Exam A grades + HW4 + hw transfer | |
Exam A grades are published, feedbacks will be available during the night. The grades in the feedback do not include the American questions part: american_score = ExamA-feedback_grade. Part 4 (FS) question 4 has been factored out, a thorough explanation will be included in the official solution that will be published tomorrow. Appeals for the exam are available to submit until 12.3. When submitting an appeal the whole question may be rechecked, a good appeal is one that is based on the official solution. HW grades for students who requested a transfer from previous semester have been transferred, you cannot change your mind after filling the form. HW4 grades and feedback are available, appeals are open until 30.3. For the wet part you have the option to submit an appeal with code resubmission for minor changes that may cost a 10-point reduction. This option is not available if your grade is above 90. Choosing this option requires: - Resubmitting your code with minor changes. - Submitting a PDF file explaining the changes made. Accepted minor changes include fixing typos or modifying up to 5 lines of code. If your submission did not compile, ensure it complies with the required ZIP structure as specified in the assignment, and includes all necessary files. Please follow these guidelines carefully when submitting your appeal. |
עדכון אחרון ב-6/3/2025, 22:30:10 Last updated on 6/3/2025, 22:30:10 Последняя модификация6/3/2025, 22:30:10 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-6/3/2025, 22:30:10 |
HW3 wet | |
Due to a compilation error the wet assignments have been re-check. Appeal period has been extended to 6/3 |
עדכון אחרון ב-26/2/2025, 17:18:55 Last updated on 26/2/2025, 17:18:55 Последняя модификация26/2/2025, 17:18:55 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-26/2/2025, 17:18:55 |
HW3 wet and dry grades | |
HW3 wet and dry grades and feedback are published. Appeals are open until 4/3. For the wet part you have the option to submit an appeal with code resubmission for minor changes that may cost a 10-point reduction. This option is not available if your grade is above 90. Choosing this option requires: - Resubmitting your code with minor changes. - Submitting a PDF file explaining the changes made. Accepted minor changes include fixing typos or modifying up to 5 lines of code. If your submission did not compile, ensure it complies with the required ZIP structure as specified in the assignment, and includes all necessary files. Please follow these guidelines carefully when submitting your appeal. |
פורסם ב-24/2/2025, 21:10:41 Created on 24/2/2025, 21:10:41 Создано24/2/2025, 21:10:41 تم النشر ب-24/2/2025, 21:10:41 |
Exam A + hw1/2 appeals | |
Exam A will take place next week 24/2. The cover page has been published in the appropriate folder. Offices hours for the exam (this post will be updated with additional office hours and location): Leonid - 19.2 10:00, zoom Anastasia - 20.2 9:30, Taub 8 Shachar - 20.2 12:00, Taub 3 Daniel - 23.2 11:00, https://technion.zoom.us/j/94790939026 Alex - 23.2 14:30, Taub 3 Appeals for HW1 and HW2 have been returned |
עדכון אחרון ב-23/2/2025, 12:08:28 Last updated on 23/2/2025, 12:08:28 Последняя модификация23/2/2025, 12:08:28 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-23/2/2025, 12:08:28 |
HW2 wet grades and feedback | |
HW2 wet grades and feedback are published. Appeals are open until 5/2. You have the option to submit an appeal with code resubmission for minor changes that may cost a 10-point reduction. This option is not available if your grade is above 90. Choosing this option requires: - Resubmitting your code with minor changes. - Submitting a PDF file explaining the changes made. Accepted minor changes include fixing typos or modifying up to 5 lines of code. If your submission did not compile, ensure it complies with the required ZIP structure as specified in the assignment, and includes all necessary files. Please follow these guidelines carefully when submitting your appeal. |
פורסם ב-29/1/2025, 16:55:19 Created on 29/1/2025, 16:55:19 Создано29/1/2025, 16:55:19 تم النشر ب-29/1/2025, 16:55:19 |
Shachar supplementary tutorial + Anastasia's lecture recording | |
Shachar will conduct a supplementary tutorial today 17:00 online: https://technion.zoom.us/j/97241849450?pwd=qS2Npslmhfvvkm8jPm0DtHRZhnmFGj.1 Anastasia's lecture about the end of the virtual memory material is available: https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpanoptotech.cloud.panopto.eu%2FPanopto%2FPages%2FViewer.aspx%3Fid%3D0584521f-235c-4a69-9ba8-b26a01170e88&data=05%7C02%7Cdaniel.br%40campus.technion.ac.il%7C81e8ba1094f64dd0be0108dd3a21aa91%7Cf1502c4cee2e411c9715c855f6753b84%7C1%7C0%7C638730638467818327%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=blgdDhQaj7z%2FYRklXgDr2XTlhS0JQckdJV5AaamxfQ4%3D&reserved=0 |
פורסם ב-29/1/2025, 11:08:28 Created on 29/1/2025, 11:08:28 Создано29/1/2025, 11:08:28 تم النشر ب-29/1/2025, 11:08:28 |
HW2 dry grades + HW4 dry part | |
HW2 dry part grades and feedback are available, appeals are open until 28.1. HW4 dry part has been published, due date and postponement link are the same as the wet part. |
פורסם ב-21/1/2025, 20:23:18 Created on 21/1/2025, 20:23:18 Создано21/1/2025, 20:23:18 تم النشر ب-21/1/2025, 20:23:18 |
HW4 | |
HW4 wet part has been published, the dry part will be published tomorrow. Due date is 4.2. Postponement requests may be submitted via the provided link https://forms.office.com/r/ynNa7hh0xP?origin=lprLink , postponement requests sent directly to Daniel will be ignored. Questions regarding the assignments should be asked in the piazza forum, answers by the TA in-charge of the assignment must be followed. Malik's office hours will be dedicated to the assignment. |
פורסם ב-19/1/2025, 21:33:50 Created on 19/1/2025, 21:33:50 Создано19/1/2025, 21:33:50 تم النشر ب-19/1/2025, 21:33:50 |
Anastasia's supplementary lecture | |
Anastasia will conduct a supplementary lecture tomorrow (19.1) at 17:00 in Taub 7 |
פורסם ב-18/1/2025, 22:16:33 Created on 18/1/2025, 22:16:33 Создано18/1/2025, 22:16:33 تم النشر ب-18/1/2025, 22:16:33 |
HW1 wet grades and feedback | |
HW1 wet grades and feedback are published. Appeals are open until 26/1. You have the option to submit an appeal with code resubmission for minor changes that may cost a 10-point reduction. This option is not available if your grade is above 90. Choosing this option requires: - Resubmitting your code with minor changes. - Submitting a PDF file explaining the changes made. Accepted minor changes include fixing typos or modifying up to 5 lines of code. If your submission did not compile, ensure it complies with the required ZIP structure as specified in the assignment, and includes all necessary files. Please follow these guidelines carefully when submitting your appeal. |
פורסם ב-15/1/2025, 17:04:58 Created on 15/1/2025, 17:04:58 Создано15/1/2025, 17:04:58 تم النشر ب-15/1/2025, 17:04:58 |
HW3 office hours | |
Shachar will conduct dedicated office hours for the third assignment. Tomorrow 6.1 16:30-18:30 and Wednesday 8.1 16:30, Taub 201 |
פורסם ב-5/1/2025, 22:08:56 Created on 5/1/2025, 22:08:56 Создано5/1/2025, 22:08:56 تم النشر ب-5/1/2025, 22:08:56 |
HW3 | |
HW3 wet files have been updated. The submission deadline for the WET part ONLY has been delayed to 21.1. HW4 will still be published on time. |
עדכון אחרון ב-5/1/2025, 22:00:23 Last updated on 5/1/2025, 22:00:23 Последняя модификация5/1/2025, 22:00:23 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-5/1/2025, 22:00:23 |
HW3 | |
please take note that the wet part has been updated |
פורסם ב-4/1/2025, 22:46:54 Created on 4/1/2025, 22:46:54 Создано4/1/2025, 22:46:54 تم النشر ب-4/1/2025, 22:46:54 |
HW3 | |
HW3 wet and dry assignments have been published in the appropriate section. Due date is 19.1. Postponement requests may be submitted via the provided link https://forms.office.com/r/8fPifDsTd4?origin=lprLink , postponement requests sent directly to Daniel will be ignored. Questions regarding the assignments should be asked in the piazza forum, answers by the TA in-charge of the assignment must be followed. Shachar's office hours will be dedicated to the assignment. |
פורסם ב-1/1/2025, 17:02:20 Created on 1/1/2025, 17:02:20 Создано1/1/2025, 17:02:20 تم النشر ب-1/1/2025, 17:02:20 |
HW2 | |
please take note that the dry part has been updated |
עדכון אחרון ב-29/12/2024, 14:43:53 Last updated on 29/12/2024, 14:43:53 Последняя модификация29/12/2024, 14:43:53 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-29/12/2024, 14:43:53 |
Malik's supplementry tutorial | |
Malik's supplementry tutorial will be held online tomorrow 16:30 - 18:30 https://technion.zoom.us/j/96619406953 |
פורסם ב-23/12/2024, 10:56:28 Created on 23/12/2024, 10:56:28 Создано23/12/2024, 10:56:28 تم النشر ب-23/12/2024, 10:56:28 |
Additional office hour for HW2 | |
Alex will conduct an additional office hour dedicated to HW2 Wednesday next week (25.12) 14:30 in Taub 320. If you plan on arriving after 14:35 please notify Alex in advance. |
פורסם ב-20/12/2024, 12:31:05 Created on 20/12/2024, 12:31:05 Создано20/12/2024, 12:31:05 تم النشر ب-20/12/2024, 12:31:05 |
Leonid's lecture | |
Leonid's lecture today (18.12) will start at 8:45 and is moved to Taub 3 |
עדכון אחרון ב-18/12/2024, 08:13:51 Last updated on 18/12/2024, 08:13:51 Последняя модификация18/12/2024, 08:13:51 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-18/12/2024, 08:13:51 |
A few announcments | |
Anastasia's lecture on Sunday 5/1/25 is cancelled, she will conduct a supplementary lecture Sunday next week 22/12 17:00 at Taub 7. Malik's tutorial tomorrow is cancelled, he will conduct a supplementary tutorial (we will update this post will time and location). Malik's tutorials have permanently moved to Taub 2. There are no lectures and tutorials from 29/12 through 31/12 due to Hanukkah vacation. |
עדכון אחרון ב-22/12/2024, 10:25:02 Last updated on 22/12/2024, 10:25:02 Последняя модификация22/12/2024, 10:25:02 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-22/12/2024, 10:25:02 |
Alex's tutorial today | |
Due to sickness Alex's tutorial + office hour today is cancelled. A supplementary tutorial will take place next Wednesday 12:30 |
פורסם ב-16/12/2024, 08:32:30 Created on 16/12/2024, 08:32:30 Создано16/12/2024, 08:32:30 تم النشر ب-16/12/2024, 08:32:30 |
HW2 | |
HW2 wet and dry assignments have been published in the appropriate section. Due date is 1.1. Postponement requests may be submitted via the provided link https://forms.office.com/r/DUJdsukEup?origin=lprLink , postponement requests sent directly to Daniel will be ignored. Questions regarding the assignments should be asked in the piazza forum, answers by the TA in-charge of the assignment must be followed. Alex's office hours will be dedicated to the assignment. |
עדכון אחרון ב-15/12/2024, 19:15:48 Last updated on 15/12/2024, 19:15:48 Последняя модификация15/12/2024, 19:15:48 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-15/12/2024, 19:15:48 |
Malik's tutorial | |
Malik's tutorial tomorrow (10:30-12:30) has been moved to Taub 2 |
פורסם ב-11/12/2024, 00:42:43 Created on 11/12/2024, 00:42:43 Создано11/12/2024, 00:42:43 تم النشر ب-11/12/2024, 00:42:43 |
HW grades transfer | |
Please read this guideline very carefully: As decided by the faculty students who are registered to the course can carry on their HW grades from the previous semester (spring 23-24) *only* to this semester. Please fill in the form by 17.12, it will not be possible to transfer grades after this deadline: https://forms.office.com/r/ZWUhEsUxFu?origin=lprLink If you submit an assignment it will be graded and your previous grade will be ignored even if you have filled in the form. Grades received due to reserve duty cannot be carried on |
עדכון אחרון ב-10/12/2024, 12:21:25 Last updated on 10/12/2024, 12:21:25 Последняя модификация10/12/2024, 12:21:25 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-10/12/2024, 12:21:25 |
Daniel's tutorial and office hour | |
Daniei's tutorial today (12:30) will take place in Ullman 205 and the his office hour (14:30) will take place in the same room. During the office hour he will solve a question in IPC from a previous exam |
עדכון אחרון ב-1/12/2024, 11:18:49 Last updated on 1/12/2024, 11:18:49 Последняя модификация1/12/2024, 11:18:49 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-1/12/2024, 11:18:49 |
Return to frontal lectures and tutorioals | |
As announced by the Technion we will return to frontal meetings in all groups. Anastasia's lecture will take place tomorrow 9:30 in Taub 7. Daniel's tutorial will take place tomorrow 12:30 in Ullman 205, please pay attention to the course's site as we might be able to continue in Taub 8. Ahmad's tutorial will take place tomorrow 14:30 in Ullman 308. The rest of the tutorials and lectures will take place as listed here: https://portalex.technion.ac.il/ovv/?sap-theme=sap_belize&sap-language=HE&sap-ui-language=HE#/details/2024/200/SM/02340123/ZzScOtjid=SC00001314%3BZzCgOtjid=CG00006245%3BZzPoVersion=CG00006246 |
עדכון אחרון ב-30/11/2024, 21:20:57 Last updated on 30/11/2024, 21:20:57 Последняя модификация30/11/2024, 21:20:57 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-30/11/2024, 21:20:57 |
HW1 | |
HW1 wet and dry assignments have been published in the appropriate section. Due date is 15.12. Postponement requests may be submitted via the provided link https://forms.office.com/r/exT9LqQbeV?origin=lprLink , postponement requests sent directly to Daniel will be ignored. Questions regarding the assignments should be asked in the piazza forum, answers by the TA in-charge of the assignment must be followed. Ahmad's office hours will be dedicated to the first assignment, please attend these office hours with the course's VM already up and running. If you are having problems with the VM installation please attend Daniel's office hours. It is highly recommended to use visual studio code for remote ssh development on your VM, there's a recorded workshop in the course's material tab that will guide you on this matter. |
פורסם ב-24/11/2024, 10:37:39 Created on 24/11/2024, 10:37:39 Создано24/11/2024, 10:37:39 تم النشر ب-24/11/2024, 10:37:39 |
Malik's Supplementary Tutorial | |
Malik will hold a supplementary tutorial tomorrow (21.11) 16:30-18:30 and will cover material of the third tutorial(IPC) Zoom link: https://technion.zoom.us/j/96619406953 |
פורסם ב-20/11/2024, 17:45:57 Created on 20/11/2024, 17:45:57 Создано20/11/2024, 17:45:57 تم النشر ب-20/11/2024, 17:45:57 |
TA groups + in-person tutorials and lectures | |
- Ahmad's tutorial will be held on Sundays at 14:30-16:30 - Alex's tutorial will be held in person on Mondays at 12:30-14:30, Taub 8 - Shachar's tutorial will be held on Tuesdays at 12:30-14:30 All other groups are unchanged. You may attend Anastasia's lecture, Daniel's and Alex's tutorials in-person without filling the form ahead of time. |
עדכון אחרון ב-16/11/2024, 17:34:04 Last updated on 16/11/2024, 17:34:04 Последняя модификация16/11/2024, 17:34:04 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-16/11/2024, 17:34:04 |
Leonid and Malik's lecture/tutorial tomorrow | |
Leonid's lecture 8:30-10:30, https://technion.zoom.us/j/91990263665 Malik's tutorial 10:30-12:30,https://technion.zoom.us/j/96619406953 |
עדכון אחרון ב-13/11/2024, 09:21:48 Last updated on 13/11/2024, 09:21:48 Последняя модификация13/11/2024, 09:21:48 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-13/11/2024, 09:21:48 |
Alex's tutorial tomorrow | |
12:30-14:30 https://technion.zoom.us/j/91412732558?pwd=75BsCubyt99e1zEyskQWxh2ygs5ZaO.1 |
פורסם ב-11/11/2024, 22:24:18 Created on 11/11/2024, 22:24:18 Создано11/11/2024, 22:24:18 تم النشر ب-11/11/2024, 22:24:18 |
HW0 + piazza | |
HW0 is available, it is mandatory and is to be completed individually. TA in charge is Daniel. You are welcome to register to the piazza forum: https://piazza.com/technion.ac.il/winter2025/234123 |
פורסם ב-10/11/2024, 12:20:38 Created on 10/11/2024, 12:20:38 Создано10/11/2024, 12:20:38 تم النشر ب-10/11/2024, 12:20:38 |
Lectures and tutorials this week | |
Link to sign up to this week's in person tutorials/lectures https://forms.office.com/r/dfpxeZ0wP7?origin=lprLink, since there may be problems with automatic reply system you may attend Anastasia's lecture (9:30-11:30, Taub 8) and Daniel's tutorial (12:30-14:30, Taub 8) tomorrow even if your request was declined via email * remote attendance to these lectures/tutorials will not be possible and they will not be recorded Shachar's tutorial 14:30-16:30: https://technion.zoom.us/j/94345952536?pwd=mj0y9NjwamGylKNS2yVXbs0zwheMgz.1 |
עדכון אחרון ב-9/11/2024, 21:55:53 Last updated on 9/11/2024, 21:55:53 Последняя модификация9/11/2024, 21:55:53 تمت الحتلنة الأخيرة ب-9/11/2024, 21:55:53 |
Welcome | |
Welcome to Operating Systems course, The semester starts next week and we are excited to see you all. There will be 12 weeks this semester which means that tutorial 1 (introduction) and lecture 13 (virtualization) are optional, recording of tutorial 1 can be found in the recordings folder under course material. It is highly recommended to watch this tutorial as the material it covers is part of the course's material. Reserve duty students are welcome to contact us and each case will be handled individually. The course's schedule regarding assignments can be seen in the homework tab. This semester only part of the tutorials and lectures will be held in person: - Anastasia's Lectures on Sundays 9:30 will be held in Taub 8 - Daniel's tutorial on Sundays 12:30 will be held in Taub 8 - Ahmad's tutorials on Mondays 12:300 will be held in Taub 8 attendance to these lectures/tutorials in limited to 40 participants, to attend please fill in the forms document that will be sent weekly all other lectures/tutorials will be conducted remotely via zoom Announcement for next week: - Daniel will not hold an office hour --Regards, Course staff |
פורסם ב-8/11/2024, 12:16:56 Created on 8/11/2024, 12:16:56 Создано8/11/2024, 12:16:56 تم النشر ب-8/11/2024, 12:16:56 |