Final Project presentations location | |
Dear Students, The presentations scheduled for 26.3 will be at Taub 2, and those scheduled for 27.3 will be at Taub 7. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-9/3/2025, 17:00:55 Created on 9/3/2025, 17:00:55 Создано9/3/2025, 17:00:55 تم النشر ب-9/3/2025, 17:00:55 |
Final Project presentations | |
Dear Students, The final project presentations are scheduled for 26.3: 10:00-14:30 and 27.3: 12:30-18:00 with exact room TBD. We have updated the final project guide accordingly, and we detail the presentation process and what we expect from each group below: - Register for a presentation time; you may do so at the following link: - Prepare a presentation explaining your project, the experimental results, and the conclusions - Each group should present for 25-40 minutes, where each student should present their individual part in the work. - Arrive before your appointed time, as we hope to be ahead of schedule. - Remain afterward and view the presentations of other groups. Good Luck, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-6/3/2025, 15:25:06 Last updated on 6/3/2025, 15:25:06 Последняя модификация6/3/2025, 15:25:06 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-6/3/2025, 15:25:06 |
Grades published | |
Dear Students, The grades for HW1 and the proposals presentations have been published. Nearly all students received a full mark (100) for the presentation. However, some presentations were below expectations and were accordingly graded. If you did not receive a full mark, please consider this as motivation to improve the quality of your work in the final projects. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-16/2/2025, 22:15:27 Created on 16/2/2025, 22:15:27 Создано16/2/2025, 22:15:27 تم النشر ب-16/2/2025, 22:15:27 |
Proposals Presentations | |
Dear Students, The grades section has been updated to include a "Proposal_presentation_recieved" section. Please send your proposal presentations to Yaniv if you have not done so already. You may do so at the following mail: Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-4/2/2025, 18:22:07 Last updated on 4/2/2025, 18:22:07 Последняя модификация4/2/2025, 18:22:07 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-4/2/2025, 18:22:07 |
Proposals Presentations Schedule | |
Dear Students, You can view the proposal presentation schedule at following link: Good Luck, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-2/2/2025, 16:07:50 Created on 2/2/2025, 16:07:50 Создано2/2/2025, 16:07:50 تم النشر ب-2/2/2025, 16:07:50 |
Project Proposals Presentations | |
Dear Students, We remind you that the project presentations are scheduled for Monday (3.2). They will be conducted at Taub 7. We detail the presentation process and what we expect from each group below: Register for a presentation time if you haven't already done so. You may do so via the following link: The presentations will be 10-15 minutes for each group. Prepare a presentation which explains your project and previous works it is based on Arrive before your appointed time, as we hope to be ahead of schedule. In addition, you are expected to remain to view some of the other lectures. Good Luck, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-29/1/2025, 14:36:21 Created on 29/1/2025, 14:36:21 Создано29/1/2025, 14:36:21 تم النشر ب-29/1/2025, 14:36:21 |
Approving Project proposals | |
Dear Students, The titles of projects that have been approved so far are registered on the course website under the grades section. Remember that your project proposals must be approved by Friday (24/1). Please make sure that your project is registered by this date. Otherwise, points will be deducted from the project evaluation. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-22/1/2025, 15:56:49 Created on 22/1/2025, 15:56:49 Создано22/1/2025, 15:56:49 تم النشر ب-22/1/2025, 15:56:49 |
Guest Lecture next week | |
Dear Students, Next week, we will host a guest lecture by Stav Cohen on "The Double AI Agent." This lecture, based on the paper, was previously presented at the BlackHat 2024 conference. Due to rights conflicts, it will not be recorded, and we highly recommend you attend in person or via Zoom. Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-20/1/2025, 21:23:01 Last updated on 20/1/2025, 21:23:01 Последняя модификация20/1/2025, 21:23:01 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-20/1/2025, 21:23:01 |
Links to papers on Security of LLMs | |
For students who are interested in works on attack on LLMs. We upload a file call "references to papers on LLM security" where you can find pointer for many papers on that topic |
פורסם ב-16/1/2025, 18:32:00 Created on 16/1/2025, 18:32:00 Создано16/1/2025, 18:32:00 تم النشر ب-16/1/2025, 18:32:00 |
Project proposal registration form replaced | |
Dear Students, Due to technical issues, we have replaced the registration form. Please note that all the responses so far have been deleted. The link in the final project guideline has been updated, and we provide it below as well: Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-15/1/2025, 21:18:54 Created on 15/1/2025, 21:18:54 Создано15/1/2025, 21:18:54 تم النشر ب-15/1/2025, 21:18:54 |
Project proposals | |
Dear Students, The project proposal presentations are scheduled for the final class of the semester at 3.2 from 15:30 to 21:30. The final project guideline have been updated with a link to the project proposals presentation registration form, and each group must register for one of the available times. In addition, we extended the deadline for submitting the proposals for approval to 24.1. We will also conduct a project proposal workshop during Monday's tutorial (20.1), which will be mandatory for all the groups who have yet to approve the proposal. The project topics for groups that have approved their proposals are presented in the grade section on the course's website. The project proposals are vital to producing a successful project, and we ask all students to choose their project topic as soon as possible. Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-15/1/2025, 19:31:39 Last updated on 15/1/2025, 19:31:39 Последняя модификация15/1/2025, 19:31:39 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-15/1/2025, 19:31:39 |
Guest lecture on refusal space in LLM | |
Dear students, Today at 18:30 there will be a guest zoom lecture of a researcher from ETH at Taub 8. The lecture will be hosted by the LLM research group under the organization of the course Staff. You may also join via zoom at the following link: The lecture will be on the topic of refusal space in LLM, and specifically in jailbreak attacks. The lecture is based on the paper: Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-13/1/2025, 16:03:34 Created on 13/1/2025, 16:03:34 Создано13/1/2025, 16:03:34 تم النشر ب-13/1/2025, 16:03:34 |
Project Proposals Workshop | |
Dear Students, Tomorrow's tutorial will be dedicated to the project proposals workshop. During the workshop, the course staff will review the project proposals of attending groups. We will discuss each group's proposal and help you define suitable projects. Groups are welcome to prepare ideas and relevant papers on which to base their work. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-12/1/2025, 15:17:27 Created on 12/1/2025, 15:17:27 Создано12/1/2025, 15:17:27 تم النشر ب-12/1/2025, 15:17:27 |
Final Project Guideline and relevent dates | |
Dear Students, The guidelines for the final project have been published; please review them for instructions and relevant dates. In addition, please note that the project proposals are due at the 20.1 Good Luck, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-5/1/2025, 16:50:19 Created on 5/1/2025, 16:50:19 Создано5/1/2025, 16:50:19 تم النشر ب-5/1/2025, 16:50:19 |
HW1 Workshop | |
Dear Students, Tomorrow's tutorial will be dedicated to the homework workshop. The workshop will be in a Q&A format; you are welcome to prepare questions. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-5/1/2025, 15:07:56 Created on 5/1/2025, 15:07:56 Создано5/1/2025, 15:07:56 تم النشر ب-5/1/2025, 15:07:56 |
HW1 extension | |
Dear Students, We are extending the submission deadline of H.W1 to the 19.1. Please note that the submission of project proposals will be due in the same week. Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/1/2025, 15:02:42 Last updated on 5/1/2025, 15:02:42 Последняя модификация5/1/2025, 15:02:42 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/1/2025, 15:02:42 |
Assignment partner matching | |
Dear Students, We have opened an online sheet to help you look for assignment partners It is available at the link below: Please fill in your details and contact others who have done the same. |
פורסם ב-31/12/2024, 16:58:36 Created on 31/12/2024, 16:58:36 Создано31/12/2024, 16:58:36 تم النشر ب-31/12/2024, 16:58:36 |
HW1 update | |
Dear students, We have replaced one of the models we specified in HW1 with another as it is no longer available. The "model_name" value for running the new model is: "Wong2020Fast". Please refer to the updated HW guideline for more details. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-24/12/2024, 19:58:43 Created on 24/12/2024, 19:58:43 Создано24/12/2024, 19:58:43 تم النشر ب-24/12/2024, 19:58:43 |
HW 1 published | |
Dear Students, The guideline for the first homework assignment is available on the course site. The code implementation and environment setup guide are provided in HW0. Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-22/12/2024, 18:12:36 Last updated on 22/12/2024, 18:12:36 Последняя модификация22/12/2024, 18:12:36 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-22/12/2024, 18:12:36 |
Additional Deep Learning Tutorials Videos | |
Dear Students, We have uploaded additional videos of deep learning tutorials. These tutorials are taught in the pre-required course "Deep Learning on Computational Accelerators" (238781) Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-17/12/2024, 15:54:00 Created on 17/12/2024, 15:54:00 Создано17/12/2024, 15:54:00 تم النشر ب-17/12/2024, 15:54:00 |
Access to the lambda computational server | |
Dear Students, Students who requested access to the lambda computational server have been registered; please see the link below for HPC servers use instructions: Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-10/12/2024, 16:45:50 Created on 10/12/2024, 16:45:50 Создано10/12/2024, 16:45:50 تم النشر ب-10/12/2024, 16:45:50 |
Deep Learning Tutorials Videos | |
Dear Students, We have uploaded videos of Yaniv's deep learning tutorials. You may go over them to refresh your understanding of deep learning concepts. These tutorials are fundamental, and we plan to upload more extensive tutorials and lectures in the following days. Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-3/12/2024, 17:47:32 Last updated on 3/12/2024, 17:47:32 Последняя модификация3/12/2024, 17:47:32 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-3/12/2024, 17:47:32 |
Readme file added to homework 0 | |
Dear students, A Readme.txt file have been added to homework 0. This file contain a short description for each of the files in the directory. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-3/12/2024, 16:42:37 Created on 3/12/2024, 16:42:37 Создано3/12/2024, 16:42:37 تم النشر ب-3/12/2024, 16:42:37 |
Access to the lambda computational server | |
Dear Students, We are opening a student group for the course on the lambda computational server. You will need to use the server for the course's homework, and we ask that all students that do not already have access to the server send an email to Yaniv(, contacting the following details: - Full Name - ID number - Campus mail address Regards, Cousre Staff |
פורסם ב-1/12/2024, 17:30:16 Created on 1/12/2024, 17:30:16 Создано1/12/2024, 17:30:16 تم النشر ب-1/12/2024, 17:30:16 |
HW0 - not for submission | |
Dear Students, We have added HW0 to the course website. This homework is not for submission and is meant to help you familiarize yourself with adversarial attacks. The framework is functional and you can produce various attacks on image classification models. The following assignment will use the same framework, so please ensure you can deploy the attached environment and run the attacks. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-1/12/2024, 17:27:15 Created on 1/12/2024, 17:27:15 Создано1/12/2024, 17:27:15 تم النشر ب-1/12/2024, 17:27:15 |
Lecture room change | |
Dear students, As the security limitations have been canceled, the class room have been changed to Taub 7 (Instead of Taub 8). Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-1/12/2024, 16:10:00 Created on 1/12/2024, 16:10:00 Создано1/12/2024, 16:10:00 تم النشر ب-1/12/2024, 16:10:00 |
Course Whatsapp group | |
Dear students, You may join the course's Whatsapp group via the following link: We encourage you to ask and discuss in the group about any relevant topic. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-25/11/2024, 12:28:26 Created on 25/11/2024, 12:28:26 Создано25/11/2024, 12:28:26 تم النشر ب-25/11/2024, 12:28:26 |
In person Classes | |
Dear students, Starting from today, the classes will be conducted in Taub 8. You may now attend in-person or via zoom. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-25/11/2024, 10:44:37 Created on 25/11/2024, 10:44:37 Создано25/11/2024, 10:44:37 تم النشر ب-25/11/2024, 10:44:37 |
video of first class was uploaded |
פורסם ב-20/11/2024, 22:11:58 Created on 20/11/2024, 22:11:58 Создано20/11/2024, 22:11:58 تم النشر ب-20/11/2024, 22:11:58 |
Allowing assignment submission of 3 groups | |
Dear students, We will allow submissions of assignments for groups with up to 3 students. This includes both homework assignments and projects. The required scope of projects would then increase with the number of participants. Each student in the group is expected to focus on a different aspect, as in pair submission Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-19/11/2024, 18:10:23 Last updated on 19/11/2024, 18:10:23 Последняя модификация19/11/2024, 18:10:23 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-19/11/2024, 18:10:23 |
Registration for in-person class attendance | |
Dear Students, Due to the security limitations, we ask students that intend to attend classes in-person to register via the following link: Please make sure to register if you intend to attend the classes in-person. Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-19/11/2024, 15:54:02 Created on 19/11/2024, 15:54:02 Создано19/11/2024, 15:54:02 تم النشر ب-19/11/2024, 15:54:02 |
Classes' zoom link and registration for in-person participation | |
Dear Students, The zoom link for the course classes is: Due to the current limitations, the next class at Monday 18.11 will be only via Zoom. Afterwards, we will open a registration for an in-person participation group. Regards, Course Staff |
עדכון אחרון ב-18/11/2024, 12:49:59 Last updated on 18/11/2024, 12:49:59 Последняя модификация18/11/2024, 12:49:59 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-18/11/2024, 12:49:59 |
Reminder of class cancellation | |
Dear students, We remind you that the class this Monday (11.11) is cancelled. Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-9/11/2024, 19:55:00 Created on 9/11/2024, 19:55:00 Создано9/11/2024, 19:55:00 تم النشر ب-9/11/2024, 19:55:00 |
Cancellation of first Lecture & Tutorial | |
Dear Students, The class in the first week of the semester are cancelled, and a make-up class will be scheduled during the semester. The first lecture and tutorial will be held the following week as scheduled (Monday 18.11 15:30-18:30). Regards, Course Staff |
פורסם ב-27/10/2024, 19:46:10 Created on 27/10/2024, 19:46:10 Создано27/10/2024, 19:46:10 تم النشر ب-27/10/2024, 19:46:10 |