.. (לתיקייה המכילה) | ||
General | |
Each assignment is submitted both manually, a printout of your work + documentation, and electronically. The manual submission goes to the course's box on Taub's 1st floor, and electornic one is through a link in the site. Submission should be done no later than the specified deadline. Note that deadlines contain an exact hour. Each day delay carries a penalty of 5 points. A day late is anything between 0.001 seconds and 24 hours after the deadline. If you submit your "dry" (printout) works after the deadline, it should go to the box of the TA in charge of this exercise, NOT to the course box. |
Copying - read carefully | |
Copying will be handled severly in this course. Your dry works and wet submissions are randomally checked. If you have been caught cheating, you and the poor persons who did the mistake and let you copy, will start with being expelled from the course with a 0, and continue with "Vaadat Mishmaat". Please, do not come crying afterwards, especially those of you who worked hard and just let others to copy. |
Reserve Duty | |
Reserve duty during the period of an assignment entitles you to a day postponment on each day of reserve duty. There is no need to come in advance and ask for postponment; you can just submit late without asking anyone. Just to remind you; late submission of the dry works is to the box of the TA in charge of the assignment. When you return from the vacation, bring a copy of your reserve duty certification to the TA in charge, Yaniv; and to him only. |
Late Submission | |
The only legal late submission is due to reserve duty, explained above. Any other late submission carries a fine of 5 points per each late day. It is not possible to submit more then 7 days late. Late dry submissions are only to the box of the TA in charge of that assignment. Do not submit to the course box, since it will intermix with the next assignment. Late wet submissions are as usual, via the web site. |
Automatic Checker | |
Although it's quite a long document, it is essential that you read it fully; to help you pass the course in one piece.
In this course we put emphasis on teaching you how to build relatively large systems, from specifications and existing modules. This is a very important lesson when coming to work in the IT industry.
What we do is simulate real-life projects in the home assignments we give you. That means that for each assignment you will receive the following:
There is no point in arguing the automatic check results; they are final. However, under one of the following conditions you have a right to ask for a re-check:
Only the 3 reasons stated above are eligible; following are examples of common excuses that are denied:
Understanding Automatic Checker Results | |
Each of you have a personal directory containing the exercise files as submitted by you, as well as our test files and their results. This directory is ~cs234122/public/<semester>/ex<exnum>/ex<exnum>.results/<id>/ (e.g. ~cs234122/public/0203b/ex1/ex1.results/012345678-987654321/).There you find the following files:
~cs234122/public/<semester>/ex<exnum>/ex<exnum>.results/automatic_checker_tests.txt (e.g. ~cs234122/public/0203b/ex1/ex1.results/automatic_checker_tests.txt) you'll find a text file that contains a short description of each of the tests.
Why have I received -55 as "Manual check grade" ?? | |
This means that your dry work was not checked for some reason. It might be because you submitted it late, put it in the wrong cell, in the wrong TA box or that you been caught copying. In any case, besides the latter, contact the TA in charge of the course. |