Sara's office hour - update | |
Hello all! Physical office hour - tomorrow 10/9/24 15:00-16:00 (Note hour change). Room Taub 601. Sara |
פורסם ב-9/9/2024, 10:13:43 Created on 9/9/2024, 10:13:43 Создано9/9/2024, 10:13:43 تم النشر ب-9/9/2024, 10:13:43 |
Office hours before the exam | |
Sara: Thursday 5/9 16:00 - 17:00 - Zoom (will use the lecture's zoom link) Tuesday 10/9 13:00-14:00 - Physical meeting - location will be published before the meeting Michael: Sunday 8/9 12:00-13:30 - Zoom (will use the tutorial's zoom link). Please - send the questions you would like us to solve before the meetings The course's stuff. |
פורסם ב-1/9/2024, 15:05:24 Created on 1/9/2024, 15:05:24 Создано1/9/2024, 15:05:24 تم النشر ب-1/9/2024, 15:05:24 |
Course and lecturer survey | |
Dear students, We encourage you to fill the course and lecturer survey! We would be happy to hear any suggestions and ideas for improvement. We wish you success in the Exam period and further studies. |
פורסם ב-18/8/2024, 17:00:59 Created on 18/8/2024, 17:00:59 Создано18/8/2024, 17:00:59 تم النشر ب-18/8/2024, 17:00:59 |
HW5 has been published! | |
Dear students, HW5 has been published. Due date is 25/8. Good Luck!!! |
פורסם ב-13/8/2024, 09:31:50 Created on 13/8/2024, 09:31:50 Создано13/8/2024, 09:31:50 تم النشر ب-13/8/2024, 09:31:50 |
On Sunady August 4th we will have a three hours lecture. |
פורסם ב-1/8/2024, 15:59:49 Created on 1/8/2024, 15:59:49 Создано1/8/2024, 15:59:49 تم النشر ب-1/8/2024, 15:59:49 |
HW2: grades and appeals | |
Dear students, Note that the feedback and grades are now available. Students who want to appeal can submit their appeals under the appeals directory in the HW section. Appeals can be submitted until 11/8. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-29/7/2024, 20:31:31 Created on 29/7/2024, 20:31:31 Создано29/7/2024, 20:31:31 تم النشر ب-29/7/2024, 20:31:31 |
HW4 has been published! | |
Dear students, HW4 has been published. The due date is 11/8. Please note that you will be able to solve exercise 3 within the Homework only after saturday`s lecture. Good Luck! |
פורסם ב-29/7/2024, 14:41:21 Created on 29/7/2024, 14:41:21 Создано29/7/2024, 14:41:21 تم النشر ب-29/7/2024, 14:41:21 |
הרצאה של אינטל ביום ראשון הקרוב במסגרת קבוצת ה-CTF הפקולטית | |
קבוצת ה-CTF הפקולטית - Technipwn - מזמינה אתכם להרצאת אורח מיוחדת: RingHopper - חולשות ה-SMM שמצאנו במיליארדי מכשירים – חוקר אבטחה מחברת אינטל תוקף שמצליח לחדור למצב SMM יכול לעקוף כמעט כל מנגנון אבטחה, לגנוב מידע סודי, להתקין תוכנות זדוניות, ואפילו להשבית את המערכת כולה. בהרצאה זו, חוקר האבטחה בני זלצר מחברת אינטל, יציג מחקר שהוצג בכנס DEFCON הבינלאומי, נדבר על איך גילו בעיות אבטחה שהשאירו מיליארדי מכשירים חשופים לסכנה, על המסע לפיצוח ההגנות, להפעלת קוד במצב SMM, ונראה את ההצלחות וגם את הניסיונות שלא צלחו במהלך הדרך. בסוף, נסביר איך ניתן לבצע את ההתקפה עם הרשאות של משתמש ממוצע על ידי שרשור מספר פגיעויות נוספות יחד. יום ראשון ה28/07 ב-18:30 באודיטוריום פסנתר, בניין טאוב. לפרטים והרשמה: כולם מוזמנים! *ההרצאה מתאימה גם למתחילים ללא רקע בתחום |
פורסם ב-23/7/2024, 14:01:43 Created on 23/7/2024, 14:01:43 Создано23/7/2024, 14:01:43 تم النشر ب-23/7/2024, 14:01:43 |
HW3 submission postponed | |
Dear students, The submission of HW3 was postponed to next saturday (28.7). Good luck! |
פורסם ב-21/7/2024, 10:45:20 Created on 21/7/2024, 10:45:20 Создано21/7/2024, 10:45:20 تم النشر ب-21/7/2024, 10:45:20 |
Semester schedule's update | |
Hello all! We've made some changes to the semester schedule. The new version is published on the course's site. The course's staff. |
פורסם ב-21/7/2024, 10:38:41 Created on 21/7/2024, 10:38:41 Создано21/7/2024, 10:38:41 تم النشر ب-21/7/2024, 10:38:41 |
Reminder - tomorrow lecture and tutorial switch | |
Hello all! Tomorrow the lecture will start at 13:30, and the tutorial will start at 15:30. The course's staff. |
פורסם ב-20/7/2024, 22:08:50 Created on 20/7/2024, 22:08:50 Создано20/7/2024, 22:08:50 تم النشر ب-20/7/2024, 22:08:50 |
Guest Lecture in Computer Security 14-July-24 | |
Title: "A day in the life of a security architect" Lecturer: Assaf Rosenbaum Assaf Rosenbaum is a security architect with almost a decade of experience working in the cyber security industry. At his current position Assaf leads NVIDIA Networking software security team. Assaf holds a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in computer science from the Technion. Sunday July 14th at 13:30. Ullman 801. The lecture will not be recorded. The regular lecture will start at 15:15. The course's staff. |
פורסם ב-12/7/2024, 12:21:45 Created on 12/7/2024, 12:21:45 Создано12/7/2024, 12:21:45 تم النشر ب-12/7/2024, 12:21:45 |
HW3 published! | |
Good luck! |
פורסם ב-8/7/2024, 20:55:40 Created on 8/7/2024, 20:55:40 Создано8/7/2024, 20:55:40 تم النشر ب-8/7/2024, 20:55:40 |
HW1: grades and appeals | |
Dear students, Note that the feedback and grades are now available. Students who want to appeal can submit their appeals under the appeals directory in the HW section. Appeals can be submitted until 16/7. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-6/7/2024, 17:37:25 Created on 6/7/2024, 17:37:25 Создано6/7/2024, 17:37:25 تم النشر ب-6/7/2024, 17:37:25 |
Lecture moved to room 801 | |
Hello! Starting on Sunday 30-6-24, till the end of the semester, the lecture will take place at Ullman room #801 (same room as the tutorial). Shabat Shalom! |
פורסם ב-28/6/2024, 16:38:15 Created on 28/6/2024, 16:38:15 Создано28/6/2024, 16:38:15 تم النشر ب-28/6/2024, 16:38:15 |
HW2 + Clarifications | |
Dear Students, HW2 has been published! Due date is 8.7 ,Good Luck! Also, A few minor corrections following yesterday`s tutorial: The LSM function is security_sb_mount() - and her implementation isn`t shown in the slides! may_mount() is the *kernel* function that checks the capabilities - that way we support the capabilities mechanism in that kernel version (3.19), but still allow support for the LSM. |
פורסם ב-24/6/2024, 20:37:04 Created on 24/6/2024, 20:37:04 Создано24/6/2024, 20:37:04 تم النشر ب-24/6/2024, 20:37:04 |
HW1 | |
Dear students, please notice - Late submission in HW1 is only allowed for those of you who have received specific approval for it. Late submission for anyone else - won`t be accepted. |
פורסם ב-23/6/2024, 10:25:42 Created on 23/6/2024, 10:25:42 Создано23/6/2024, 10:25:42 تم النشر ب-23/6/2024, 10:25:42 |
Reminder - today lecture and tutorial switch | |
The lecture will begin at 13:30 room 801. Tutorial will begin at 15:30 room 805. See you, the course staff. |
פורסם ב-23/6/2024, 09:05:22 Created on 23/6/2024, 09:05:22 Создано23/6/2024, 09:05:22 تم النشر ب-23/6/2024, 09:05:22 |
Lecture 3 - Attack Surface Measurement | |
Hello all! A recording of lecture 3 - "Attack Surface Measurement based Risk Analysis" is now available on panoptotech. Please watch the recording prior to lecture 5 (Sunday June 23rd). You will be able to ask questions on the lecture on the beginning of lecture 5. Also, unfortunately only the first half of lecture 2 was recorded. You can watch lecture 2 from last year if you need, it is almost the same. |
פורסם ב-14/6/2024, 16:49:05 Created on 14/6/2024, 16:49:05 Создано14/6/2024, 16:49:05 تم النشر ب-14/6/2024, 16:49:05 |
Elf Tutorial | |
Dear students, Wev`e published the supplementary Elf tutorial, it might help with EX1. The link, together with the material is provided under the Tutorials page. We review the compilation, linkage and loading process, as well as the ELF format. We wish you happy holidays! |
פורסם ב-12/6/2024, 11:50:23 Created on 12/6/2024, 11:50:23 Создано12/6/2024, 11:50:23 تم النشر ب-12/6/2024, 11:50:23 |
HW1 - VM update | |
The VM was updated due to the absence of some files. Please Notice that you are working with the new one. Good Luck! |
פורסם ב-10/6/2024, 17:08:18 Created on 10/6/2024, 17:08:18 Создано10/6/2024, 17:08:18 تم النشر ب-10/6/2024, 17:08:18 |
HW1 published! | |
Dear Students, HW1 is published, it is due on 23/6. Good luck! |
פורסם ב-9/6/2024, 09:36:02 Created on 9/6/2024, 09:36:02 Создано9/6/2024, 09:36:02 تم النشر ب-9/6/2024, 09:36:02 |
The semester's schedule | |
Is published under the Syllabus tab. Note that on weeks 4 and 8 we will switch between the times of the lecture and the tutorial. On the 7th week; we will have a guest lecture, that will start at 13:30, followed by Sara's lecture. |
עדכון אחרון ב-8/6/2024, 22:43:01 Last updated on 8/6/2024, 22:43:01 Последняя модификация8/6/2024, 22:43:01 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-8/6/2024, 22:43:01 |
Clarifications following tutorial | |
A few clarifications following Sunday’s tutorial: 1. The terms encryption and signature were used interchangeably, because in some cases (Like RSA), the same algorithm can be used for both. They are not the same (And in other cases we can`t use the same algorithm, like DSA)! Encryption and digital signature are 2 different cryptographic primitives that are used in different manners for different purposes. The goal of encryption is to hide the information, while the goal of digital signature is to authenticate the signer and integrity protect the information, so that the receiver will be able to verify it. 2. Regarding keys – in an assymetric digital signature algorithms, a key pair is used. Consisting of a private signature key (known to the signer only), and a public verification key (known to all) and. Not to be confused with symmetric keys, where there’s no private or public key, there’s only one key which is called the secret key, and it is used for both signature and verification. 3. One way hash function: the main point with cryptographic hash functions I wanted to emphasize is that it is one way. I.e., given a value of the hash, an attacker will have a hard time finding a message which is being hashed to the same result. If the one-way hash function is good, then the average number of attempts required to find a message that hashes to the same value is 2^(n-1), where n is the length of the hash. 4. Collision free: a one-way hash function is collision free if it hard to find a pair of messages that hash to the same value. If a one-way hash function is collision free, then the average number of attempts required to find two message that hash to the same value is 2^(n/2) (Birthday paradox), where n is the length of the hash. 5. Why do we require “collision free”? Since it is easy to manipulate digital information without changing the semantic. If a function has a set of known “weak” hash values, and attacker can create a message that hashes to a weak value, and replace it with a colliding message. |
פורסם ב-5/6/2024, 13:32:14 Created on 5/6/2024, 13:32:14 Создано5/6/2024, 13:32:14 تم النشر ب-5/6/2024, 13:32:14 |
Welcome! | |
Welcome to Computer Security 236490 - Spring 2024. The first lecture and tutorial are scheduled for 2-6-24. The lectures and tutorials will be recorded. Zoom participation will also be possible. |
פורסם ב-20/5/2024, 18:59:46 Created on 20/5/2024, 18:59:46 Создано20/5/2024, 18:59:46 تم النشر ب-20/5/2024, 18:59:46 |