:30) at the same class We will go over MLP and CNN Best regards Moshe |
פורסם ב-17/6/2024, 10:26:48 Created on 17/6/2024, 10:26:48 Создано17/6/2024, 10:26:48 تم النشر ب-17/6/2024, 10:26:48 |
HW1 is out | |
Please read here https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/assignments/hw1 good luck |
פורסם ב-10/6/2024, 13:42:24 Created on 10/6/2024, 13:42:24 Создано10/6/2024, 13:42:24 تم النشر ب-10/6/2024, 13:42:24 |
Welcome messege | |
Dear students, In this course we have a website for you: https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/ you can read messeges about changes in classes, times etc in it. the syllabus and general information in here: https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/info/ and also links to recordings of lectures and tutorials. The things you can and probably do before the first lectures are: 1. read the welcome messege https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/2024/05/28/welcome/ (include in it watching tutorial 0) 2. register to the course server https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/2024/05/28/registration-for-servers/ 3. register to piazza https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/2024/05/28/course-piazza/ since i gave everything explicitly here, so time and locations of lectures and tutorials can be found here: https://vistalab-technion.github.io/cs236781/2024/05/28/course-schedule/ If you have reserve duty and need 1:1 tutoring, time extention and so on, please let us know as soon as possible to try and make the best adjustments for you. Best of regards and good luck Moshe, Head TA |
פורסם ב-28/5/2024, 21:55:24 Created on 28/5/2024, 21:55:24 Создано28/5/2024, 21:55:24 تم النشر ب-28/5/2024, 21:55:24 |
Tomorrow's tutorial is canceled | |
Dear Students, The tutoring group of Teusday is not going to accure tomorrow, our first meeting will be after the first lecture. Good luck |
פורסם ב-27/5/2024, 10:52:43 Created on 27/5/2024, 10:52:43 Создано27/5/2024, 10:52:43 تم النشر ب-27/5/2024, 10:52:43 |