Reception Hour | |
As requested in class there will be a zoom meeting Wednesday February 5th 9:00 regarding some questions from the homework. Everyone is welcome to join. Zoom link: |
פורסם ב-4/2/2025, 21:01:05 Created on 4/2/2025, 21:01:05 Создано4/2/2025, 21:01:05 تم النشر ب-4/2/2025, 21:01:05 |
HW Published | |
The home work is published. Note that question 5c is a bonus question, and the deadline does not apply to it. |
פורסם ב-21/1/2025, 19:46:31 Created on 21/1/2025, 19:46:31 Создано21/1/2025, 19:46:31 تم النشر ب-21/1/2025, 19:46:31 |
חילוף בין התרגול לשיעור | |
שלום לכולם, היום באופן חד פעמי במקום להתחיל עם שעת תרגול ומיד לאחר מכן שעתיים שיעור נהפוך את הסדר: נתחיל עם שעתיים שיעור ומיד לאחר מכן נמשיך עם שעת התרגול. |
פורסם ב-2/12/2024, 09:56:35 Created on 2/12/2024, 09:56:35 Создано2/12/2024, 09:56:35 تم النشر ب-2/12/2024, 09:56:35 |
Recording of Recitations from Previous Years | | |
פורסם ב-11/11/2024, 15:53:53 Created on 11/11/2024, 15:53:53 Создано11/11/2024, 15:53:53 تم النشر ب-11/11/2024, 15:53:53 |
Zoom Link for Recitation | | is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Advanced Topics in Algorithms Recitations Time: Nov 11, 2024 01:30 PM Jerusalem Every week on Mon, 13 occurrence(s) Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 977 7103 6289 |
פורסם ב-11/11/2024, 11:22:32 Created on 11/11/2024, 11:22:32 Создано11/11/2024, 11:22:32 تم النشر ب-11/11/2024, 11:22:32 |
Zoom Link for Lectures | | is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Lecture - Metric Methods Time: Nov 11, 2024 02:15 PM Jerusalem Every week on Mon, 13 occurrence(s) Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 994 1969 9896 --- One tap mobile +97239786688,,99419699896# Israel +97223764509,,99419699896# Israel --- Dial by your location • +972 3 978 6688 Israel • +972 2 376 4509 Israel • +972 2 376 4510 Israel Meeting ID: 994 1969 9896 Find your local number: |
פורסם ב-10/11/2024, 21:09:16 Created on 10/11/2024, 21:09:16 Создано10/11/2024, 21:09:16 تم النشر ب-10/11/2024, 21:09:16 |
Tomorrow's Tutorial and Lecture | |
Hi, Tomorrow's tutorial and lecture will be taught online via zoom, this is in accordance with Technion and Home Front Command regulations. We will make an effort to shift to frontal tutorials and lectures as soon as possible. A separate message with the zoom links will be sent before class tomorrow. Tomer and Roy |
פורסם ב-10/11/2024, 20:51:13 Created on 10/11/2024, 20:51:13 Создано10/11/2024, 20:51:13 تم النشر ب-10/11/2024, 20:51:13 |
Welcome to Advanced Topics in CS | |
Hi, Welcome to the Advanced Topics in Computer Science course: Metric Methods and their Applications. We wish you a fruitful, interesting, and safe semester. Later today there will be an announcement regarding the teaching mode in the coming few weeks following the current recommendations and instructions. Tomer and Roy |
עדכון אחרון ב-10/11/2024, 10:40:59 Last updated on 10/11/2024, 10:40:59 Последняя модификация10/11/2024, 10:40:59 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-10/11/2024, 10:40:59 |